K8s control plane is deployed by KubeadmControlPlane controller. This controller creates CAPI machines and infrastructure objects (Metal3Machine). Metal3Machine objects are created based on a template which contins host selector label. Control plane label is assigned to a particular BareMetalHots object defined inside of the shared kustomization. Relates-To: #149 Closes: #221 Change-Id: I3be1750aacf9736ece2944045c036f405e404561
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<domain type='{{ libvirt_vm_engine }}'>
<name>{{ libvirt_domain.name }}</name>
<memory>{{ libvirt_domain.memory_mb | int * 1024 }}</memory>
<vcpu>{{ libvirt_domain.vcpus }}</vcpu>
{% if libvirt_domain.clock_offset |default( libvirt_vm_clock_offset ) %}
<clock offset="{{ libvirt_domain.clock_offset }}"/>
{% else %}
<clock sync="localtime"/>
{% endif %}
<type arch='{{ libvirt_vm_arch }}'{% if machine is not none %} machine='{{ machine }}'{% endif %}>hvm</type>
<bootmenu enable='no'/>
<boot dev='hd'/>
<boot dev='cdrom'/>
<boot dev='network'/>
<bios useserial='yes'/>
{% if cpu_mode %}
<cpu mode='{{ cpu_mode }}'>
<model fallback='allow'/>
{% endif %}
<emulator>{{ libvirt_vm_emulator }}</emulator>
{% for volume in volumes %}
<disk type='{{ volume.type | default(libvirt_volume_default_type) }}' device='{{ volume.device | default(libvirt_volume_default_device) }}'>
<driver name='qemu' type='{{ volume.format | default(libvirt_volume_default_format) }}'/>
{% if volume.type | default(libvirt_volume_default_type) == 'file' %}
<source file='{{ volume.file_path |default(libvirt_volume_default_images_path) }}/{{ volume.name}}'/>
{% else %}
<source pool='{{ volume.pool }}' volume='{{ volume.name }}'/>
{% endif %}
{% if volume.target is undefined %}
<target dev='vd{{ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'[loop.index - 1] }}'/>
{% else %}
<target dev='{{ volume.target }}' bus='{{ volume.bus if volume.bus is defined else 'virtio' }}'/>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if sata_controller %}
<controller type='sata'>
<address type='pci'/>
{% endif %}
{% for interface in interfaces %}
{% if interface.type is defined and interface.type == 'direct' %}
<interface type='direct'>
<source dev='{{ interface.source.dev }}' mode='{{ interface.source.mode | default('vepa') }}'/>
{% elif interface.type is defined and interface.type == 'bridge' %}
<interface type='bridge'>
<source bridge='{{ interface.source.dev }}'/>
{% elif interface.type is not defined or interface.type == 'network' %}
<interface type='network'>
<source network='{{ interface.network }}'/>
{% endif %}
{% if interface.mac | default("") != "" %}
<mac address='{{ interface.mac }}'/>
{% endif %}
{# if the network configuration is invalid this can still appear in the xml #}
{# (say you enter 'bond' instead of 'bridge' in your variables) #}
<model type='virtio'/>
{% endfor %}
{% if console_log_enabled | bool %}
<serial type='file'>
<source path='{{ console_log_path }}'/>
<serial type='pty'/>
<console type='file'>
<source path='{{ console_log_path }}'/>
<target type='serial'/>
{% else %}
<serial type='pty'>
<target port='0'/>
<console type='pty'>
<target type='serial' port='0'/>
{% endif %}
{% if enable_vnc |bool %}
<graphics type='vnc' autoport='yes' listen=''>
<listen type='address' address=''/>
{% endif %}
<rng model="virtio"><backend model="random">/dev/urandom</backend></rng>