In the case of using cloud VM for testing purposes,
the `apt update` command is missed in the gate script.
Change-Id: If6960c70aa98680f5362a13456eff05814140f40
Removed orphaned local scripts because some roles were removed.
Fixed env vars for proper configuration.
Updated documentation accordingly.
Change-Id: I37f0c8d038fb51ddaa57664a65d347056df6f007
* when remote_work_dir is set, document pull happens from the
remote_work_dir (/tmp/airship) with a folder created within
remote_work_dir with repo name (/tmp/airship/airshipctl).
However the manifest yamls of kind "Clusterctl"
refers to a relative path from work_dir and it fails
finding expected objects.
example: manifests/function/capm3/v0.3.1
* So trying to avoid document pull, and use current dir for workspace.
similar to Zuul gate implementation
Change-Id: I63fd5476247f957745e15cbdfceb5fb483758e83
K8s control plane is deployed by KubeadmControlPlane controller. This
controller creates CAPI machines and infrastructure objects
(Metal3Machine). Metal3Machine objects are created based on a template
which contins host selector label. Control plane label is assigned to a
particular BareMetalHots object defined inside of the shared
Relates-To: #149
Closes: #221
Change-Id: I3be1750aacf9736ece2944045c036f405e404561
Currently there is no installation procedure for netaddr package
on ansible controller. The absence of this package causes
apache-wsgi-sushy-emulator or apache-file-exchanger tasks to fail.
There is need to manually install it according to ansible docs [1].
Change-Id: I29fa7086ea637859655e0021a3fcbe4282fe09ae
Relates-To: #239
Closes: #239
Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <>
Added remote_work_dir for template to use the same config options
that we have for regular gate.
Without this change when we run local srcipts we have a conflict
when 'airshipctl cluster init' tried to use manifests from '/tmp/airship'
which is targetPath from airconfig. But 'airshipctl document pull'
downloded manifests to '/tmp/airship/airshipctl'
Change-Id: I1eaa2f7525471c756f79a0bc1dd566124f40d531
This change enables execute 'airshipctl cluster init' command
as a part of zuul pipeline
Co-Authored-By: Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi <>
Change-Id: I9d499ae66f8d847759c2e61e5d4415f2c9f3c860
Command "cluster initinfra" should be removed since
"phase apply" was introduced instead.
Change-Id: I263f8988a4456fc03314093a55ee1c1da8048404
Relates-To: #162
Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <>
Added the optional use of doc pull in gate deployment scripts. When the
remote_work_dir is defined, the new pull doc role will invoke airshipctl
document pull command to download the manifests to the remote_work_dir.
This role is not included in zuul job so the zuul job will continue to use
the already checked out manifests in the zuul.project.src directory.
Fixes #112
Change-Id: I754c08661ad0b635819cb3730e05a6986d90f5ca
Signed-off-by: James Gu <>
* New name for gating site is 'test-site'
* Renamed 'test-bootstrap' type. New name is 'gating'.
* Moved BareMetalHost and its settings from ephemeral function to
shared directory within the site
Change-Id: I510e74c1a553bb2b1f84e66f8e4a7796640b59cc
Added gate scripts and playbook enhancement to run airshipctl behind proxy.
Change-Id: Icc3cdcd6fd150420103f907cd1871feba1ccd223
Signed-off-by: James Gu <>
This commit adds proxy support for pip installation. if environment
variable http_proxy is set, pip uses it for package installation else
it will continue without proxy
Change-Id: Iffa0f592853f3e05824263734410c64b5774ab33
Signed-off-by: Sreejith Punnapuzha <>
The initial version of gating playbook contained ability
to run them either on Python2 or Python3 ansible.
But it causes a lot of issues e.g. a need to install[1] both
versions of libs to support both possible ways to run,
discrepancy between local and Zuul run[2]
Zuul testing is done with ansible running on Python3 [3].
Meanwhile ppa repo for ansible contains ansible pachage
that depends only from python2. There is no package for
Python3 and we used only Python2-ansyble.
The fact that Zuul runs it with different configuration
means that we'll keep facing the issues with dependencies
in future, since Gating doesn't test it.
This patch changes makes local scripts run as Zuul.
The script partially takes care of reverting intallation
from its previous runs. To cleanup completely it's possible
to run [4] in case these pacakges are not used by anyone else
if dpkg -l | grep "ansible.*ppa~bionic"; then
sudo apt -y remove ansible
sudo apt -y autoremove
sudo add-apt-repository -r -y ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get -y update
+ possibly
sudo apt remove virtinst python-libvirt python-docker python-requests python-lxml python-libvirt
Change-Id: Ia1ac3aa4128f6c4797dea1709ccb8516ae342a66
* added license templates for go, bash & yaml in tools dir
* added a script that will add license information for all
missing files. Type: go, yaml, yml, sh
* skip adding license for all files within testdata
* Syntax:
> ./tools/
* Skip license for manifests folder
* Added one extra line after licene for yaml files
* Added License after Hashbang for bash.
* Add an extra line after hashbang and before license
* Updated the go template to use multiline comments
New Files:
1. tools/
2. tools/license_go.txt
3. tools/license_yaml.txt
4. tools/license_bash.txt
Change-Id: Ia4da5b261e7cd518d446896b72c810421877472a
The scripts in the tools/gate directory do not run ansible with a local
conenction; the ansible playbooks attempt to SSH to a VM on localhost
and fail. This change adds the local connection flag in order to run
directly on the host.
Change-Id: I3d7c7b6d21fc4972bd8a084ea49c945af4bfc518
Signed-off-by: Drew Walters <>