# Copyright 2017 Cloudbase Solutions SRL # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import types from tempest import config CONF = config.CONF hyperv_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='hyperv', title='Hyper-V Driver Tempest Options') HyperVGroup = [ cfg.IntOpt('hypervisor_version', default=0, help="Compute nodes' hypervisor version, used to determine " "which tests to run. It must have following value: " "major_version * 1000 + minor_version" "For example, Windows / Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 would have " "the value 6003"), cfg.StrOpt('vhd_image_ref', help="Valid VHD image reference to be used in tests."), cfg.StrOpt('vhdx_image_ref', help="Valid VHDX image reference to be used in tests."), cfg.StrOpt('gen2_image_ref', help="Valid Generation 2 VM VHDX image reference to be used " "in tests."), cfg.StrOpt('secure_boot_image_ref', help="Valid secure boot VM VHDX image reference to be used " "in tests."), cfg.StrOpt('secure_boot_image_ssh_user', help='User for secure boot image to be used in tests.'), cfg.BoolOpt('cluster_enabled', default=False, help="The compute nodes are joined into a Hyper-V Cluster."), cfg.IntOpt('failover_timeout', default=120, help='The maximum amount of time to wait for a failover to ' 'occur.'), cfg.IntOpt('failover_sleep_interval', default=5, help='The amount of time to wait between failover checks.'), cfg.BoolOpt('remotefx_enabled', default=False, help="RemoteFX feature is enabled and supported on the " "compute nodes."), cfg.IntOpt('available_numa_nodes', default=1, help="The maximum number of NUMA cells the compute nodes " "have. If it's less than 2, resize negative tests for " "vNUMA will be skipped."), cfg.ListOpt('collected_metrics', item_type=types.String( choices=('cpu', 'network.outgoing.bytes', 'disk.read.bytes')), default=[], help="The ceilometer metrics to check. If this config value " "is empty, the telemetry tests are skipped. This config " "option assumes that the compute nodes are configured " "and capable of collecting ceilometer metrics. WARNING: " "neutron-ovs-agent is not capable of enabling network " "metrics collection."), cfg.IntOpt('polled_metrics_delay', default=620, help="The number of seconds to wait for the metrics to be " "published by the compute node's ceilometer-polling " "agent. The value must be greater by ~15-20 seconds " "than the agent's publish interval, defined in its " "polling.yaml file (typically, the intervals are 600 " "seconds)."), ] hyperv_host_auth_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='hyperv_host_auth', title='Hyper-V host ' 'authentication options') hyperv_host_auth_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('username', help="The username of the Hyper-V hosts."), cfg.StrOpt('password', secret=True, help='The password of the Hyper-V hosts.'), cfg.StrOpt('cert_pem_path', default=None, help='SSL certificate for WinRM remote PS connection.'), cfg.StrOpt('cert_key_pem_path', default=None, help='SSL key paired with cert_pem_path for WinRM remote PS ' 'connection.'), cfg.StrOpt('transport_method', default='plaintext', choices=('ssl', 'ntlm', 'plaintext'), help='The method that should be used to establish a connection ' 'to a Hyper-V host.') ] _opts = [ (hyperv_group, HyperVGroup), (hyperv_host_auth_group, hyperv_host_auth_opts), ] def list_opts(): return _opts