Phase- updating cmd files for documentation

The description and examples are updated for the airshipctl
commands, which will be inturn used for generating documentation.
Please ignore the .md file changes in this PS. They are added for zuul
gates to pass. Here is the PS with generated documention

Relates-To: #280
Change-Id: I3587ad211f7d614b5cc6a162ca352ac54c3b90f0
This commit is contained in:
Sirisha Gopigiri 2021-05-06 15:07:25 +05:30
parent ebfca69643
commit 4c3140be93
23 changed files with 192 additions and 231 deletions

View File

@ -23,25 +23,24 @@ import (
const (
cmdLong = `
List life-cycle phases which were defined in document model by group.
Phases within a group are executed sequentially. Multiple phase groups
are executed in parallel.
List phases defined in site manifests by plan. Phases within a plan are
executed sequentially. Multiple phase plans are executed in parallel.
listExample = `
# List phases of phasePlan
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
List phases of phasePlan
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
# To output the contents to table (default operation)
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
To output the contents in table format (default operation)
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
# To output the contents to yaml
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
To output the contents in yaml format
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
# List all phases
airshipctl phase list
List all phases
# airshipctl phase list
# List phases with clustername
airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
List phases with clustername
# airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ func NewListCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
planCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "list PHASE_NAME",
Short: "List phases",
Short: "Airshipctl command to list phases",
Long: cmdLong[1:],
Example: listExample,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
@ -67,22 +66,8 @@ func NewListCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
func addListFlags(options *phase.ListCommand, cmd *cobra.Command) {
flags := cmd.Flags()
"filter documents by cluster name")
"Plan name of a plan")
"output", "o", "table", "'table' "+
"and 'yaml' are available "+
"output formats")
flags.StringVarP(&options.ClusterName, "cluster-name", "c", "", "filter documents by cluster name")
flags.StringVar(&options.PlanID.Name, "plan", "", "plan name of a plan")
flags.StringVarP(&options.OutputFormat, "output", "o", "table",
"output format. Supported formats are 'table' and 'yaml'")

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ import (
const (
phaseLong = `
This command provides capabilities for interacting with phases,
such as getting list and applying specific one.
Provides capabilities for interacting with phases, such as getting list of phases or applying a specific one.
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ such as getting list and applying specific one.
func NewPhaseCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
phaseRootCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "phase",
Short: "Manage phases",
Short: "Airshipctl command to manage phases",
Long: phaseLong[1:],

View File

@ -22,20 +22,22 @@ import (
const (
renderLong = `
Render documents for a phase.
renderExample = `
# Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and
# "service=tiller"
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
# Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# and kind 'Deployment'
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller" and kind 'Deployment'
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
# Get all documents from config bundle
airshipctl phase render --source config
Get all documents from config bundle
# airshipctl phase render --source config
# Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
# airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ func NewRenderCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
filterOptions := &phase.RenderCommand{}
renderCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "render PHASE_NAME",
Short: "Render phase documents from model",
Short: "Airshipctl command to render phase documents from model",
Long: renderLong,
Example: renderExample,
Args: RenderArgs(filterOptions),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
@ -60,48 +63,15 @@ func NewRenderCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
func addRenderFlags(filterOptions *phase.RenderCommand, cmd *cobra.Command) {
flags := cmd.Flags()
"filter documents by Labels")
"filter documents by Annotations")
"filter documents by API version")
"filter documents by Kinds")
"phase: phase entrypoint will be rendered by kustomize, if entrypoint is not specified "+
"error will be returned\n"+
flags.StringVarP(&filterOptions.Label, "label", "l", "", "filter documents by Labels")
flags.StringVarP(&filterOptions.Annotation, "annotation", "a", "", "filter documents by Annotations")
flags.StringVarP(&filterOptions.APIVersion, "apiversion", "g", "", "filter documents by API version")
flags.StringVarP(&filterOptions.Kind, "kind", "k", "", "filter documents by Kind")
flags.StringVarP(&filterOptions.Source, "source", "s", phase.RenderSourcePhase,
"phase: phase entrypoint will be rendered by kustomize, if entrypoint is not specified error will be returned\n"+
"executor: rendering will be performed by executor if the phase\n"+
"config: this will render bundle containing phase and executor documents")
flags.BoolVarP(&filterOptions.FailOnDecryptionError, "decrypt", "d", false,
"ensure that decryption of encrypted documents has finished successfully")

