
89 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# with enabling syslog
# Very simple PUT handler. Read the Apache Week article before attempting
# to use this script. You are responsible for ensure that this script is
# used securely.
# A simple log file, must be writable by the user that this program runs as.
# Should not be within the document tree.
use Sys::Syslog;
# Check we are using PUT method
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} ne "PUT") { &reply(500, "Request method is not PUT"); }
# Note: should also check we are an authentication user by checking
# Check we got a destination filename
$filename = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'};
if (!$filename) { &reply(500, "No PATH_TRANSLATED"); }
# Check we got some content
$clength = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};
if (!$clength) { &reply(500, "Content-Length missing or zero ($clength)"); }
# Read the content itself
$toread = $clength;
$content = "";
while ($toread > 0)
$nread = read(STDIN, $data, $clength);
&reply(500, "Error reading content") if !defined($nread);
$toread -= $nread;
$content = $data;
# Write it out
# Note: doesn't check the location of the file, whether it already
# exists, whether it is a special file, directory or link. Does not
# set the access permissions. Does not handle subdirectories that
# need creating.
open(OUT, "> $filename") || &reply(500, "Cannot write to $filename");
print OUT $content;
# Everything seemed to work, reply with 204 (or 200). Should reply with 201
# if content was created, not updated.
# Send back reply to client for a given status.
sub reply
local($status, $message) = @_;
local($remuser, $remhost, $logline) = ();
print "Status: $status\n";
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
if ($status == 200) {
print "<HEAD><TITLE>OK</TITLE></HEAD><H1>Content Accepted</H1>\n";
} elsif ($status == 500) {
print "<HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE></HEAD><H1>Error Publishing File</H1>\n";
print "An error occurred publishing this file ($message).\n";
# Note: status 204 and 201 gives have content part
# Create a simple log
$remuser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} || "-";
$remhost = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || "-";
$logline = "$remhost $remuser $filename status $status";
$logline .= " ($message)" if ($status == 500);
sub log
local($msg) = @_;
openlog("", "ndelay,pid", "local0");
syslog("info", $msg);