Ian H. Pittwood c7c1011a5c Fix various code style issues
Fixes possible name collisions between variable names and package names

Remove redundant import naming

Use nil slices for slice declarations instead of empty slices

Use make for slices of fixed lengths

Remove redundant parentheses

Replace deprecated `SetOutput` method with `SetOut`

Fix swapped actual/expected arguments on assertEqualGolden

Change-Id: Ia39ef44372c3e44948e5440575125bdb470898df
2020-02-07 09:28:18 -06:00

100 lines
3.2 KiB

package document_test
import (
func TestDocument(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
assert := assert.New(t)
// the easiest way to construct a bunch of documents
// is by manufacturing a bundle
// alanmeadows(TODO): at some point
// refactoring this so there isn't a reliance
// on a bundle might be useful
fSys := testutil.SetupTestFs(t, "testdata")
bundle, err := document.NewBundle(fSys, "/", "/")
require.NoError(err, "Building Bundle Failed")
t.Run("GetName", func(t *testing.T) {
docs, err := bundle.GetAllDocuments()
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetAllDocuments")
nameList := make([]string, 0, len(docs))
for _, doc := range docs {
nameList = append(nameList, doc.GetName())
assert.Contains(nameList, "tiller-deploy", "Could not find expected name")
t.Run("AsYAML", func(t *testing.T) {
doc, err := bundle.GetByName("some-random-deployment-we-will-filter")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetByName for AsYAML Test")
// see if we can marshal it while we're here for coverage
// as this is a dependency for AsYAML
json, err := doc.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to MarshalJSON()")
// get it as yaml
yaml, err := doc.AsYAML()
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to AsYAML()")
// convert the bytes into a string for comparison
// alanmeadows(NOTE): marshal can reorder things
// in the yaml, and does not return document beginning
// or end markers that may of been in the source so
// the FixtureInitiallyIgnored has been altered to
// look more or less how unmarshalling it would look
s := string(yaml)
fileData, err := fSys.ReadFile("/initially_ignored.yaml")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error reading initially_ignored.yaml file")
// increase the chance of a match by removing any \n suffix on both actual
// and expected
assert.Equal(strings.TrimRight(s, "\n"), strings.TrimRight(string(fileData), "\n"))
t.Run("GetString", func(t *testing.T) {
doc, err := bundle.GetByName("some-random-deployment-we-will-filter")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetByName")
appLabelMatch, err := doc.GetString("spec.selector.matchLabels.app")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetString from document")
assert.Equal(appLabelMatch, "some-random-deployment-we-will-filter")
t.Run("GetNamespace", func(t *testing.T) {
doc, err := bundle.GetByName("some-random-deployment-we-will-filter")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetByName")
assert.Equal("foobar", doc.GetNamespace())
t.Run("GetStringSlice", func(t *testing.T) {
doc, err := bundle.GetByName("some-random-deployment-we-will-filter")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetByName")
s := []string{"foobar"}
gotSlice, err := doc.GetStringSlice("spec.template.spec.containers[0].args")
require.NoError(err, "Unexpected error trying to GetStringSlice")
assert.Equal(s, gotSlice)