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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation.
# Copyright (c) 2023 SysEleven GmbH.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
from neutron.extensions import router_availability_zone as router_az
from neutron import worker as neutron_worker
from neutron_lib import context as ncontext
from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
from neutron_lib.db import model_base
from neutron_lib.plugins import constants as plugin_const
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_messaging
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import func
from neutron_vpnaas._i18n import _
from neutron_vpnaas.db.vpn import vpn_models
from neutron_vpnaas.extensions import vpn_agentschedulers
from import AGENT_TYPE_VPN
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
help=_('Driver to use for scheduling '
'router to a VPN agent')),
cfg.BoolOpt('vpn_auto_schedule', default=True,
help=_('Allow auto scheduling of routers to VPN agent.')),
cfg.BoolOpt('allow_automatic_vpnagent_failover', default=False,
help=_('Automatically reschedule routers from offline VPN '
'agents to online VPN agents.')),
class RouterVPNAgentBinding(model_base.BASEV2):
"""Represents binding between neutron routers and VPN agents."""
router_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36),
sa.ForeignKey("", ondelete='CASCADE'),
vpn_agent_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
class VPNAgentSchedulerDbMixin(
"""Mixin class to add VPN agent scheduler extension to plugins
using the VPN agent.
vpn_scheduler = None
agent_notifiers = {}
def l3_plugin(self):
return directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.L3)
def core_plugin(self):
return directory.get_plugin()
def add_periodic_vpn_agent_status_check(self):
if not cfg.CONF.allow_automatic_vpnagent_failover:"Skipping periodic VPN agent status check because "
"automatic rescheduling is disabled.")
interval = max(cfg.CONF.agent_down_time // 2, 1)
# add random initial delay to allow agents to check in after the
# neutron server first starts. random to offset multiple servers
initial_delay = random.randint(interval, interval * 2)
check_worker = neutron_worker.PeriodicWorker(
interval, initial_delay)
def reschedule_vpnservices_from_down_agents(self):
"""Reschedule VPN services from down VPN agents.
VPN services are scheduled per router.
context = ncontext.get_admin_context()
down_bindings = self.get_down_router_bindings(context)
agents_back_online = set()
for binding in down_bindings:
if binding.vpn_agent_id in agents_back_online:
agent = self.core_plugin.get_agent(context,
if agent['alive']:
"Rescheduling vpn services for router %(router)s from "
"agent %(agent)s because the agent is not alive.",
{'router': binding.router_id,
'agent': binding.vpn_agent_id})
self.reschedule_router(context, binding.router_id, agent)
except (vpn_agentschedulers.RouterReschedulingFailed,
# Catch individual rescheduling errors here
# so one broken one doesn't stop the iteration.
LOG.exception("Failed to reschedule vpn services for "
"router %s", binding.router_id)
except Exception:
# we want to be thorough and catch whatever is raised
# to avoid loop abortion
LOG.exception("Exception encountered during vpn service "
def get_down_router_bindings(self, context):
vpn_agents = self.get_vpn_agents(context, active=False)
if not vpn_agents:
return []
vpn_agent_ids = [vpn_agent['id'] for vpn_agent in vpn_agents]
query = context.session.query(RouterVPNAgentBinding)
query = query.filter(
return query.all()
def validate_agent_router_combination(self, context, agent, router):
"""Validate if the router can be correctly assigned to the agent.
:raises: InvalidVPNAgent if attempting to assign router to an
unsuitable agent (disabled, type != VPN, incompatible configuration)
if agent['agent_type'] != AGENT_TYPE_VPN:
raise vpn_agentschedulers.InvalidVPNAgent(id=agent['id'])
def check_agent_router_scheduling_needed(self, context, agent, router):
"""Check if the scheduling of router's VPN services is needed.
:raises: RouterHostedByVPNAgent if router is already assigned
to a different agent.
:returns: True if scheduling is needed, otherwise False
router_id = router['id']
agent_id = agent['id']
query = context.session.query(RouterVPNAgentBinding)
bindings = query.filter_by(router_id=router_id).all()
if not bindings:
return True
for binding in bindings:
if binding.vpn_agent_id == agent_id:
# router already bound to the agent we need
return False
# Router is already bound to some agent
raise vpn_agentschedulers.RouterHostedByVPNAgent(
def create_router_to_agent_binding(self, context, router_id, agent_id):
"""Create router to VPN agent binding."""
with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context):
binding = RouterVPNAgentBinding()
binding.vpn_agent_id = agent_id
binding.router_id = router_id
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
LOG.debug('VPN service of router %(router_id)s has already been '
'scheduled to a VPN agent.',
{'router_id': router_id})
return False
except db_exc.DBReferenceError:
LOG.debug('Router %s has already been removed '
'by concurrent operation', router_id)
return False
LOG.debug('VPN service of router %(router_id)s is scheduled to '
'VPN agent %(agent_id)s',
{'router_id': router_id, 'agent_id': agent_id})
return True
def add_router_to_vpn_agent(self, context, agent_id, router_id):
"""Add a VPN agent to host VPN services of a router."""
with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context):
router = self.l3_plugin.get_router(context, router_id)
agent = self.core_plugin.get_agent(context, agent_id)
self.validate_agent_router_combination(context, agent, router)
if not self.check_agent_router_scheduling_needed(
context, agent, router):
success = self.create_router_to_agent_binding(
context, router['id'], agent['id'])
except db_exc.DBError:
success = False
if not success:
raise vpn_agentschedulers.RouterSchedulingFailed(
router_id=router_id, agent_id=agent_id)
# notify agent
vpn_notifier = self.agent_notifiers.get(AGENT_TYPE_VPN)
if vpn_notifier:
context, [router_id], agent['host'])
# update port binding
context, router_id, agent['host'])
def remove_router_from_vpn_agent(self, context, agent_id, router_id):
"""Remove the router from VPN agent.
