# These rules inject env vars into the baremetal-operator function. apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1 kind: ReplacementTransformer metadata: name: baremetal-operator-env-vars-replacements annotations: config.kubernetes.io/function: |- container: image: quay.io/airshipit/replacement-transformer:latest replacements: # Replace the proxy vars - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.HTTP_PROXY target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.HTTP_PROXY"] - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.HTTPS_PROXY target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.HTTPS_PROXY"] - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.http_proxy target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.http_proxy"] - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.https_proxy target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.https_proxy"] - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.NO_PROXY target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.NO_PROXY"] - source: objref: name: env-vars-catalogue fieldref: env.no_proxy target: objref: kind: ConfigMap name: ironic-vars fieldrefs: ["data.no_proxy"]