Sirajudeen 64eee82092 Added replacements for composite/infra
* Added replacements for cert-manager.
* Removed the unneeded cert-manager replacement from clusterctl function
* Added the 3 images used for cert-manager in Base Versions Catalogue

Closes: #549
Change-Id: I72b458b77c399f128b490cc5723e51af7c3d6f16
2021-06-09 17:19:41 +00:00
2021-03-12 17:00:06 -06:00

Function: k8scontrol

This function defines a base Clusterctl config that includes a collection of available CAPI providers (under providers) which are supported by airshipctl. It also provides a selection of those for a default Metal3 deployment (under init-options). The selected init-options may be patched/overridden at the Type level, etc.

This function relies on CAPI variable substitution to supply versioned container images to the CAPI components. The Clusterctl objects supplies defaults, and these can (optionally) be overridden either by simple Kustomize patching, or by applying the replacements kustomization as a Kustomize transformer. In the latter case, an airshipctl versions catalogue must be supplied; please see the airshipctl-base-catalogues function for a base/example.