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# Common options.
# Defines whether to generate rbac roles
# rbac.create: `true` if rbac resources should be created
create: true
# rbac.pspEnabled: `true` if PodSecurityPolicy resources should be created
pspEnabled: false
# Defines whether to generate a serviceAccount
# serviceAccount.create: Whether to create a service account or not
create: true
# The name of the service account to create or use
name: ""
# Beta PV.NodeAffinity field is used by default. If running against pre-1.10
# k8s version, the `useAlphaAPI` flag must be enabled in the configMap.
useAlphaAPI: false
# Indicates if PVs should be dependents of the owner Node.
setPVOwnerRef: false
# Provisioner clean volumes in process by default. If set to true, provisioner
# will use Jobs to clean.
useJobForCleaning: false
# Provisioner name contains Node.UID by default. If set to true, the provisioner
# name will only use Node.Name.
useNodeNameOnly: false
# Resync period in reflectors will be random between minResyncPeriod and
# 2*minResyncPeriod. Default: 5m0s.
#minResyncPeriod: 5m0s
# Mount the host's `/dev/` by default so that block device symlinks can be
# resolved by the containers
mountDevVolume: true
# Map of label key-value pairs to apply to the PVs created by the
# provisioner. Uncomment to add labels to the list.
# pv-labels: can-be-selected
# Configure storage classes.
- name: fast-disks # Defines name of storage classe.
# Path on the host where local volumes of this storage class are mounted
# under.
hostDir: /mnt/fast-disks
# Optionally specify mount path of local volumes. By default, we use same
# path as hostDir in container.
# mountDir: /mnt/fast-disks
# The volume mode of created PersistentVolume object. Default to Filesystem
# if not specified.
volumeMode: Filesystem
# Filesystem type to mount.
# It applies only when the source path is a block device,
# and desire volume mode is Filesystem.
# Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system.
fsType: ext4
# File name pattern to discover. By default, discover all file names.
namePattern: "*"
# Do a quick reset of the block device during its cleanup.
# - "/scripts/"
# or use dd to zero out block dev in two iterations by uncommenting these lines
# - "/scripts/"
# - "2"
# or run shred utility for 2 iteration.s
- "/scripts/"
- "2"
# or blkdiscard utility by uncommenting the line below.
# - "/scripts/"
# Uncomment to create storage class object with default configuration.
# storageClass: true
# Uncomment to create storage class object and configure it.
# storageClass:
# reclaimPolicy: Delete # Available reclaim policies: Delete/Retain, defaults: Delete.
# isDefaultClass: true # set as default class
# Configure DaemonSet for provisioner.
# Defines annotations for each Pod in the DaemonSet.
podAnnotations: {}
# Defines labels for each Pod in the DaemonSet.
podLabels: {}
# Defines Provisioner's image name including container registry.
# Defines Image download policy, see kubernetes documentation for available values.
#imagePullPolicy: Always
# Defines a name of the Pod Priority Class to use with the Provisioner DaemonSet
# Note that if you want to make it critical, specify "system-cluster-critical"
# or "system-node-critical" and deploy in kube-system namespace.
# Ref:
#priorityClassName: system-node-critical
# If configured, nodeSelector will add a nodeSelector field to the DaemonSet PodSpec.
# NodeSelector constraint for local-volume-provisioner scheduling to nodes.
# Ref:
nodeSelector: {}
# If configured KubeConfigEnv will (optionally) specify the location of kubeconfig file on the node.
# kubeConfigEnv: KUBECONFIG
# List of node labels to be copied to the PVs created by the provisioner in a format:
# nodeLabels:
# -
# -
# If configured, tolerations will add a toleration field to the DaemonSet PodSpec.
# Node tolerations for local-volume-provisioner scheduling to nodes with taints.
# Ref:
tolerations: []
# If configured, affinity will add a affinity filed to the DeamonSet PodSpec.
# Ref:
affinity: {}
# If configured, resources will set the requests/limits field to the Daemonset PodSpec.
# Ref:
resources: {}
# limits:
# memory: "512Mi"
# cpu: "1000m"
# requests:
# memory: "32Mi"
# cpu: "10m"
# If set to false, containers created by the Provisioner Daemonset will run without extra privileges.
privileged: true
# Configure Prometheus monitoring
enabled: false
## Interval at which Prometheus scrapes the provisioner
interval: 10s
# Namespace Prometheus is installed in defaults to release namespace
## Defaults to whats used if you follow CoreOS [Prometheus Install Instructions](
## [Prometheus Selector Label](
## [Kube Prometheus Selector Label](
additionalLabels: {}
relabelings: []
# - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
# separator: ;
# regex: ^(.*)$
# targetLabel: nodename
# replacement: $1
# action: replace
# Overrice the default chartname or releasename
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""