ARG ARG FROM ${GO_IMAGE} as builder ARG GOPROXY="" ENV PATH "/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" # Inject custom root certificate authorities if needed # Docker does not have a good conditional copy statement and requires that a source file exists # to complete the copy function without error. Therefore the file will be copied to # the image every time even if there are no .crt files. COPY ./certs/* /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ RUN update-ca-certificates RUN apt-get update -yq && apt-get upgrade -yq && apt-get install -y gcc make SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "-cex" ] WORKDIR /usr/src/airshipctl # Take advantage of caching for dependency acquisition COPY go.mod go.sum /usr/src/airshipctl/ RUN go mod download COPY . /usr/src/airshipctl/ ARG MAKE_TARGET=bin/replacement-transformer RUN make ${MAKE_TARGET} FROM ${RELEASE_IMAGE} as release ARG MAKE_TARGET=bin/replacement-transformer COPY --from=builder /usr/src/airshipctl/${MAKE_TARGET} /usr/local/bin/config-function USER 65534 CMD ["/usr/local/bin/config-function"]