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Armada - Making Your First Armada Yaml


keyword type action
armada object will define an armada release
release_prefix string will tag all charts released by the yaml in order to manage it the lifecycle of charts
charts array will store the definitio ns of all your charts
chart object will define what your chart

Defining a chart

To define your charts is not any different than helm. we do provide some post/pre actions that will help us manage our charts better.


  1. will check if chart exists
    1. if it does not exist
      • we will install the chart
    2. if exist then
      • armada will check if there are any differences in the charts
      • if the charts are different then it will execute an upgrade
      • else it will not perform any actions

Chart Keywords


keyword type action
name string will be the name fo the chart
release_name string will be the name of the release
namespace string will place your chart in define namespace
install object will install the chart into your kubernetes cluster
update object will updated any chart managed by the armada yaml
values object will override any default values in the charts
source object will provide a path to a git repo or local dir deploy chart.
dependencies object will reference any chart deps before install


keyword type action
type string will be the source to build the charts git or local
location string will be the url or path to the charts
subpath string will specify the path to target chart
reference string will be the branch of the repo


You can use references in order to build your charts, this will reduce the size of the chart definition will show example in multichart below

Simple Example

   release_prefix: "my_armada"
       - chart: &cockroach
        name: cockroach
        release_name: cockroach
        namespace: db
          no_hooks: false
            Replicas: 1
          type: git
          location: git://
          subpath: stable/cockroachdb
          reference: master
        dependencies: []

Multichart Example

   release_prefix: "my_armada"
       - chart: &common
         name: common
         release_name: null
         namespace: null
         values: {}
            type: git
            location: git://
            subpath: common
            reference: master
         dependencies: []

       - chart: &cockroach
        name: cockroach
        release_name: cockroach
        namespace: db
          no_hooks: false
            Replicas: 1
          type: git
          location: git://
          subpath: stable/cockroachdb
          reference: master
            - *common


For working examples please check the examples in our repo here