Move workflow init logic to pkg/workflow/initialize

This commit is contained in:
Ian Howell 2019-05-30 11:34:34 -05:00
parent e4b45002c9
commit 5ed74c4944
4 changed files with 400 additions and 411 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Creating namespace "argo"
Namespace "argo" already exists
Creating namespace argo
namespace argo already exists
Registering Workflow CRD
Workflow CRD already registered
Workflow CRD already exists
Creating argo ServiceAccount
argo ServiceAccount already exists
Creating argo admin ClusterRole

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Creating namespace "argo"
Creating namespace argo
Registering Workflow CRD
Creating argo ServiceAccount
Creating argo admin ClusterRole

View File

@ -2,36 +2,18 @@ package workflow
import (
v1beta2 ""
v1 ""
rbacv1 ""
apixv1beta1 ""
apixv1beta1client ""
metav1 ""
wfenv ""
const (
argoNamespace = "argo"
var (
manifestPath string
type workflowInitCmd struct {
out io.Writer
kubeclient kubernetes.Interface
crdclient apixv1beta1client.ApiextensionsV1beta1Interface
// NewWorkflowInitCommand is a command for bootstrapping a kubernetes cluster with the necessary components for Argo workflows
func NewWorkflowInitCommand(rootSettings *environment.AirshipCTLSettings) *cobra.Command {
@ -46,398 +28,13 @@ func NewWorkflowInitCommand(rootSettings *environment.AirshipCTLSettings) *cobra
workflowInit := &workflowInitCmd{
out: out,
kubeclient: wfSettings.KubeClient,
crdclient: wfSettings.CRDClient.ApiextensionsV1beta1(),
if err := initialize.Initialize(out, wfSettings, manifestPath); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "error while initializing argo: %s\n", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating namespace \"%s\"\n", argoNamespace)
_, err := workflowInit.kubeclient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(&v1.Namespace{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo"},
if err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Namespace \"%s\" already exists\n", argoNamespace)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Could not create namespace \"%s\": %s\n", argoNamespace, err.Error())
if manifestPath == "" {
if err := workflowInit.createDefaultObjects(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Could not create default objects: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
workflowInitCommand.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&manifestPath, "manifest", "", "path to a YAML manifest containing definitions of objects needed for Argo workflows")
return workflowInitCommand
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createDefaultObjects() error {
//TODO(howell): Clean up the repetitive code
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Registering Workflow CRD\n")
if err := wfInit.registerDefaultWorkflow(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Workflow CRD already registered\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not register Workflow CRD: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo ServiceAccount\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoServiceAccount(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo ServiceAccount already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo ServiceAccount: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo admin ClusterRole\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoAdminClusterRole(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo admin ClusterRole already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo admin ClusterRole: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo edit ClusterRole\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoEditClusterRole(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo edit ClusterRole already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo edit ClusterRole: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo view ClusterRole\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoViewClusterRole(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo view ClusterRole already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo view ClusterRole: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo ClusterRole\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoClusterRole(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo ClusterRole already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo ClusterRole: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo ClusterRoleBinding\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoClusterRoleBinding(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo ClusterRoleBinding already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo ClusterRoleBinding: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo ConfigMap\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoConfigMap(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo ConfigMap already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo ConfigMap: %s", err.Error())
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "Creating argo Deployment\n")
if err := wfInit.createArgoDeployment(); err != nil {
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(wfInit.out, "argo Deployment already exists\n")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create argo Deployment: %s", err.Error())
return nil
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createCustomObjects(manifestPath string) {
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) registerDefaultWorkflow() error {
apixClient := wfInit.crdclient
crds := apixClient.CustomResourceDefinitions()
workflowCRD := &apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinition{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "",
Spec: apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{
Group: "",
Version: "v1alpha1",
Versions: []apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{{
Name: "v1alpha1",
Served: true,
Storage: true,
Names: apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames{
Plural: "workflows",
Kind: "Workflow",
Scope: apixv1beta1.NamespaceScoped,
_, err := crds.Create(workflowCRD)
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoServiceAccount() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.CoreV1().ServiceAccounts(argoNamespace).Create(&v1.ServiceAccount{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoAdminClusterRole() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().Create(&rbacv1.ClusterRole{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-admin",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoEditClusterRole() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().Create(&rbacv1.ClusterRole{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-edit",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoViewClusterRole() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().Create(&rbacv1.ClusterRole{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-view",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoClusterRole() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().Create(&rbacv1.ClusterRole{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo-cluster-role"},
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoClusterRoleBinding() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.RbacV1().ClusterRoleBindings().Create(&rbacv1.ClusterRoleBinding{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo-binding"},
