Matthew Fuller 587031c09f Task viewer for airshipui
This change introduces a task viewer component to the UI
which will allow users to monitor the progress of long
running tasks without having to stay on a particular tab.
Tasks are created and attached to CTL event processors and
injected into phase clients so that status message updates
can be displayed dynamically.

Still TODO at some point is utilizing backend caching to tie
tasks to the users who initiated them so that browser refreshes
(i.e. new session IDs) won't empty the task viewer for that user.

Change-Id: I38aa03d2660d1fcc2bad6ecda718015602e25b6a
2020-10-23 18:29:37 +00:00

160 lines
4.8 KiB

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package task
import (
// RunningTasks serves as a cache for currently running tasks
// TODO(mfuller): keeping a backend cache may not be necessary since
// task objects get attached to the event processors injected into phase
// clients and will always be updated directly from there. But we may
// want to use it to ensure the frontend can retrieve running tasks
// in the event of a browser refresh
var RunningTasks = map[string]Task{}
// Task simple structure to hold details about a long running task
type Task struct {
ID string
SessionID string
Name string
Progress Progress
Running bool // TODO(mfuller): this is probably only necessary on the frontend
// Progress structure to store and pass progress data for a running task
type Progress struct {
StartTime int64 `json:"startTime"`
EndTime int64 `json:"endTime"`
LastUpdated int64 `json:"lastUpdated"`
TotalSteps int `json:"totalSteps"`
CurrentStep int `json:"currentStep"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Errors []string `json:"errors"`
// HandleTaskRequest handles incoming WS messages for tasks
// TODO(mfuller): it's unclear how often this will happen. Task requests
// and updates will almost always come from event processing. Is this needed?
func HandleTaskRequest(request configs.WsMessage) configs.WsMessage {
response := configs.WsMessage{
Type: configs.UI,
Component: configs.Task,
SubComponent: request.SubComponent,
var err error
var message *string
switch request.SubComponent {
// case configs.TaskStart:
// response.ID, response.Data = StartTask(request.SessionID, request.Name)
case configs.TaskRemove:
message, err = RemoveTask(request.ID)
err = fmt.Errorf("Subcomponent %s not found", request.SubComponent)
if err != nil {
e := err.Error()
response.Error = &e
} else {
response.Message = message
return response
// NewTask returns a pointer to a new Task built with a session ID, name, and UUID
func NewTask(sessionID, taskID, name string) *Task {
task := Task{
ID: taskID,
SessionID: sessionID,
Name: name,
Progress: Progress{
StartTime: time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000,
TotalSteps: 0, // will steps be determinable at task start?
CurrentStep: 1,
Errors: []string{},
Running: true,
RunningTasks[task.ID] = task
return &task
// RemoveTask removes a Task from RunningTasks and sends confirmation
// message to UI. This function is intended to be called by the frontend
// client by clicking a "remove" button in the task manager
func RemoveTask(id string) (*string, error) {
if t, ok := RunningTasks[id]; ok {
delete(RunningTasks, id)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Removed task '%s'", t.Name)
return &msg, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Task with id %s not found", id)
// UpdateTask updates a task with new progress details
// TODO(mfuller): I don't know if this function is even necessary
// since most updates are going to come from event processing,
// so the message will likely be fired from the processor directly
func UpdateTask(sessionID, id string, progress Progress) {
if t, ok := RunningTasks[id]; ok {
t.SendTaskMessage(configs.TaskUpdate, progress)
// this is the only reason we need session ID, otherwise we'd have
// to just log a message and walk away...
m := fmt.Sprintf("Task with id %s not found", id)
err := webservice.WebSocketSend(configs.WsMessage{
SessionID: sessionID,
Type: configs.UI,
Error: &m,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error sending message for task %s", err)
// SendTaskMessage allows a running Task to push progress updates to the frontend client
func (t *Task) SendTaskMessage(subComponent configs.WsSubComponentType, progress Progress) {
err := webservice.WebSocketSend(configs.WsMessage{
SessionID: t.SessionID,
ID: t.ID,
Name: t.Name,
Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000,
Type: configs.UI,
Component: configs.Task,
SubComponent: subComponent,
Message: &t.Name,
Data: progress,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error sending message for task %s", err)