# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from armada import const from armada.conf import set_current_chart from armada.exceptions import armada_exceptions from armada.exceptions import override_exceptions from armada.exceptions import source_exceptions from armada.exceptions import tiller_exceptions from armada.exceptions import validate_exceptions from armada.handlers import metrics from armada.handlers.chart_deploy import ChartDeploy from armada.handlers.manifest import Manifest from armada.handlers.override import Override from armada.utils.release import release_prefixer from armada.utils import source LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class Armada(object): ''' This is the main Armada class handling the Armada workflows ''' def __init__(self, documents, tiller, disable_update_pre=False, disable_update_post=False, enable_chart_cleanup=False, dry_run=False, set_ovr=None, force_wait=False, timeout=None, values=None, target_manifest=None, k8s_wait_attempts=1, k8s_wait_attempt_sleep=1): ''' Initialize the Armada engine and establish a connection to Tiller. :param List[dict] documents: Armada documents. :param tiller: Tiller instance to use. :param bool disable_update_pre: Disable pre-update Tiller operations. :param bool disable_update_post: Disable post-update Tiller operations. :param bool enable_chart_cleanup: Clean up unmanaged charts. :param bool dry_run: Run charts without installing them. :param bool force_wait: Force Tiller to wait until all charts are deployed, rather than using each chart's specified wait policy. :param int timeout: Specifies overall time in seconds that Tiller should wait for charts until timing out. :param str target_manifest: The target manifest to run. Useful for specifying which manifest to run when multiple are available. :param int k8s_wait_attempts: The number of times to attempt waiting for pods to become ready. :param int k8s_wait_attempt_sleep: The time in seconds to sleep between attempts. ''' self.enable_chart_cleanup = enable_chart_cleanup self.dry_run = dry_run self.force_wait = force_wait self.tiller = tiller try: self.documents = Override( documents, overrides=set_ovr, values=values).update_manifests() except (validate_exceptions.InvalidManifestException, override_exceptions.InvalidOverrideValueException): raise self.manifest = Manifest( self.documents, target_manifest=target_manifest).get_manifest() self.chart_cache = {} self.chart_deploy = ChartDeploy( self.manifest, disable_update_pre, disable_update_post, self.dry_run, k8s_wait_attempts, k8s_wait_attempt_sleep, timeout, self.tiller) def pre_flight_ops(self): """Perform a series of checks and operations to ensure proper deployment. """ LOG.info("Performing pre-flight operations.") # Ensure Tiller is available and manifest is valid if not self.tiller.tiller_status(): raise tiller_exceptions.TillerServicesUnavailableException() # Clone the chart sources manifest_data = self.manifest.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA, {}) for group in manifest_data.get(const.KEYWORD_GROUPS, []): for ch in group.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA).get( const.KEYWORD_CHARTS, []): self.get_chart(ch) def get_chart(self, ch): manifest_name = self.manifest['metadata']['name'] chart_name = ch['metadata']['name'] with metrics.CHART_DOWNLOAD.get_context(manifest_name, chart_name): return self._get_chart(ch) def _get_chart(self, ch): chart = ch.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA) chart_source = chart.get('source', {}) location = chart_source.get('location') ct_type = chart_source.get('type') subpath = chart_source.get('subpath', '.') if ct_type == 'local': chart['source_dir'] = (location, subpath) elif ct_type == 'tar': source_key = (ct_type, location) if source_key not in self.chart_cache: LOG.info('Downloading tarball from: %s', location) if not CONF.certs: LOG.warn( 'Disabling server validation certs to extract charts') tarball_dir = source.get_tarball(location, verify=False) else: tarball_dir = source.get_tarball( location, verify=CONF.certs) self.chart_cache[source_key] = tarball_dir chart['source_dir'] = (self.chart_cache.get(source_key), subpath) elif ct_type == 'git': reference = chart_source.get('reference', 'master') source_key = (ct_type, location, reference) if