Bryan Strassner 44b38244c4 Cleanup Airship verbiage in docs
This change attempts to move the airship-in-a-bottle documentation
closer to a target state for Airship by removing references to the
Undercloud Platform. This triggered the reformating of some paragraphs,
but this change does not attempt to correct all of the information -
much more a syntactical change of the documentation than a semantic
change. Requests to correct information in any significant way will be
deferred to subsequent work.

Some completely outdated pages were removed completely, as they provided
more distraction than benefit.

Documents that were "under development" since their inception (and
nothing more than "under development") have been eliminated and may be
re-instantiated if anyone ever has anything to say about the topics, but
for now, removed the clutter.

Change-Id: Ida72b3706c894771888d8b694e1cf95d6cf810ed
2018-08-15 16:08:10 -05:00
README.txt Updated dev-minimal to deploy behind proxy 2018-07-27 10:16:40 -05:00 Cleanup Airship verbiage in docs 2018-08-15 16:08:10 -05:00

# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property.  All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


Sets up and deploys an instance of Airship using the images pinned in the
versions file of the targeted deployment_files based site definitions (dev).
versions file: deployment_files/global/v1.0dev/software/config/versions.yaml

Running ../common/ will download and build into the
/root/deploy directory.

1) Set up a VM with at least 4 cores and 12GB of memeory. 8 core/16GB is
   recommended. 32GB of disk is enough, use more if you plan on doing any
   extended use.
2) Become root. All the commands are run as root.
3) Update etc/hosts with IP/Hostname of your VM. e.g. testvm1.
Note: If running this behind a corporate proxy, you will need to update the
      /etc/environment file, and append your proxy configurtion there.
      Then you will need to source the /etc/environment to set the proxy
      For instance, you will need to add following lines in the
      /etc/environment file, and then source it:
      export http_proxy="your.proxy.address:port"
      export https_proxy="your.proxy.address:port"
      export no_proxy=",.cluster.local,localhost,,"
      export HTTP_PROXY="http://your.proxy.address:port"
      export HTTPS_PROXY="http://your.proxy.address:port"
      export NO_PROXY=",.cluster.local,localhost,,"

4) go to /root/deploy and clone airship-in-a-bottle. Switch to a target
   patchset if needed
   4a) If you use a directory other than /root/deploy, /root/deploy will be
       created, and airship-in-a-bottle will be re-cloned there. (Technically
5) cd into /root/deploy/airship-in-a-bottle/manifests/dev_minimal
6) Update the with the hostname and ip on the appropriate lines.
7) source

NOTE: If running this behind a corporate proxy, you will need to update the
      file deployment_files/site/dev-proxy/networks/common-addresses.yaml to
      specify your proxy server and appropriate no_proxy list. In this file,
      also update the dns list, and add your corporate name servers to the
      dns list. This is done for name resolution of internal corporate
      addresses behind the proxy.
      Also change to use TARGET_SITE of 'dev-proxy'.

8) ../common/
You may sepecify a target point to stop the deployment by using an argument of
"collect", "genesis", or "deploy" to the It will
default to "genesis".  The "demo" value that is supported will not work with
the dev_minimal site definition.

Next Steps
Assuming a target breakpoint of "genesis" or "deploy", all of the documents
used for a subsequent deploy_site action are now placed into the
/root/deploy/site directory for ease of use - instructions are
provided by the script at the end of a successful genesis process.

A script: "" is copied into the /root/deploy/site
directory that can be sourced to set environment variables that will enable
Keystone authorization to use for running Shipyard.



Other files located in /root/deploy/site: - runs a container to execute the CLI for Shipyard
certificates.yaml - the certificates generated automatically during this
deployment_files.yaml - the files used during a deploy_site or update_site
    action in Shipyard.


cd /root/deploy/site
./ create configdocs design --filename=/home/shipyard/host/deployment_files.yaml
./ create configdocs secrets --filename=/home/shipyard/host/certificates.yaml --append
./ commit configdocs

Optionally, if you wish to deploy the loaded configdocs:

./ create action deploy_site