
131 lines
4.1 KiB

package environment
import (
// AirshipCTLSettings is a container for all of the settings needed by airshipctl
type AirshipCTLSettings struct {
// Debug is used for verbose output
Debug bool
airshipConfigPath string
kubeConfigPath string
config *config.Config
// InitFlags adds the default settings flags to cmd
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) InitFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
flags := cmd.PersistentFlags()
flags.BoolVar(&a.Debug, "debug", false, "enable verbose output")
flags.StringVar(&a.airshipConfigPath, config.FlagConfigFilePath,
filepath.Join(HomePlaceholder, config.AirshipConfigDir, config.AirshipConfig),
"Path to file for airshipctl configuration.")
flags.StringVar(&a.kubeConfigPath, clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathFlag,
filepath.Join(HomePlaceholder, config.AirshipConfigDir, config.AirshipKubeConfig),
"Path to kubeconfig associated with airshipctl configuration.")
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) Config() *config.Config {
return a.config
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) SetConfig(conf *config.Config) {
a.config = conf
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) AirshipConfigPath() string {
return a.airshipConfigPath
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) SetAirshipConfigPath(acp string) {
a.airshipConfigPath = acp
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) KubeConfigPath() string {
return a.kubeConfigPath
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) SetKubeConfigPath(kcp string) {
a.kubeConfigPath = kcp
// InitConfig - Initializes and loads Config it exists.
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) InitConfig() {
//Pass the airshipConfigPath and kubeConfig object
err := a.Config().LoadConfig(a.AirshipConfigPath(), a.setKubePathOptions())
if err != nil {
// Should stop airshipctl
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) setAirshipConfigPath() {
// (1) If the airshipConfigPath was received as an argument its aleady set
if a.airshipConfigPath == "" {
// (2) If not , we can check if we got the Path via ENVIRONMNT variable,
// set the appropriate fields
// (3) Check if the a.airshipConfigPath is empty still at this point , use the defaults
acp, home := a.replaceHomePlaceholder(a.airshipConfigPath)
a.airshipConfigPath = acp
if a.airshipConfigPath == "" {
a.airshipConfigPath = filepath.Join(home, config.AirshipConfigDir, config.AirshipConfig)
// setAirshipConfigPathFromEnv Get AIRSHIP CONFIG from an environment variable if set
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) setAirshipConfigPathFromEnv() {
// Check if AIRSHIPCONF env variable was set
// I have the path and name for the airship config file
a.airshipConfigPath = os.Getenv(config.AirshipConfigEnv)
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) setKubePathOptions() *clientcmd.PathOptions {
// USe default expectations for Kubeconfig
kubePathOptions := clientcmd.NewDefaultPathOptions()
// No need to check the Environment , since we are relying on the kubeconfig defaults
// If we did not get an explicit kubeconfig definition on airshipctl
// as far as airshipctkl is concerned will use the default expectations for the kubeconfig
// file location . This avoids messing up someones kubeconfig if they didnt explicitly want
// airshipctl to use it.
kcp, home := a.replaceHomePlaceholder(a.kubeConfigPath)
a.kubeConfigPath = kcp
if a.kubeConfigPath == "" {
a.kubeConfigPath = filepath.Join(home, config.AirshipConfigDir, config.AirshipKubeConfig)
// We will always rely on tha airshipctl cli args or default for where to find kubeconfig
kubePathOptions.GlobalFile = a.kubeConfigPath
kubePathOptions.GlobalFileSubpath = a.kubeConfigPath
return kubePathOptions
func (a *AirshipCTLSettings) replaceHomePlaceholder(configPath string) (string, string) {
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
// Use defaults under current directory
home = ""
if configPath == "" {
return configPath, home
return strings.Replace(configPath, HomePlaceholder, home, 1), home