The below manifest changes integrates capi v0.4.2 with capm3 v0.5.0 version. It changes the required manifests files in the airshipctl. It upgrades capi to v1alpha4 and capm3 to v1alpha5. Closes: #518 #560 Change-Id: Ia9ea82ad8052e55f0e70f1038497a919ac7b9270
Function: k8scontrol
This function defines a base Clusterctl config that includes a collection
of available CAPI providers (under providers
) which are supported by
. It also provides a selection of those for a default Metal3
deployment (under init-options
). The selected init-options may be
patched/overridden at the Type level, etc.
This function relies on CAPI variable substitution to supply versioned
container images to the CAPI components. The Clusterctl objects
supplies defaults, and these can (optionally) be overridden either by
simple Kustomize patching, or by applying the replacements
kustomization as a Kustomize transformer. In the latter case,
an airshipctl versions catalogue must be supplied; please see the
function for a base/example.