SHELL := /bin/bash GO_FLAGS := -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -tags=netgo BINDIR := bin EXECUTABLE_CLI := airshipctl TOOLBINDIR := tools/bin # linting LINTER := $(TOOLBINDIR)/golangci-lint LINTER_CONFIG := .golangci.yaml # docker DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET := build # docker image options DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME ?= airshipctl DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX ?= airshipit DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG ?= dev DOCKER_IMAGE ?= $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE ?= release PUBLISH ?= false # go options PKG ?= ./... TESTS ?= . TEST_FLAGS ?= COVER_FLAGS ?= COVER_PROFILE ?= cover.out # proxy options PROXY ?= NO_PROXY ?= localhost,,.svc.cluster.local USE_PROXY ?= false # Sphinx document options PYTHON_EXECUTABLE := python3 SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build SOURCEDIR = docs/source BUILDDIR = docs/build/html REQUIREMENTSTXT := docs/requirements.txt # Godoc server options GD_PORT ?= 8080 .PHONY: depend depend: @go mod download .PHONY: build build: depend @CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o $(BINDIR)/$(EXECUTABLE_CLI) $(GO_FLAGS) .PHONY: install install: depend install: @CGO_ENABLED=0 go install . .PHONY: test test: lint test: cover .PHONY: unit-tests unit-tests: TESTFLAGS += -race -v unit-tests: @echo "Performing unit test step..." @go test -run $(TESTS) $(PKG) $(TESTFLAGS) $(COVER_FLAGS) @echo "All unit tests passed" .PHONY: cover cover: COVER_FLAGS = -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=$(COVER_PROFILE) cover: unit-tests @./tools/coverage_check $(COVER_PROFILE) .PHONY: fmt fmt: lint .PHONY: lint lint: tidy lint: $(LINTER) @echo "Performing linting step..." @./tools/whitespace_linter @./$(LINTER) run --config $(LINTER_CONFIG) @# NOTE(howell): golangci-lint uses and embedded golint, but if we use it, it @# will cause gate failures. For now, we'll install golint alongside @# golangci-lint. Once all of golint's suggestions have been fulfilled, we'll @# remove this and simply use the golint that's embedded in golangci-lint. @go install @golint ./... @echo "Linting completed successfully" .PHONY: tidy tidy: @echo "Checking that go.mod is up to date..." @./tools/gomod_check @echo "go.mod is up to date" .PHONY: images images: docker-image .PHONY: docker-image docker-image: ifeq ($(USE_PROXY), true) @docker build . --network=host \ --build-arg http_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg https_proxy=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$(PROXY) \ --build-arg no_proxy=$(NO_PROXY) \ --build-arg NO_PROXY=$(NO_PROXY) \ --build-arg MAKE_TARGET=$(DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET) \ --tag $(DOCKER_IMAGE) \ --target $(DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE) else @docker build . --network=host \ --build-arg MAKE_TARGET=$(DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET) \ --tag $(DOCKER_IMAGE) \ --target $(DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE) endif ifeq ($(PUBLISH), true) @docker push $(DOCKER_IMAGE) endif .PHONY: print-docker-image-tag print-docker-image-tag: @echo "$(DOCKER_IMAGE)" .PHONY: docker-image-test-suite docker-image-test-suite: DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET = "lint cover update-golden check-git-diff" docker-image-test-suite: DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE = builder docker-image-test-suite: docker-image .PHONY: docker-image-unit-tests docker-image-unit-tests: DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET = cover docker-image-unit-tests: DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE = builder docker-image-unit-tests: docker-image .PHONY: docker-image-lint docker-image-lint: DOCKER_MAKE_TARGET = lint docker-image-lint: DOCKER_TARGET_STAGE = builder docker-image-lint: docker-image .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -fr $(BINDIR) @rm -fr $(COVER_PROFILE) .PHONY: docs docs: @$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m venv venv source ./venv/bin/activate @$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip install -r ${REQUIREMENTSTXT} @$(SPHINXBUILD) "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" rm -rf venv .PHONY: godoc godoc: @go install @echo "Follow this link to package documentation: http://localhost:${GD_PORT}/pkg/" @godoc -http=":${GD_PORT}" .PHONY: releasenotes releasenotes: @echo "TODO" $(TOOLBINDIR): mkdir -p $(TOOLBINDIR) $(LINTER): $(TOOLBINDIR) ./tools/install_linter .PHONY: update-golden update-golden: delete-golden update-golden: TESTFLAGS += -update update-golden: PKG = update-golden: unit-tests # The delete-golden target is a utility for update-golden .PHONY: delete-golden delete-golden: @find . -type f -name "*.golden" -delete # Used by gates after unit-tests and update-golden targets to ensure no files are deleted. .PHONY: check-git-diff check-git-diff: @./tools/git_diff_check