
24 lines
936 B

Reset/rotate the Service Account(SA) tokens and additionally restart the corresponding pods to get the latest
token data reflected in the pod spec.
Secret-namespace is a mandatory flag and secret-name is optional. If secret-name is not given, all the SA tokens
in that particular namespace is considered, else only that particular input secret-name.
rotate-sa-token [flags]
To rotate a particular SA token
# airshipctl cluster rotate-sa-token -n cert-manager -s cert-manager-token-vvn9p
To rotate all the SA tokens in cert-manager namespace
# airshipctl cluster rotate-sa-token -n cert-manager
-h, --help help for rotate-sa-token
--kubeconfig string path to kubeconfig associated with cluster being managed
-s, --secret-name string name of the secret containing Service Account Token
-n, --secret-namespace string namespace of the Service Account Token