
167 lines
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package client
import (
clusterctlclient ""
clusterctlconfig ""
clog ""
airshipv1 ""
var _ Interface = &Client{}
const (
// BootstrapProviderType is a local copy of appropriate type from cluster-api
BootstrapProviderType = v1alpha3.BootstrapProviderType
// CoreProviderType is a local copy of appropriate type from cluster-api
CoreProviderType = v1alpha3.CoreProviderType
// ControlPlaneProviderType is a local copy of appropriate type from cluster-api
ControlPlaneProviderType = v1alpha3.ControlPlaneProviderType
// InfrastructureProviderType is a local copy of appropriate type from cluster-api
InfrastructureProviderType = v1alpha3.InfrastructureProviderType
// Interface is abstraction to Clusterctl
type Interface interface {
Init(kubeconfigPath, kubeconfigContext string) error
Move(fromKubeconfigPath, fromKubeconfigContext, toKubeconfigPath, toKubeconfigContext, namespace string) error
Render(options RenderOptions) ([]byte, error)
// Client Implements interface to Clusterctl
type Client struct {
clusterctlClient clusterctlclient.Client
initOptions clusterctlclient.InitOptions
moveOptions clusterctlclient.MoveOptions
repoFactory RepositoryFactory
// RenderOptions is used to get providers from RepoFactory for Render method
type RenderOptions struct {
ProviderName string
ProviderVersion string
ProviderType string
// GetKubeconfigOptions carries all the options to retrieve kubeconfig from parent cluster
type GetKubeconfigOptions struct {
// Timeout is the maximum length of time to retrieve kubeconfig
Timeout string
// Namespace is the namespace in which secret is placed.
ManagedClusterNamespace string
// ManagedClusterName is the name of the managed cluster.
ManagedClusterName string
// NewClient returns instance of clusterctl client
func NewClient(root string, debug bool, options *airshipv1.Clusterctl) (Interface, error) {
if debug {
debugVerbosity := 5
initOptions := options.InitOptions
var cio clusterctlclient.InitOptions
if initOptions != nil {
cio = clusterctlclient.InitOptions{
BootstrapProviders: initOptions.BootstrapProviders,
CoreProvider: initOptions.CoreProvider,
InfrastructureProviders: initOptions.InfrastructureProviders,
ControlPlaneProviders: initOptions.ControlPlaneProviders,
cclient, rf, err := newClusterctlClient(root, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{clusterctlClient: cclient, initOptions: cio, repoFactory: rf}, nil
// Init implements interface to Clusterctl
func (c *Client) Init(kubeconfigPath, kubeconfigContext string) error {
log.Print("Starting cluster-api initiation")
c.initOptions.Kubeconfig = clusterctlclient.Kubeconfig{
Path: kubeconfigPath,
Context: kubeconfigContext,
_, err := c.clusterctlClient.Init(c.initOptions)
return err
// newConfig returns clusterctl config client
func newConfig(options *airshipv1.Clusterctl, root string) (clusterctlconfig.Client, error) {
for _, provider := range options.Providers {
if !provider.IsClusterctlRepository {
provider.URL = root
reader, err := implementations.NewAirshipReader(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clusterctlconfig.New("", clusterctlconfig.InjectReader(reader))
func newClusterctlClient(root string, options *airshipv1.Clusterctl) (clusterctlclient.Client,
RepositoryFactory, error) {
cconf, err := newConfig(options, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, RepositoryFactory{}, err
rf := RepositoryFactory{
Options: options,
ConfigClient: cconf,
// option config factory
ocf := clusterctlclient.InjectConfig(cconf)
// option repository factory
orf := clusterctlclient.InjectRepositoryFactory(rf.ClientRepositoryFactory())
// options cluster client factory
occf := clusterctlclient.InjectClusterClientFactory(rf.ClusterClientFactory())
client, err := clusterctlclient.New("", ocf, orf, occf)
return client, rf, err
// Render returns requested components as yaml
func (c *Client) Render(renderOptions RenderOptions) ([]byte, error) {
provider, err := c.repoFactory.ConfigClient.Providers().Get(renderOptions.ProviderName,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
crf := c.repoFactory.ClientRepositoryFactory()
repoClient, err := crf(clusterctlclient.RepositoryClientFactoryInput{
Provider: provider,
Processor: yamlprocessor.NewSimpleProcessor(),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
components, err := repoClient.Components().Get(repository.ComponentsOptions{Version: renderOptions.ProviderVersion})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return components.Yaml()