After removal, the VPN service(s) of the router will be non-hosted
until there is an update which leads to re-schedule or the router is
added to another agent manually.
agent = self.core_plugin.get_agent(context, agent_id)
self._unbind_router(context, router_id, agent_id)
vpn_notifier = self.agent_notifiers.get(AGENT_TYPE_VPN)
if vpn_notifier:
context, router_id, agent['host'])
def _unbind_router(self, context, router_id, agent_id):
with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context):
query = context.session.query(RouterVPNAgentBinding)
query = query.filter(
RouterVPNAgentBinding.router_id == router_id,
RouterVPNAgentBinding.vpn_agent_id == agent_id)
return query.delete()
def reschedule_router(self, context, router_id, cur_agent):
"""Reschedule router to a new VPN agent
Remove the router from the agent currently hosting it and
schedule it again
with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context):
deleted = self._unbind_router(context, router_id, cur_agent['id'])
if not deleted:
# If nothing was deleted, the binding didn't exist anymore
# because some other server deleted the binding concurrently.
# Stop here.
new_agent = self.schedule_router(context, router_id)
if not new_agent:
# No new_agent means that another server scheduled the
# router concurrently. Don't raise RouterReschedulingFailed.
self._notify_agents_router_rescheduled(context, router_id,
cur_agent, new_agent)
# update port binding
context, router_id, new_agent['host'])
def _notify_agents_router_rescheduled(self, context, router_id,
old_agent, new_agent):
vpn_notifier = self.agent_notifiers.get(AGENT_TYPE_VPN)
if not vpn_notifier:
old_host = old_agent['host']
new_host = new_agent['host']
if old_host != new_host:
context, router_id, old_host)
context, [router_id], new_host)
except oslo_messaging.MessagingException:
self._unbind_router(context, router_id, new_agent['id'])
raise vpn_agentschedulers.RouterReschedulingFailed(
def list_routers_on_vpn_agent(self, context, agent_id):
query = context.session.query(RouterVPNAgentBinding.router_id)
query = query.filter(RouterVPNAgentBinding.vpn_agent_id == agent_id)
router_ids = [item[0] for item in query]
if router_ids:
return {'routers':
filters={'id': router_ids})}
# Exception will be thrown if the requested agent does not exist.
self.core_plugin.get_agent(context, agent_id)
return {'routers': []}
def get_vpn_agents_hosting_routers(self, context, router_ids, active=None):
if not router_ids:
return []
query = context.session.query(RouterVPNAgentBinding)
query = query.filter(RouterVPNAgentBinding.router_id.in_(router_ids))
filters = {'id': [binding.vpn_agent_id for binding in query]}
vpn_agents = self.core_plugin.get_agents(context, filters=filters)
if active is not None:
vpn_agents = [agent
for agent in vpn_agents
if agent['alive'] == active]
return vpn_agents
def list_vpn_agents_hosting_router(self, context, router_id):
vpn_agents = self.get_vpn_agents_hosting_routers(context, [router_id])
return {'agents': vpn_agents}
def get_vpn_agents(self, context, active=None, host=None):
filters = {'agent_type': [AGENT_TYPE_VPN]}
if host is not None:
filters['host'] = [host]
vpn_agents = self.core_plugin.get_agents(context, filters=filters)
if active is None:
return vpn_agents
return [vpn_agent
for vpn_agent in vpn_agents
if vpn_agent['alive'] == active]
def get_vpn_agent_on_host(self, context, host, active=None):
agents = self.get_vpn_agents(context, active=active, host=host)
if agents:
return agents[0]
def get_unscheduled_vpn_routers(self, context, router_ids=None):
"""Get IDs of routers which have unscheduled VPN services."""
query = context.session.query(vpn_models.VPNService.router_id)
query = query.outerjoin(
vpn_models.VPNService.router_id == RouterVPNAgentBinding.router_id)
query = query.filter(RouterVPNAgentBinding.vpn_agent_id.is_(None))
if router_ids:
query = query.filter(
return [router_id for router_id, in query.all()]
def auto_schedule_routers(self, context, vpn_agent):
if self.vpn_scheduler:
return self.vpn_scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
self, context, vpn_agent)
def schedule_router(self, context, router, candidates=None):
"""Schedule VPN services of a router to a VPN agent.
Returns the chosen agent; None if another server scheduled the
router concurrently.
Raises RouterReschedulingFailed if no suitable agent is found.
if self.vpn_scheduler:
return self.vpn_scheduler.schedule(
self, context, router, candidates=candidates)
def get_vpn_agent_with_min_routers(self, context, agent_ids):
"""Return VPN agent with the least number of routers."""
if not agent_ids:
return None
query = context.session.query(
query = query.group_by(RouterVPNAgentBinding.vpn_agent_id)
query = query.order_by('count')
query = query.filter(RouterVPNAgentBinding.vpn_agent_id.in_(agent_ids))
used_agent_ids = [agent_id for agent_id, _ in query.all()]
unused_agent_ids = set(agent_ids) - set(used_agent_ids)
if unused_agent_ids:
return unused_agent_ids.pop()
return used_agent_ids[0]
def get_hosts_to_notify(self, context, router_id):
"""Returns all hosts to send notification about router update"""
agents = self.get_vpn_agents_hosting_routers(context, [router_id],
return [a['host'] for a in agents]
class AZVPNAgentSchedulerDbMixin(VPNAgentSchedulerDbMixin,
"""Mixin class to add availability_zone supported VPN agent scheduler."""
def get_router_availability_zones(self, router):
return list({agent.availability_zone for agent in router.vpn_agents})