RoleRef: rbacv1.RoleRef{
APIGroup: "",
Kind: "ClusterRole",
Name: "argo-cluster-role",
Subjects: []rbacv1.Subject{
Kind: "ServiceAccount",
Name: "argo",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoConfigMap() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(argoNamespace).Create(&v1.ConfigMap{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "workflow-controller-configmap",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func (wfInit *workflowInitCmd) createArgoDeployment() error {
_, err := wfInit.kubeclient.AppsV1beta2().Deployments(argoNamespace).Create(&v1beta2.Deployment{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "workflow-controller",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
Spec: v1beta2.DeploymentSpec{
Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: map[string]string{
"app": "workflow-controller",
Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{
"app": "workflow-controller",
Spec: v1.PodSpec{
Containers: []v1.Container{
Command: []string{
Args: []string{
"argoproj/argoexec:v2.2.1", // TODO(howell): Remove this hardcoded value
Image: "argoproj/argoexec:v2.2.1", // TODO(howell): Remove this hardcoded value
Name: "workflow-controller",
ServiceAccountName: "argo",
return err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
package initialize
import (
v1beta2 ""
rbacv1 ""
apixv1beta1 ""
apixv1beta1client ""
metav1 ""
const (
argoNamespace = "argo"
// Initialize creates the argo namespace and all of the required kubernetes
// objects for argo to function
func Initialize(out io.Writer, settings *environment.Settings, manifestPath string) error {
kubeClient := settings.KubeClient
crdClient := settings.CRDClient
if err := createNamespace(out, kubeClient); err != nil {
return err
if manifestPath == "" {
if err := createDefaultObjects(out, kubeClient, crdClient); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create default objects: %s", err.Error())
} else {
if err := createCustomObjects(manifestPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create objects: %s", err.Error())
return nil
func createNamespace(out io.Writer, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating namespace %s\n", argoNamespace)
_, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(&v1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo"}})
return handleCreateError(out, fmt.Sprintf("namespace %s", argoNamespace), err)
func createDefaultObjects(out io.Writer, kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, crdClient apixv1beta1client.Interface) error {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Registering Workflow CRD\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "Workflow CRD", registerDefaultWorkflow(crdClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo ServiceAccount\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo ServiceAccount", createArgoServiceAccount(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo admin ClusterRole\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo admin ClusterRole", createArgoAdminClusterRole(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo edit ClusterRole\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo edit ClusterRole", createArgoEditClusterRole(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo view ClusterRole\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo view ClusterRole", createArgoViewClusterRole(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo ClusterRole\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo ClusterRole", createArgoClusterRole(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo ClusterRoleBinding\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo ClusterRoleBinding", createArgoClusterRoleBinding(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo ConfigMap\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo ConfigMap", createArgoConfigMap(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Creating argo Deployment\n")
if err := handleCreateError(out, "argo Deployment", createArgoDeployment(kubeClient)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func createCustomObjects(manifestPath string) error {
return nil
func registerDefaultWorkflow(crdClient apixv1beta1client.Interface) error {
_, err := crdClient.ApiextensionsV1beta1().CustomResourceDefinitions().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "",
Spec: apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{
Group: "",
Version: "v1alpha1",
Versions: []apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{{
Name: "v1alpha1",
Served: true,
Storage: true,
Names: apixv1beta1.CustomResourceDefinitionNames{
Plural: "workflows",
Kind: "Workflow",
Scope: apixv1beta1.NamespaceScoped,
return err
func createArgoServiceAccount(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().ServiceAccounts(argoNamespace).
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func createArgoAdminClusterRole(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-admin",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func createArgoEditClusterRole(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-edit",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func createArgoViewClusterRole(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "argo-aggregate-to-view",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func createArgoClusterRole(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.RbacV1().ClusterRoles().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo-cluster-role"},
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
APIGroups: []string{
Resources: []string{
Verbs: []string{
return err
func createArgoClusterRoleBinding(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.RbacV1().ClusterRoleBindings().
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "argo-binding"},
RoleRef: rbacv1.RoleRef{
APIGroup: "",
Kind: "ClusterRole",
Name: "argo-cluster-role",
Subjects: []rbacv1.Subject{
Kind: "ServiceAccount",
Name: "argo",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func createArgoConfigMap(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(argoNamespace).
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "workflow-controller-configmap",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
return err
func createArgoDeployment(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface) error {
_, err := kubeClient.AppsV1beta2().Deployments(argoNamespace).
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "workflow-controller",
Namespace: argoNamespace,
Spec: v1beta2.DeploymentSpec{
Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: map[string]string{
"app": "workflow-controller",
Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{
"app": "workflow-controller",
Spec: v1.PodSpec{
Containers: []v1.Container{
Command: []string{
Args: []string{
"argoproj/argoexec:v2.2.1", // TODO(howell): Remove this hardcoded value
Image: "argoproj/argoexec:v2.2.1", // TODO(howell): Remove this hardcoded value
Name: "workflow-controller",
ServiceAccountName: "argo",
return err
func handleCreateError(out io.Writer, resourceName string, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s already exists\n", resourceName)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", resourceName, err.Error())