Airship UI is an [electron]( that is designed to allow you to interact with Airship components, find and connect to the kubernetes cluster and use plugins to tie together a singular dashboard to view addons without the need to go to a separate url or application for each.
Alternatively, you may choose to specify the FQDN directly, as in the above Ceph example. This configuration specifies a Ceph dashboard available at
If both "hostname" and "fqdn" are provided, "fqdn" will take precedence.
The airshipui.json configuration file can also be used to launch "plugins", or external executables, in the background as Airship UI starts. Any processes
launched by Airship UI will be terminated when Airship UI exits, including any child processes started by the plugins. If the plugin launches a web
dashboard, it can be also be included in the list of service dashboards within Airship UI. The following example demonstrates how to add configuration to