View File

@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ import (
const (
// TODO (kkalynovskyi) when different phase executors will be implemented, and their description is more clear,
// add documentation here. also consider adding dynamic phase descriptions based on executors.
runLong = `Run specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...`
runLong = `
Run a phase such as controlplane-ephemeral, remotedirect-ephemeral, initinfra-ephemeral, etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
runExample = `
# Run initinfra phase
airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
Run initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ func NewRunCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
runCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "run PHASE_NAME",
Short: "Run phase",
Short: "Airshipctl command to run phase",
Long: runLong,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Example: runExample,
@ -50,15 +53,7 @@ func NewRunCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
flags := runCmd.Flags()
"simulate phase execution")
"wait timeout")
flags.BoolVar(&p.Options.DryRun, "dry-run", false, "simulate phase execution")
flags.DurationVar(&p.Options.Timeout, "wait-timeout", 0, "wait timeout")
return runCmd

View File

@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ import (
const (
statusLong = `Status of the specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...`
statusLong = `
Get the status of a phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
statusExample = `
#Status of initinfra phase
airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
Status of initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
@ -37,8 +40,8 @@ func NewStatusCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
statusCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "status",
Short: "Status of the phase",
Use: "status PHASE_NAME",
Short: "Airshipctl command to show status of the phase",
Long: statusLong,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Example: statusExample,

View File

@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
List life-cycle phases which were defined in document model by group.
Phases within a group are executed sequentially. Multiple phase groups
are executed in parallel.
List phases defined in site manifests by plan. Phases within a plan are
executed sequentially. Multiple phase plans are executed in parallel.
list PHASE_NAME [flags]
# List phases of phasePlan
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
List phases of phasePlan
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
# To output the contents to table (default operation)
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
To output the contents in table format (default operation)
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
# To output the contents to yaml
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
To output the contents in yaml format
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
# List all phases
airshipctl phase list
List all phases
# airshipctl phase list
# List phases with clustername
airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
List phases with clustername
# airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
-c, --cluster-name string filter documents by cluster name
-h, --help help for list
-o, --output string 'table' and 'yaml' are available output formats (default "table")
--plan string Plan name of a plan
-o, --output string output format. Supported formats are 'table' and 'yaml' (default "table")
--plan string plan name of a plan

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
This command provides capabilities for interacting with phases,
such as getting list and applying specific one.
Provides capabilities for interacting with phases, such as getting list of phases or applying a specific one.
phase [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
list List phases
render Render phase documents from model
run Run phase
status Status of the phase
tree Tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
validate Assert that a phase is valid
list Airshipctl command to list phases
render Airshipctl command to render phase documents from model
run Airshipctl command to run phase
status Airshipctl command to show status of the phase
tree Airshipctl command to show tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
validate Airshipctl command to validate phase and its documents
-h, --help help for phase

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Summarized tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a specific phase
Get tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a phase.
tree PHASE_NAME [flags]
# yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
# airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
#yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
# airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral

View File

@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
Render phase documents from model
Render documents for a phase.
render PHASE_NAME [flags]
# Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and
# "service=tiller"
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
# Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# and kind 'Deployment'
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller" and kind 'Deployment'
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
# Get all documents from config bundle
airshipctl phase render --source config
Get all documents from config bundle
# airshipctl phase render --source config
# Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
# airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ Flags:
-g, --apiversion string filter documents by API version
-d, --decrypt ensure that decryption of encrypted documents has finished successfully
-h, --help help for render
-k, --kind string filter documents by Kinds
-k, --kind string filter documents by Kind
-l, --label string filter documents by Labels
-s, --source string phase: phase entrypoint will be rendered by kustomize, if entrypoint is not specified error will be returned
executor: rendering will be performed by executor if the phase

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
Run specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
Run a phase such as controlplane-ephemeral, remotedirect-ephemeral, initinfra-ephemeral, etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
run PHASE_NAME [flags]
# Run initinfra phase
airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
Run initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
Status of the specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
Get the status of a phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
status [flags]
status PHASE_NAME [flags]
#Status of initinfra phase
airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
Status of initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Command which would validate that the phase contains the required documents to run the phase.
Validates phase and its documents. To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
validate PHASE_NAME [flags]
# validate initinfra phase
airshipctl phase validate initinfra
To validate initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase validate initinfra

View File

@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ import (
const (
treeLong = `
Summarized tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a specific phase`
Get tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a phase.
treeExample = `
# yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
# airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
#yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
# airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
func NewTreeCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
treeCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "tree PHASE_NAME",
Short: "Tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase",
Short: "Airshipctl command to show tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase",
Long: treeLong[1:],
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Example: treeExample,

View File

@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ import (
const (
validLong = `Command which would validate that the phase contains ` +
`the required documents to run the phase.
validLong = `
Validates phase and its documents. To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
validExample = `
# validate initinfra phase
airshipctl phase validate initinfra
To validate initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase validate initinfra
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func NewValidateCommand(cfgFactory config.Factory) *cobra.Command {
validCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "validate PHASE_NAME",
Short: "Assert that a phase is valid",
Short: "Airshipctl command to validate phase and its documents",
Long: validLong,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Example: validExample,

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Available Commands:
config Airshipctl command to manage airshipctl config file
document Manage deployment documents
help Help about any command
phase Manage phases
phase Airshipctl command to manage phases
plan Manage plans
secret Manage secrets
version Show the version number of airshipctl

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ A unified entrypoint to various airship components
* [airshipctl completion]( - Generate completion script for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
* [airshipctl config]( - Airshipctl command to manage airshipctl config file
* [airshipctl document]( - Manage deployment documents
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases
* [airshipctl plan]( - Manage plans
* [airshipctl secret]( - Manage secrets
* [airshipctl version]( - Show the version number of airshipctl

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
## airshipctl phase
Manage phases
Airshipctl command to manage phases
### Synopsis
This command provides capabilities for interacting with phases,
such as getting list and applying specific one.
Provides capabilities for interacting with phases, such as getting list of phases or applying a specific one.
### Options
@ -24,10 +23,10 @@ such as getting list and applying specific one.
* [airshipctl]( - A unified entrypoint to various airship components
* [airshipctl phase list]( - List phases
* [airshipctl phase render]( - Render phase documents from model
* [airshipctl phase run]( - Run phase
* [airshipctl phase status]( - Status of the phase
* [airshipctl phase tree]( - Tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
* [airshipctl phase validate]( - Assert that a phase is valid
* [airshipctl phase list]( - Airshipctl command to list phases
* [airshipctl phase render]( - Airshipctl command to render phase documents from model
* [airshipctl phase run]( - Airshipctl command to run phase
* [airshipctl phase status]( - Airshipctl command to show status of the phase
* [airshipctl phase tree]( - Airshipctl command to show tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
* [airshipctl phase validate]( - Airshipctl command to validate phase and its documents

View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
## airshipctl phase list
List phases
Airshipctl command to list phases
### Synopsis
List life-cycle phases which were defined in document model by group.
Phases within a group are executed sequentially. Multiple phase groups
are executed in parallel.
List phases defined in site manifests by plan. Phases within a plan are
executed sequentially. Multiple phase plans are executed in parallel.
@ -17,20 +16,20 @@ airshipctl phase list PHASE_NAME [flags]
# List phases of phasePlan
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
List phases of phasePlan
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan
# To output the contents to table (default operation)
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
To output the contents in table format (default operation)
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table
# To output the contents to yaml
airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
To output the contents in yaml format
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml
# List all phases
airshipctl phase list
List all phases
# airshipctl phase list
# List phases with clustername
airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
List phases with clustername
# airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
@ -39,8 +38,8 @@ airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
-c, --cluster-name string filter documents by cluster name
-h, --help help for list
-o, --output string 'table' and 'yaml' are available output formats (default "table")
--plan string Plan name of a plan
-o, --output string output format. Supported formats are 'table' and 'yaml' (default "table")
--plan string plan name of a plan
### Options inherited from parent commands
@ -52,5 +51,5 @@ airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
## airshipctl phase render
Render phase documents from model
Airshipctl command to render phase documents from model
### Synopsis
Render phase documents from model
Render documents for a phase.
airshipctl phase render PHASE_NAME [flags]
@ -14,19 +16,17 @@ airshipctl phase render PHASE_NAME [flags]
# Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and
# "service=tiller"
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller
# Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# and kind 'Deployment'
airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller" and kind 'Deployment'
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment
# Get all documents from config bundle
airshipctl phase render --source config
Get all documents from config bundle
# airshipctl phase render --source config
# Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
# airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
-g, --apiversion string filter documents by API version
-d, --decrypt ensure that decryption of encrypted documents has finished successfully
-h, --help help for render
-k, --kind string filter documents by Kinds
-k, --kind string filter documents by Kind
-l, --label string filter documents by Labels
-s, --source string phase: phase entrypoint will be rendered by kustomize, if entrypoint is not specified error will be returned
executor: rendering will be performed by executor if the phase
@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
## airshipctl phase run
Run phase
Airshipctl command to run phase
### Synopsis
Run specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
Run a phase such as controlplane-ephemeral, remotedirect-ephemeral, initinfra-ephemeral, etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
airshipctl phase run PHASE_NAME [flags]
@ -14,8 +17,8 @@ airshipctl phase run PHASE_NAME [flags]
# Run initinfra phase
airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
Run initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
@ -36,5 +39,5 @@ airshipctl phase run ephemeral-control-plane
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases

View File

@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
## airshipctl phase status
Status of the phase
Airshipctl command to show status of the phase
### Synopsis
Status of the specific life-cycle phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
Get the status of a phase such as ephemeral-control-plane, target-initinfra etc...
To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
airshipctl phase status [flags]
airshipctl phase status PHASE_NAME [flags]
### Examples
#Status of initinfra phase
airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
Status of initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
@ -34,5 +37,5 @@ airshipctl phase status ephemeral-control-plane
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
## airshipctl phase tree
Tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
Airshipctl command to show tree view of kustomize entrypoints of phase
### Synopsis
Summarized tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a specific phase
Get tree view of the kustomize entrypoints of a phase.
airshipctl phase tree PHASE_NAME [flags]
@ -14,11 +15,11 @@ airshipctl phase tree PHASE_NAME [flags]
# yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
yaml explorer of a phase with relative path
# airshipctl phase tree /manifests/site/test-site/ephemeral/initinfra
#yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
yaml explorer of a phase with phase name
# airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
@ -37,5 +38,5 @@ airshipctl phase tree initinfra-ephemeral
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
## airshipctl phase validate
Assert that a phase is valid
Airshipctl command to validate phase and its documents
### Synopsis
Command which would validate that the phase contains the required documents to run the phase.
Validates phase and its documents. To list the phases associated with a site, run 'airshipctl phase list'.
@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ airshipctl phase validate PHASE_NAME [flags]
# validate initinfra phase
airshipctl phase validate initinfra
To validate initinfra phase
# airshipctl phase validate initinfra
@ -35,5 +36,5 @@ airshipctl phase validate initinfra
* [airshipctl phase]( - Manage phases
* [airshipctl phase]( - Airshipctl command to manage phases