This commit is contained in:
Felipe Monteiro 2017-07-17 21:55:40 +01:00
parent f6a58708a4
commit 22343071d8
4 changed files with 39 additions and 5 deletions

@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
* Add oslo.log integration to Deckhand.
* DECKHAND-10: Barbican initial integration
* Temporary change - do not commit
* Initial DB API models implementation
* Added control (API) readme
* [WIP] Implement documents API
* Add kind param to SchemaVersion class
* Change apiVersion references to schemaVersion
* Remove apiVersion attribute from substitutions.src attributes
* Remove apiVersion attribute from substitutions.src attributes
* Update default\_schema with our updated schema definition
* Trivial fix to default\_schema
* Use regexes for jsonschema pre-validation
* Add additional documentation
* Add jsonschema validation to Deckhand
* Initial engine framework
* Fix incorrect comment
* Deckhand initial ORM implementation
* Deckhand initial ORM implementation
* Add oslo.log integration
* DECKHAND-10: Add Barbican integration to Deckhand
* Update ChangeLog
* Update AUTHORS
* DECKHAND-2: Design core Deckhand API framework
* Oslo config integration (#1)
* Add ChangeLog

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ To run::
$ sudo pip install uwsgi
$ virtualenv -p python3 /var/tmp/deckhand
$ . /var/tmp/deckhand/bin/activate
$ pip install .
$ sudo pip install .
$ python setup.py install
$ uwsgi --http :9000 -w deckhand.deckhand --callable deckhand --enable-threads -L
$ uwsgi --http :9000 -w deckhand.deckhand --callable deckhand_callable --enable-threads -L

@ -14,3 +14,15 @@ POST - Create a new YAML document and return a revision number. If the YAML
document already exists, then the document will be replaced and a new
revision number will be returned.
Document creation can be tested locally using:
.. code-block:: console
curl -i -X POST localhost:9000/api/v1.0/documents \
-H "Content-Type: application/yaml" \
--data-binary "@deckhand/tests/unit/resources/sample.yaml"

@ -56,12 +56,15 @@ class DocumentsResource(api_base.BaseResource):
# Validate the document before doing anything with it.
doc_validation = document_validation.DocumentValidation(document)
except deckhand_errors.InvalidFormat as e:
return self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_400, message=e)
migration = documents.Document.create()
LOG.debug('Calling Document.create()')
document = documents.Document.create()
except Exception: