Close events channel on executor level

This will fix a bug, when go routine wasn't finished when program has
exited. Results of the bug was that not all defered statemnets were
executed, which lead to temp kubeconfig not being cleaned up

Relates-To: #541
Closes: #541

Change-Id: If314886d9bed04b2c0f8a5006bc058395f4fdf7a
This commit is contained in:
Kostiantyn Kalynovskyi 2021-04-30 01:40:08 +00:00 committed by Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi
parent ab7bbfce89
commit dbe05585d3
3 changed files with 9 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ func NewApplier(eventCh chan events.Event, f cmdutil.Factory) *Applier {
// ApplyBundle apply bundle to kubernetes cluster
func (a *Applier) ApplyBundle(bundle document.Bundle, ao ApplyOptions) {
defer close(a.eventChannel)
log.Debugf("Getting infos for bundle, inventory id is %s", ao.BundleName)
objects, err := a.getObjects(ao.BundleName, bundle, ao.DryRunStrategy)
if err != nil {

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@ -125,11 +125,18 @@ func TestApplierRun(t *testing.T) {
a.Poller = tt.poller
// start writing to channel
go a.ApplyBundle(tt.bundle, opts)
go func(bundle document.Bundle, applyOpts applier.ApplyOptions) {
// since applier doesn't close channel anymore, we need to close it
// after it applier is finished
defer close(eventChan)
a.ApplyBundle(bundle, applyOpts)
}(tt.bundle, opts)
var airEvents []events.Event
for e := range eventChan {
airEvents = append(airEvents, e)
var errs []error
for _, e := range airEvents {
if e.Type == events.ErrorType {

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@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ func NewKubeApplierExecutor(cfg ifc.ExecutorConfig) (ifc.Executor, error) {
// Run executor, should be performed in separate go routine
func (e *KubeApplierExecutor) Run(ch chan events.Event, runOpts ifc.RunOptions) {
defer close(ch)
applier, filteredBundle, err := e.prepareApplier(ch)
if err != nil {
handleError(ch, err)
defer e.cleanup()