{{ libvirt_domain.name }} {{ libvirt_domain.memory_mb | int * 1024 }} {{ libvirt_domain.vcpus }} {% if libvirt_domain.clock_offset |default( libvirt_vm_clock_offset ) %} {% else %} {% endif %} destroy restart destroy hvm {% if cpu_mode %} {% endif %} {{ libvirt_vm_emulator }} {% for volume in volumes %} {% if volume.type | default(libvirt_volume_default_type) == 'file' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if volume.target is undefined %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if sata_controller %}
{% endif %} {% for interface in interfaces %} {% if interface.type is defined and interface.type == 'direct' %} {% elif interface.type is defined and interface.type == 'bridge' %} {% elif interface.type is not defined or interface.type == 'network' %} {% endif %} {% if interface.mac | default("") != "" %} {% endif %} {# if the network configuration is invalid this can still appear in the xml #} {# (say you enter 'bond' instead of 'bridge' in your variables) #} {% endfor %} {% if console_log_enabled | bool %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if enable_vnc |bool %} {% endif %} /dev/urandom