package completion import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" ) const completionDesc = ` Generate autocompletions script for airshipctl for the specified shell (bash or zsh). This command can generate shell autocompletions. e.g. $ airshipctl completion bash Can be sourced as such $ source <(airshipctl completion bash) ` var ( completionShells = map[string]func(cmd *cobra.Command) error{ "bash": runCompletionBash, "zsh": runCompletionZsh, } ) func NewCompletionCommand() *cobra.Command { shells := []string{} for s := range completionShells { shells = append(shells, s) } cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "completion SHELL", Short: "Generate autocompletions script for the specified shell (bash or zsh)", Long: completionDesc, RunE: runCompletion, ValidArgs: shells, } return cmd } func runCompletion(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if len(args) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("shell not specified") } if len(args) > 1 { return fmt.Errorf("too many arguments, expected only the shell type") } run, found := completionShells[args[0]] if !found { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported shell type %q", args[0]) } return run(cmd) } func runCompletionBash(cmd *cobra.Command) error { return cmd.Root().GenBashCompletion(cmd.OutOrStdout()) } func runCompletionZsh(cmd *cobra.Command) error { out := cmd.OutOrStdout() zshInitialization := `#compdef airshipctl __airshipctl_bash_source() { alias shopt=':' alias _expand=_bash_expand alias _complete=_bash_comp emulate -L sh setopt kshglob noshglob braceexpand source "$@" } __airshipctl_type() { # -t is not supported by zsh if [ "$1" == "-t" ]; then shift # fake Bash 4 to disable "complete -o nospace". Instead # "compopt +-o nospace" is used in the code to toggle trailing # spaces. We don't support that, but leave trailing spaces on # all the time if [ "$1" = "__airshipctl_compopt" ]; then echo builtin return 0 fi fi type "$@" } __airshipctl_compgen() { local completions w completions=( $(compgen "$@") ) || return $? # filter by given word as prefix while [[ "$1" = -* && "$1" != -- ]]; do shift shift done if [[ "$1" == -- ]]; then shift fi for w in "${completions[@]}"; do if [[ "${w}" = "$1"* ]]; then echo "${w}" fi done } __airshipctl_compopt() { true # don't do anything. Not supported by bashcompinit in zsh } __airshipctl_declare() { if [ "$1" == "-F" ]; then whence -w "$@" else builtin declare "$@" fi } __airshipctl_ltrim_colon_completions() { if [[ "$1" == *:* && "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" == *:* ]]; then # Remove colon-word prefix from COMPREPLY items local colon_word=${1%${1##*:}} local i=${#COMPREPLY[*]} while [[ $((--i)) -ge 0 ]]; do COMPREPLY[$i]=${COMPREPLY[$i]#"$colon_word"} done fi } __airshipctl_get_comp_words_by_ref() { cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[${COMP_CWORD}-1]}" words=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}") cword=("${COMP_CWORD[@]}") } __airshipctl_filedir() { local RET OLD_IFS w qw __debug "_filedir $@ cur=$cur" if [[ "$1" = \~* ]]; then # somehow does not work. Maybe, zsh does not call this at all eval echo "$1" return 0 fi OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then shift RET=( $(compgen -d) ) else RET=( $(compgen -f) ) fi IFS="$OLD_IFS" IFS="," __debug "RET=${RET[@]} len=${#RET[@]}" for w in ${RET[@]}; do if [[ ! "${w}" = "${cur}"* ]]; then continue fi if eval "[[ \"\${w}\" = *.$1 || -d \"\${w}\" ]]"; then qw="$(__airshipctl_quote "${w}")" if [ -d "${w}" ]; then COMPREPLY+=("${qw}/") else COMPREPLY+=("${qw}") fi fi done } __airshipctl_quote() { if [[ $1 == \'* || $1 == \"* ]]; then # Leave out first character printf %q "${1:1}" else printf %q "$1" fi } autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit # use word boundary patterns for BSD or GNU sed LWORD='[[:<:]]' RWORD='[[:>:]]' if sed --help 2>&1 | grep -q GNU; then LWORD='\<' RWORD='\>' fi __airshipctl_convert_bash_to_zsh() { sed \ -e 's/declare -F/whence -w/' \ -e 's/_get_comp_words_by_ref "\$@"/_get_comp_words_by_ref "\$*"/' \ -e 's/local \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/local \1; \1=/' \ -e 's/flags+=("\(--.*\)=")/flags+=("\1"); two_word_flags+=("\1")/' \ -e 's/must_have_one_flag+=("\(--.*\)=")/must_have_one_flag+=("\1")/' \ -e "s/${LWORD}_filedir${RWORD}/__airshipctl_filedir/g" \ -e "s/${LWORD}_get_comp_words_by_ref${RWORD}/__airshipctl_get_comp_words_by_ref/g" \ -e "s/${LWORD}__ltrim_colon_completions${RWORD}/__airshipctl_ltrim_colon_completions/g" \ -e "s/${LWORD}compgen${RWORD}/__airshipctl_compgen/g" \ -e "s/${LWORD}compopt${RWORD}/__airshipctl_compopt/g" \ -e "s/${LWORD}declare${RWORD}/__airshipctl_declare/g" \ -e "s/\\\$(type${RWORD}/\$(__airshipctl_type/g" \ -e 's/aliashash\["\(.\{1,\}\)"\]/aliashash[\1]/g' \ -e 's/FUNCNAME/funcstack/g' \ <<'BASH_COMPLETION_EOF' ` if _, err := out.Write([]byte(zshInitialization)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not write zsh completion file: %s", err.Error()) } buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := cmd.Root().GenBashCompletion(buf); err != nil { return err } if _, err := out.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not write zsh completion file: %s", err.Error()) } zshTail := ` BASH_COMPLETION_EOF } __airshipctl_bash_source <(__airshipctl_convert_bash_to_zsh) ` if _, err := out.Write([]byte(zshTail)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not write zsh completion file: %s", err.Error()) } return nil }