Function: generatesecrets-example ================================= This function defines a secrets variable catalogue profile that can be consumed by the generate-secrets function to generate secrets. Using this example we can build other catalogues to generate passphrases and certificates. In the `example` defined passphrases and certificates fields are defined. Sprig library templater functions and other custom defined functions will be called to generate the respective passphrases and certificates. In passphrases catalogue the `generationType` field has to be specified, so that the passphrase generation happens based on the function. Here is the list of valid `generationType` functions supported as of now: `randAscii`, `randAlpha`, `randAlphaNum`, `randNumeric`, `derivePassword`, `regexGen`. Along with the `generationType` the corresponding fields for that function has to be specified. Refer to the `example` for the required fields for specific `generationType`. If no `generationType` or inavlid type is specified an appropriate error will be thrown and execution fails. For certificate generation, commonName(`cn`), `validity`, `keyEncoding` are the valid fields that are to be specified. If `cn` and `validity` are not specified they take "kubernetes" and "365" days as default values. The `/replacements` kustomization contains a substitution rule that injects the variables specified into the generate-secrets function template, which will be used to generate the respective passphrases and certificates based on the variables.