# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - project: vars: sphinx_build_dir: docs/build proxy: enabled: false http: "" https: "" noproxy: "" image_repo: quay.io image_prefix: airshipit docker: base_go_image: "" base_release_image: "" base_plugins_build_image: "" base_plugins_release_image: "" check: jobs: - openstack-tox-docs: &docs files: - ^docs/.*$ - airship-airshipctl-golint - airship-airshipctl-lint - airship-airshipctl-unit - airship-airshipctl-roles-test - airship-airshipctl-check-github-issues - airship-airshipctl-build-image - airship-airshipctl-validate-site-docs # - airship-airshipctl-functional-existing-k8s TODO: Enable this when functional tests exist, and a cluster is up - airship-airshipctl-gate-script-runner-docker - airship-aiap-build-image - airship-airship-in-a-pod-script-runner - airship-airshipctl-dead-link-linter experimental: jobs: - airship-airshipctl-docker-kubebench-conformance - airship-airshipctl-docker-cncf-conformance - airship-airshipctl-gate-script-runner gate: jobs: - openstack-tox-docs: *docs - airship-airshipctl-lint - airship-airshipctl-unit - airship-airshipctl-build-image - airship-airshipctl-validate-site-docs - airship-airshipctl-gate-script-runner - airship-aiap-build-image # - airship-airship-in-a-pod-script-runner # - airship-airshipctl-functional-existing-k8s TODO: Enable this when functional tests exist, and a cluster is up post: jobs: - airship-airshipctl-publish-image - airship-aiap-publish-image - airship-airshipctl-upload-git-mirror promote: jobs: - promote-airship-project-docs: *docs tag: jobs: - airship-airshipctl-upload-git-mirror