
1. Extending templater with kyaml functions and creating combined catalogue to be able to request/update the existing resources. This is based on 'everything is transformer' concept introduced in kustomize 4.x That includes gathering all secrets into 1 variable catalogue and special mechanism to regenerate/merge with manual secrets. 2. Implementing 'catalogue per cluster' approach for secrets. 3. Rearranging secrets so it's possible to use: pgp (each person may have his own key), age, Hachicorp Vault and etc and the list of people who can decrypt documents is set in a special file. Since in some cases there should be a separate list of people who can decrypt data - this list is set for each cluster (ephemeral and target) separatelly. Closes: #586 Change-Id: I038f84dd138d5ad4a35f4862c61ff2124c2fd530
166 lines
7.3 KiB
166 lines
7.3 KiB
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: Templater
name: secret-template-lib
template: |
{{/* RFC3339 returns string that defines timestamp format accoring to
that RFC */}}
{{- define "RFC3339" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* grepTpl returns yaml that can be used to built KFilter that will
filter with grep */}}
{{- define "grepTpl" -}}
kind: GrepFilter
path: {{ index . 0 }}
value: {{ index . 1 }}
{{ if gt (len .) 2}}
invertMatch: {{ index . 2 }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{/* createNodeType converts text representation of node type that can be
created to number */}}
{{- define "createNodeType" -}}
{{- $type := . -}}
{{/* values defined here: https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml/blob/496545a6307b/yaml.go#L323 */}}
{{- if eq $type "DocumentNode" -}}
{{- else if eq $type "SequenceNode" -}}
{{- else if eq $type "MappingNode" -}}
{{- else if eq $type "ScalarNode" -}}
{{- else if eq $type "AliasNode" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- fail (printf "unknown node type %s" $type) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* pathGetTpl returns yaml that can be used to create YFilter that returns
yaml node by path */}}
{{- define "pathGetTpl" -}}
{{- $path := index . 0 -}}
kind: PathGetter
path: {{ $path }}
{{- if gt (len .) 1 }}
create: {{ include "createNodeType" (index . 1) }}
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* fieldSetTpl returns yaml that can be used to create YFilter that sets
yaml node with value */}}
{{- define "fieldSetTpl" -}}
{{- $name := index . 0 -}}
{{- $stringValue := index . 1 -}}
kind: FieldSetter
name: {{ $name | quote }}
stringValue: {{ $stringValue }}
{{- end -}}
{{/* isEncrypted returns true if it can find sops field in the document */}}
{{- define "isEncrypted" -}}
{{- $combinedSecrets := . -}}
{{- $value := YValue $combinedSecrets -}}
{{- if $value.sops -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* group gets the current combined secrets, imported combined secrets,
group name, group period (once, monthly, yearly) and name of function
that regenerates the group and performs merge of imported secrets to
the current secrets, and regenerates needed fields based group period */}}
{{- define "group" -}}
{{/* reading args and setting constants */}}
{{- $ctx := index . 0 -}}
{{- $combinedSecrets := index . 1 -}}
{{- $combinedSecretsImport := index . 2 -}}
{{- $groupName := index . 3 -}}
{{- $groupPeriod := index . 4 -}}
{{- $generationTemplateName := index . 5 -}}
{{- $RFC3339 := include "RFC3339" . -}}
{{- $groupY := YOneFilter $combinedSecrets (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"secretGroups\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $groupName))) -}}
{{- $groupImportedY := YOneFilter $combinedSecretsImport (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"secretGroups\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $groupName))) -}}
{{- $sg := YValue $groupY -}}
{{- $sgi := YValue $groupImportedY -}}
{{/* calculcate dates for regeneration periods. Add here group period if needed */}}
{{- $periodExpiredEarlier := dict "once" (toDate $RFC3339 "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z") "monthly" (now | dateModify "-720h") "yearly" (now | dateModify "-8760h") -}}
{{- $preiodRegenerationForced := dict -}}
{{- range $period, $_ := $periodExpiredEarlier -}}
{{- $_ := set $preiodRegenerationForced $period "false" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $key, $val := splitList "," (env "FORCE_REGENERATE") -}}
{{- if eq $val "all" -}}
{{- range $period, $_ := $periodExpiredEarlier -}}
{{- $_ := set $preiodRegenerationForced $period "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set $preiodRegenerationForced $val "true" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* get initial flag if we need to regenerate from $preiodRegenerationForced dict */}}
{{- $regenerate := eq (get $preiodRegenerationForced $groupPeriod) "true" -}}
{{/* if group isn't present in input - generate */}}
{{- if and (not $regenerate) (eq ($sg | quote) "") -}}
{{- $regenerate = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* generate if last update time is earlier than $periodExpiredEarlier for that period */}}
{{- if not $regenerate -}}
{{- if lt (unixEpoch (toDate $RFC3339 $sg.updated)) (unixEpoch (toDate $RFC3339 ( get $periodExpiredEarlier $groupPeriod | date $RFC3339))) -}}
{{- $regenerate = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* merge imported values to old values */}}
{{/* for each value in imported */}}
{{- range $k, $v := $sgi.values -}}
{{/* find value with the same name as in imported */}}
{{- $val := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $v.name))) -}}
{{- if $val -}}
{{/* for each field */}}
{{- range $ki, $vi := $v -}}
{{/* ensure that the field exists before updating */}}
{{- $_ := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\",\"%s\"]" $v.name $ki) "ScalarNode")) -}}
{{/* update group value */}}
{{- $_ := YOneFilter $val (include "fieldSetTpl" (list $ki ($vi|quote))) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $valuesList := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\"]"))) -}}
{{- $newValue := YOneFilter $groupImportedY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $v.name))) -}}
{{- $_ := YListAppend $valuesList $newValue -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* if both groups were empty - set at least name */}}
{{- $groupY = YMerge (StrToY (printf "name: %s" $groupName)) $groupY -}}
{{- if $regenerate -}}
{{- $groupY = YMerge (StrToY (printf "updated: %s" (now | date $RFC3339))) $groupY -}}
{{- $generatedValues := StrToY (include $generationTemplateName $ctx) -}}
{{- $_ := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list "[\"values\"]" "SequenceNode")) -}}
{{- $sgn := YValue $generatedValues -}}
{{- range $k, $v := $sgn.values -}}
{{- $val := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $v.name))) -}}
{{- if $val -}}
{{- $vval := YValue $val -}}
{{/* don't update pinned values */}}
{{- if not (eq ($vval.pinned|quote) "\"true\"") -}}
{{/* for each field */}}
{{- range $ki, $vi := $v -}}
{{/* ensure that the field exists before updating */}}
{{- $_ := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\",\"%s\"]" $v.name $ki) "ScalarNode")) -}}
{{/* update group value */}}
{{- $_ := YOneFilter $val (include "fieldSetTpl" (list $ki ($vi|quote))) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $valuesList := YOneFilter $groupY (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\"]"))) -}}
{{- $newValue := YOneFilter $generatedValues (include "pathGetTpl" (list (printf "[\"values\", \"[name=%s]\"]" $v.name))) -}}
{{- $_ := YListAppend $valuesList $newValue -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* print the resulting yaml */}}
{{- toYaml (YValue $groupY) -}}
{{- end -}}