Ian Howell cde9648718 AIAP: Cause AIAP to fail faster
Currently, when a container in AIAP fails, the container continues to
run in the backgroud. This causes the container to be marked as failed
so that the deployment will fail faster.

Closes: #626

Change-Id: I34de366390b6ddc0ef434f7e642e73797a790edf
2021-09-07 17:02:52 -05:00
2021-02-22 19:55:44 -06:00
2021-09-07 17:02:52 -05:00
2021-09-03 12:32:38 -05:00
2021-09-07 17:02:52 -05:00
2021-02-22 19:55:44 -06:00
2021-09-07 16:54:14 -05:00
2021-09-02 18:11:10 -05:00

Airship in a Pod

Airship in a pod is a Kubernetes pod definition which describes all of the components required to deploy a fully functioning Airship 2 deployment. The pod consists of the following "Task" containers:

  • artifact-setup: This container builds the airshipctl binary and makes it available to the other containers. Also, based on the configuration provided in the airship-in-a-pod manifest, airshipctl/treasuremap(based on the usecase) git repositories will be downloaded and the required tag or commitId will be checked out.
  • infra-builder: This container creates the various virtual networks and machines required for an Airship deployment
  • runner: The runner container is the "meat" of the pod, and executes the deployment

The pod also contains the following "Support" containers:

  • libvirt: This provides virtualisation
  • sushy-tools: This is used for its BMC emulator
  • docker-in-docker: This is used for nesting containers
  • nginx: This is used for image hosting

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Quick Start

Airship-in-a-Pod can be easily run within AKS by running the script:


Environment variables can be supplied to override default, such as:

  • AIAP_POD: the kustomization to use for the AIAP Pod definition
  • CLEANUP_GROUP: whether to delete the resource group created for AIAP. Defaults to false.

Please consult the script for the full list of overrideable variables.

Note that authentication (e.g. az login) must be done prior to invoking the script.


Nested Virtualisation

If deployment is done on a VM, ensure that nested virtualization is enabled.

Setup shared directory

Create the following directory with appropriate r+w permissions.

sudo mkdir /opt/.airship

Environment variable setup

If you are within a proxy environment, ensure that the following environment variables are defined, and NO_PROXY has the IP address which minikube uses. For retrieving minikube ip refer: minikube-ip

export HTTP_PROXY=http://username:password@host:port
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://username:password@host:port
export NO_PROXY="localhost,,,,"
export PROXY=http://username:password@host:port
export USE_PROXY=true
export http_proxy=http://username:password@host:port
export https_proxy=http://username:password@host:port
export no_proxy="localhost,,,,"
export proxy=http://username:password@host:port

To start minikube

Within the environment, with appropriate env variables set, run the following command.

sudo -E minikube start --driver=none

Refer minikubefor more details.


Since Airship in a Pod is just a pod definition, deploying and using it is as simple as deploying and using any Kubernetes pod with kustomize tool.

Pod configuration

The below section provides steps to configure site with airshipctl/treasuremap manifests.

For airshipctl

Within the examples/airshipctl directory, update the existing patchset.yaml file to reflect the airshipctl branch reference as required.

filepath : airshipctl/tools/airship-in-a-pod/examples/airshipctl/patchset.yaml

- op: replace
  path: "/spec/containers/4/env/4/value"
  value: <branch reference>

For treasuremap

For treasuremap related manifests, use the patchset.yaml from examples/treasuremap and update the following to reflect the treasuremap branch reference and the pinned airshipctl reference as required. The pinned airshipctl reference is the tag/commitId with which treasuremap is tested and found working satisfactorily. This could be found listed as 'AIRSHIPCTL_REF' attribute under the zuul.d directory of treasuremap repository.

filepath : airshipctl/tools/airship-in-a-pod/examples/treasuremap/patchset.yaml

- op: replace
  path: "/spec/containers/4/env/4/value"
  value: <branch reference>

- op: replace
  path: "/spec/containers/4/env/6/value"
  value: <airshipctl_ref>

For more details, please consult the examples directory.

Deploy the Pod

Once patchset.yaml for either airshipctl/treasuremap is ready, run the following command against the running minikube cluster as shown below.

For example to run AIAP with treasuremap manifests, run the following commands.

cd tools/airship-in-a-pod/examples/{either airshipctl or treasuremap}
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

View Pod Logs

kubectl logs airship-in-a-pod -c $CONTAINER

Interact with the Pod

kubectl exec -it airship-in-a-pod -c $CONTAINER -- bash

where $CONTAINER is one of the containers listed above.

Inspect Cluster

Once AIAP is fully installed with a target cluster (air-target-1 and air-worker-1 nodes) installed and running, the cluster could be monitored using the following steps.

Log into the runner container

kubectl exec -it airship-in-a-pod -c runner -- bash

Run the .profile file using the following command to run kubectl/airshipctl commands as below.

source ~/.profile

To run kubectl commands on Target cluster, use --kubeconfig and --context params within kubectl as below.

kubectl --kubeconfig /root/.airship/kubeconfig --context target-cluster get pods -A'


Airship-in-a-pod produces the following outputs:

  • The airshipctl repo, manifest repo, and airshipctl binary used with the deployment.
  • A tarball containing the generated ephemeral ISO, as well as the configuration used during generation.

These artifacts are placed at ARTIFACTS_DIR (defaults to /opt/aiap-artifacts`).


As it can be cumbersome and time-consuming to build and rebuild binaries and images, some options are made available for caching. A developer may re-use artifacts from previous runs (or provide their own) by placing them in CACHE_DIR (defaults to /opt/aiap-cache). Special care is needed for the caching:

  • If using a cached airshipctl, the airshipctl binary must be stored in the $CACHE_DIR/airshipctl/bin/ directory, and the developer must have set USE_CACHED_ARTIFACTS to true.
  • If using a cached ephemeral iso, the iso must first be contained in a tarball named iso.tar.gz, must be stored in the $CACHE_DIR/ directory, and the developer must have set USE_CACHED_ISO to true.