source_key not in self.chart_cache: auth_method = chart_source.get('auth_method') proxy_server = chart_source.get('proxy_server') logstr = 'Cloning repo: {} from branch: {}'.format( location, reference) if proxy_server: logstr += ' proxy: {}'.format(proxy_server) if auth_method: logstr += ' auth method: {}'.format(auth_method) LOG.info(logstr) repo_dir = source.git_clone( location, reference, proxy_server=proxy_server, auth_method=auth_method) self.chart_cache[source_key] = repo_dir chart['source_dir'] = (self.chart_cache.get(source_key), subpath) else: name = chart['metadata']['name'] raise source_exceptions.ChartSourceException(ct_type, name) for dep in ch.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA, {}).get('dependencies', []): self.get_chart(dep) def sync(self): ''' Synchronize Helm with the Armada Config(s) ''' manifest_name = self.manifest['metadata']['name'] with metrics.APPLY.get_context(manifest_name): return self._sync() def _sync(self): if self.dry_run: LOG.info('Armada is in DRY RUN mode, no changes being made.') msg = { 'install': [], 'upgrade': [], 'diff': [], 'purge': [], 'protected': [] } # TODO: (gardlt) we need to break up this func into # a more cleaner format self.pre_flight_ops() known_releases = self.tiller.list_releases() manifest_data = self.manifest.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA, {}) prefix = manifest_data.get(const.KEYWORD_PREFIX) for cg in manifest_data.get(const.KEYWORD_GROUPS, []): chartgroup = cg.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA) cg_name = cg.get('metadata').get('name') cg_desc = chartgroup.get('description', '') cg_sequenced = chartgroup.get('sequenced', False) or self.force_wait LOG.info('Processing ChartGroup: %s (%s), sequenced=%s%s', cg_name, cg_desc, cg_sequenced, ' (forced)' if self.force_wait else '') # TODO: Remove when v1 doc support is removed. cg_test_all_charts = chartgroup.get('test_charts') cg_charts = chartgroup.get(const.KEYWORD_CHARTS, []) def deploy_chart(chart, concurrency): set_current_chart(chart) try: return self.chart_deploy.execute(chart, cg_test_all_charts, prefix, known_releases, concurrency) finally: set_current_chart(None) results = [] failures = [] # Returns whether or not there was a failure def handle_result(chart, get_result): name = chart['metadata']['name'] try: result = get_result() except Exception: LOG.exception('Chart deploy [{}] failed'.format(name)) failures.append(name) return True else: results.append(result) return False if cg_sequenced: for chart in cg_charts: if (handle_result(chart, lambda: deploy_chart(chart, 1))): break else: with ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=len(cg_charts)) as executor: future_to_chart = { executor.submit(deploy_chart, chart, len(cg_charts)): chart for chart in cg_charts } for future in as_completed(future_to_chart): chart = future_to_chart[future] handle_result(chart, future.result) if failures: LOG.error('Chart deploy(s) failed: %s', failures) raise armada_exceptions.ChartDeployException(failures) for result in results: for k, v in result.items(): msg[k].append(v) # End of Charts in ChartGroup LOG.info('All Charts applied in ChartGroup %s.', cg_name) self.post_flight_ops() if self.enable_chart_cleanup: self._chart_cleanup( prefix, self.manifest[const.KEYWORD_DATA][const.KEYWORD_GROUPS], msg) LOG.info('Done applying manifest.') return msg def post_flight_ops(self): ''' Operations to run after deployment process has terminated ''' LOG.info("Performing post-flight operations.") # Delete temp dirs used for deployment for chart_dir in self.chart_cache.values(): LOG.debug('Removing temp chart directory: %s', chart_dir) source.source_cleanup(chart_dir) def _chart_cleanup(self, prefix, charts, msg): LOG.info('Processing chart cleanup to remove unspecified releases.') valid_releases = [] for gchart in charts: for chart in gchart.get(const.KEYWORD_CHARTS, []): valid_releases.append( release_prefixer(prefix, chart.get('chart', {}).get('release'))) actual_releases = [x.name for x in self.tiller.list_releases()] release_diff = list(set(actual_releases) - set(valid_releases)) for release in release_diff: if release.startswith(prefix): LOG.info('Purging release %s as part of chart cleanup.', release) self.tiller.uninstall_release(release) msg['purge'].append(release)