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package document
import (
utilyaml "opendev.org/airship/airshipctl/pkg/util/yaml"
// KustomizeBuildOptions contain the options for running a Kustomize build on a bundle
type KustomizeBuildOptions struct {
KustomizationPath string
OutputPath string
LoadRestrictor loader.LoadRestrictorFunc
OutOrder int
// BundleFactory contains the objects within a bundle
type BundleFactory struct {
// Bundle interface provides the specification for a bundle implementation
type Bundle interface {
Write(out io.Writer) error
GetKustomizeResourceMap() resmap.ResMap
SetKustomizeResourceMap(resmap.ResMap) error
GetKustomizeBuildOptions() KustomizeBuildOptions
SetKustomizeBuildOptions(KustomizeBuildOptions) error
SetFileSystem(fs.FileSystem) error
GetFileSystem() fs.FileSystem
Select(selector types.Selector) ([]Document, error)
GetByGvk(string, string, string) ([]Document, error)
GetByName(string) (Document, error)
GetByAnnotation(string) ([]Document, error)
GetByLabel(string) ([]Document, error)
GetAllDocuments() ([]Document, error)
// NewBundle is a convenience function to create a new bundle
// Over time, it will evolve to support allowing more control
// for kustomize plugins
func NewBundle(fSys fs.FileSystem, kustomizePath string, outputPath string) (Bundle, error) {
var options = KustomizeBuildOptions{
KustomizationPath: kustomizePath,
OutputPath: outputPath,
LoadRestrictor: loader.RestrictionRootOnly,
OutOrder: 0,
// init an empty bundle factory
var bundle Bundle = &BundleFactory{}
// set the fs and build options we will use
// boiler plate to allow us to run Kustomize build
uf := kunstruct.NewKunstructuredFactoryImpl()
pf := transformer.NewFactoryImpl()
rf := resmap.NewFactory(resource.NewFactory(uf), pf)
v := validator.NewKustValidator()
pluginConfig := plugins.DefaultPluginConfig()
pl := plugins.NewLoader(pluginConfig, rf)
ldr, err := loader.NewLoader(
bundle.GetKustomizeBuildOptions().LoadRestrictor, v, bundle.GetKustomizeBuildOptions().KustomizationPath, fSys)
if err != nil {
return bundle, err
defer ldr.Cleanup()
kt, err := target.NewKustTarget(ldr, rf, pf, pl)
if err != nil {
return bundle, err
// build a resource map of kustomize rendered objects
m, err := kt.MakeCustomizedResMap()
if err != nil {
return bundle, err
return bundle, nil
// GetKustomizeResourceMap returns a Kustomize Resource Map for this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetKustomizeResourceMap() resmap.ResMap {
return b.ResMap
// SetKustomizeResourceMap allows us to set the populated resource map for this bundle. In
// the future, it may modify it before saving it.
func (b *BundleFactory) SetKustomizeResourceMap(r resmap.ResMap) error {
b.ResMap = r
return nil
// GetKustomizeBuildOptions returns the build options object used to generate the resource map
// for this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetKustomizeBuildOptions() KustomizeBuildOptions {
return b.KustomizeBuildOptions
// SetKustomizeBuildOptions sets the build options to be used for this bundle. In
// the future, it may perform some basic validations.
func (b *BundleFactory) SetKustomizeBuildOptions(k KustomizeBuildOptions) error {
b.KustomizeBuildOptions = k
return nil
// SetFileSystem sets the filesystem that will be used by this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) SetFileSystem(fSys fs.FileSystem) error {
b.FileSystem = fSys
return nil
// GetFileSystem gets the filesystem that will be used by this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetFileSystem() fs.FileSystem {
return b.FileSystem
// GetAllDocuments returns all documents in this bundle
func (b *BundleFactory) GetAllDocuments() ([]Document, error) {
docSet := []Document{}
for _, res := range b.ResMap.Resources() {
// Construct Bundle document for each resource returned
doc, err := NewDocument(res)
if err != nil {
return docSet, err
docSet = append(docSet, doc)
return docSet, nil
// GetByName finds a document by name, error if more than one document found
// or if no documents found
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByName(name string) (Document, error) {
resSet := []*resource.Resource{}
for _, res := range b.ResMap.Resources() {
if res.GetName() == name {
resSet = append(resSet, res)
// alanmeadows(TODO): improve this and other error potentials by
// by adding strongly typed errors
switch found := len(resSet); {
case found == 0:
return &DocumentFactory{}, fmt.Errorf("No documents found with name %s", name)
case found > 1:
return &DocumentFactory{}, fmt.Errorf("More than one document found with name %s", name)
return NewDocument(resSet[0])
// Select offers a direct interface to pass a Kustomize Selector to the bundle
// returning Documents that match the criteria
func (b *BundleFactory) Select(selector types.Selector) ([]Document, error) {
// use the kustomize select method
resources, err := b.ResMap.Select(selector)
if err != nil {
return []Document{}, err
// Construct Bundle document for each resource returned
docSet := []Document{}
for _, res := range resources {
doc, err := NewDocument(res)
if err != nil {
return docSet, err
docSet = append(docSet, doc)
return docSet, err
// GetByAnnotation is a convenience method to get documents for a particular annotation
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByAnnotation(annotation string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize annotation selector
selector := types.Selector{AnnotationSelector: annotation}
// pass it to the selector
return b.Select(selector)
// GetByLabel is a convenience method to get documents for a particular label
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByLabel(label string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize annotation selector
selector := types.Selector{LabelSelector: label}
// pass it to the selector
return b.Select(selector)
// GetByGvk is a convenience method to get documents for a particular Gvk tuple
func (b *BundleFactory) GetByGvk(group, version, kind string) ([]Document, error) {
// Construct kustomize gvk object
g := gvk.Gvk{Group: group, Version: version, Kind: kind}
// pass it to the selector
selector := types.Selector{Gvk: g}
return b.Select(selector)
// Write will write out the entire bundle resource map
func (b *BundleFactory) Write(out io.Writer) error {
for _, res := range b.ResMap.Resources() {
err := utilyaml.WriteOut(out, res)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil