This module actually ins't used anymore. Change-Id: I2aa4edb17843e6b88f657e09f1a338302b92b7ff Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <raliev@mirantis.com>
428 lines
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428 lines
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package executors_test
import (
testdoc "opendev.org/airship/airshipctl/testutil/document"
testfs "opendev.org/airship/airshipctl/testutil/fs"
const (
ValidExecutorDoc = `apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: KubernetesApply
airshipit.org/deploy-k8s: "false"
name: kubernetes-apply
timeout: 600
prune: false
WrongExecutorDoc = `apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: first-map
namespace: default
cli-utils.sigs.k8s.io/inventory-id: "some id"
applierKRMDoc = `---
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: GenericContainer
name: applier
airshipit.org/deploy-k8s: "false"
type: krm
image: quay.io/airshipit/applier:latest
hostNetwork: true
func testApplierBundleFactory(t *testing.T, filteredContent string, writer io.Writer) document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
// When the k8s applier executor Run method is called, the executor bundle is filtered
// using the label selector "airshipit.org/deploy-k8s notin (False, false)".
// Render method just filters out document with a given selector.
// That is why we need "SelectBundle" method mocked and return a filtered bundle.
filteredBundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
// Filtered bundle is passed to the k8s applier, which looks it up
// for an inventory document using label "cli-utils.sigs.k8s.io/inventory-id"
// and kind "ConfigMap". Therefore "SelectOne" method is mocked in the filtered bundle.
// This mock is used to get inventory document. Empty document is ok for k8s applier.
filteredBundle.On("SelectOne", mock.Anything).Return(&testdoc.MockDocument{}, nil)
// This mock is used to get the contents of the applier filtered bundle both for
// rendering and for applying it to a k8s cluster.
filteredBundle.On("Write", writer).
Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
arg, ok := args.Get(0).(io.Writer)
if ok {
_, err := arg.Write([]byte(filteredContent))
require.NoError(t, err)
// This is the applier executor bundle.
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
// This mock is used to filter out documents labeled with
// "airshipit.org/deploy-k8s notin (False, false)"
bundle.On("SelectBundle", mock.Anything).Return(filteredBundle, nil)
return bundle, nil
func testApplierBundleFactorySelectBundleError() document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
bundle.On("SelectOne", mock.Anything).
Return(nil, nil)
bundle.On("SelectBundle", mock.Anything).
Return(nil, errors.New("error selecting bundle"))
return bundle, nil
func testApplierBundleFactoryWriteError() document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
filteredBundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
bundle.On("SelectOne", mock.Anything).
Return(nil, nil)
filteredBundle.On("Write", mock.Anything).
Return(errors.New("error writing bundle"))
bundle.On("SelectBundle", mock.Anything).
Return(filteredBundle, nil)
return bundle, nil
func testApplierBundleFactoryNoError() document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
filteredBundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
bundle.On("SelectOne", mock.Anything).
Return(nil, nil)
filteredBundle.On("Write", mock.Anything).
bundle.On("SelectBundle", mock.Anything).
Return(filteredBundle, nil)
return bundle, nil
func testApplierBundleFactoryEmptyAllDocuments() document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
bundle.On("GetAllDocuments").Return([]document.Document{}, nil)
return bundle, nil
func testApplierBundleFactoryAllDocuments() document.BundleFactoryFunc {
return func() (document.Bundle, error) {
bundle := &testdoc.MockBundle{}
bundle.On("GetAllDocuments").Return([]document.Document{&testdoc.MockDocument{}}, nil)
return bundle, nil
func TestNewKubeApplierExecutor(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
execDoc document.Document
expectedErr bool
bundleFactory document.BundleFactoryFunc
phaseBundle document.Bundle
name: "invalid executor document",
execDoc: executorDoc(t, WrongExecutorDoc),
expectedErr: true,
name: "invalid bundle factory",
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
bundleFactory: testdoc.ErrorBundleFactory,
expectedErr: true,
name: "invalid phase config bundle",
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
bundleFactory: testdoc.EmptyBundleFactory,
phaseBundle: executorBundle(t, ""),
expectedErr: true,
name: "valid phase config bundle",
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
bundleFactory: testdoc.EmptyBundleFactory,
phaseBundle: executorBundle(t, applierKRMDoc),
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
exec, err := executors.NewKubeApplierExecutor(
ExecutorDocument: tt.execDoc,
BundleFactory: tt.bundleFactory,
PhaseConfigBundle: tt.phaseBundle,
if tt.expectedErr {
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "")
assert.Nil(t, exec)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, exec)
// TODO We need valid test that checks that actual bundle has arrived to applier
// for that we need a way to inject fake applier, which is not doable with `black box` test currently
// since we tests are in different package from executor
func TestKubeApplierExecutorRun(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
containsErr string
clusterName string
kubeconf kubeconfig.Interface
execDoc document.Document
bundleFactory document.BundleFactoryFunc
clusterMap clustermap.ClusterMap
clientFunc container.ClientV1Alpha1FactoryFunc
name: "unable to get kubeconfig context",
containsErr: "cluster 'foo' is not defined in cluster map",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactory(t, "", nil),
kubeconf: testKubeconfig(`invalid kubeconfig`),
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "foo",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
name: "unable to get kubeconfig file",
containsErr: "failed to get kubeconfig",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactory(t, "", nil),
kubeconf: fakeKubeConfig{getFile: func() (string, kubeconfig.Cleanup, error) {
return "", nil, errors.New("failed to get kubeconfig")
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "ephemeral-cluster",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
name: "unable to select bundle",
containsErr: "error selecting bundle",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactorySelectBundleError(),
kubeconf: testKubeconfig("kubeconfig"),
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "ephemeral-cluster",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
name: "unable to write bundle",
containsErr: "error writing bundle",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactoryWriteError(),
kubeconf: testKubeconfig("kubeconfig"),
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "ephemeral-cluster",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
name: "unsuccessful run",
containsErr: "applier failure",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactoryNoError(),
kubeconf: testKubeconfig("kubeconfig"),
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "ephemeral-cluster",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
clientFunc: func(_ string, _ io.Reader, _ io.Writer,
_ *v1alpha1.GenericContainer, _ string) container.ClientV1Alpha1 {
return MockClientFuncInterface{MockRun: func() error {
return errors.New("applier failure")
name: "successful run",
containsErr: "",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactoryNoError(),
kubeconf: testKubeconfig("kubeconfig"),
execDoc: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
clusterName: "ephemeral-cluster",
clusterMap: clustermap.NewClusterMap(&v1alpha1.ClusterMap{
Map: map[string]*v1alpha1.Cluster{
"ephemeral-cluster": {},
clientFunc: func(_ string, _ io.Reader, _ io.Writer,
_ *v1alpha1.GenericContainer, _ string) container.ClientV1Alpha1 {
return MockClientFuncInterface{MockRun: func() error {
return nil
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
exec, err := executors.NewKubeApplierExecutor(
ExecutorDocument: tt.execDoc,
BundleFactory: tt.bundleFactory,
KubeConfig: tt.kubeconf,
ClusterMap: tt.clusterMap,
ClusterName: tt.clusterName,
PhaseConfigBundle: executorBundle(t, applierKRMDoc),
ContainerFunc: tt.clientFunc,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, exec)
err = exec.Run(ifc.RunOptions{})
if tt.containsErr != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tt.containsErr)
} else {
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestRender(t *testing.T) {
writer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
content := "Some content"
exec, err := executors.NewKubeApplierExecutor(ifc.ExecutorConfig{
BundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactory(t, content, writer),
ExecutorDocument: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
PhaseConfigBundle: executorBundle(t, applierKRMDoc),
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, exec)
err = exec.Render(writer, ifc.RenderOptions{})
require.NoError(t, err)
result := writer.String()
assert.Equal(t, content, result)
func testKubeconfig(stringData string) kubeconfig.Interface {
return kubeconfig.NewKubeConfig(
MockTempFile: func(root, pattern string) (fs.File, error) {
return testfs.TestFile{
MockName: func() string { return "kubeconfig-142398" },
MockWrite: func([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, nil },
MockClose: func() error { return nil },
}, nil
MockRemoveAll: func() error { return nil },
func TestKubeApplierExecutor_Validate(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
bundleFactory document.BundleFactoryFunc
bundleName string
wantErr bool
name: "Error empty BundleName",
bundleFactory: testdoc.EmptyBundleFactory,
wantErr: true,
name: "Error no documents",
bundleName: "some name",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactoryEmptyAllDocuments(),
wantErr: true,
name: "Success case",
bundleName: "some name",
bundleFactory: testApplierBundleFactoryAllDocuments(),
wantErr: false,
for _, test := range tests {
tt := test
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
e, err := executors.NewKubeApplierExecutor(ifc.ExecutorConfig{
BundleFactory: tt.bundleFactory,
PhaseName: tt.bundleName,
ExecutorDocument: executorDoc(t, ValidExecutorDoc),
PhaseConfigBundle: executorBundle(t, applierKRMDoc),
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, e)
if err := e.Validate(); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("KubeApplierExecutor.Validate() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)