# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import copy import six from oslo_log import log as logging from deckhand.tests import test_utils from deckhand import types LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class DeckhandFactory(object): # TODO(fmontei): Allow this to be overriden in ``__init__``. API_VERSION = '1.0' @abc.abstractmethod def gen(self, *args): """Generate an object for usage by the Deckhand `engine` module.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def gen_test(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate an object with randomized values for a test.""" pass class DataSchemaFactory(DeckhandFactory): """Class for auto-generating ``DataSchema`` templates for testing.""" DATA_SCHEMA_TEMPLATE = { "data": { "$schema": "" }, "metadata": { "schema": "metadata/Control/v1", "name": "", "labels": {} }, "schema": "deckhand/DataSchema/v1" } def __init__(self): """Constructor for ``DataSchemaFactory``. Returns a template whose YAML representation is of the form:: --- schema: deckhand/DataSchema/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: promenade/Node/v1 labels: application: promenade data: $schema: http://blah ... """ def gen(self): raise NotImplementedError() def gen_test(self, metadata_name, data, **metadata_labels): data_schema_template = copy.deepcopy(self.DATA_SCHEMA_TEMPLATE) data_schema_template['metadata']['name'] = metadata_name data_schema_template['metadata']['labels'] = metadata_labels data_schema_template['data'] = data return data_schema_template class DocumentFactory(DeckhandFactory): """Class for auto-generating document templates for testing.""" LAYERING_DEFINITION = { "data": { "layerOrder": [] }, "metadata": { "name": "layering-policy", "schema": "metadata/Control/v%s" % DeckhandFactory.API_VERSION }, "schema": "deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v%s" % DeckhandFactory.API_VERSION } LAYER_TEMPLATE = { "data": {}, "metadata": { "labels": {"": ""}, "layeringDefinition": { "abstract": False, "layer": "", "actions": [] }, "name": "", "schema": "metadata/Document/v%s" % DeckhandFactory.API_VERSION }, "schema": "example/Kind/v1.0" } def __init__(self, num_layers, docs_per_layer): """Constructor for ``DocumentFactory``. Returns a template whose JSON representation is of the form:: [{'data': {'layerOrder': ['global', 'region', 'site']}, 'metadata': {'name': 'layering-policy', 'schema': 'metadata/Control/v1'}, 'schema': 'deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1'}, {'data': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'metadata': {'labels': {'global': 'global1'}, 'layeringDefinition': {'abstract': True, 'actions': [], 'layer': 'global', 'parentSelector': ''}, 'name': 'global1', 'schema': 'metadata/Document/v1'}, 'schema': 'example/Kind/v1'} ... ] :param num_layers: Total number of layers. Only supported values include 1, 2 or 3. :type num_layers: integer :param docs_per_layer: The number of documents to be included per layer. For example, if ``num_layers`` is 3, then ``docs_per_layer`` can be (1, 1, 1) for 1 document for each layer or (1, 2, 3) for 1 doc for the 1st layer, 2 docs for the 2nd layer, and 3 docs for the 3rd layer. :type docs_per_layer: tuple, list :raises TypeError: If ``docs_per_layer`` is not the right type. :raises ValueError: If ``num_layers`` is not the right value or isn't compatible with ``docs_per_layer``. """ # Set up the layering definition's layerOrder. if num_layers == 1: layer_order = ["global"] elif num_layers == 2: layer_order = ["global", "site"] elif num_layers == 3: layer_order = ["global", "region", "site"] else: raise ValueError("'num_layers' must be a value between 1 - 3.") self.LAYERING_DEFINITION['data']['layerOrder'] = layer_order if not isinstance(docs_per_layer, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("'docs_per_layer' must be a list or tuple " "indicating the number of documents per layer.") elif not len(docs_per_layer) == num_layers: raise ValueError("The number of entries in 'docs_per_layer' must" "be equal to the value of 'num_layers'.") for doc_count in docs_per_layer: if doc_count < 1: raise ValueError( "Each entry in 'docs_per_layer' must be >= 1.") self.num_layers = num_layers self.docs_per_layer = docs_per_layer def gen(self): raise NotImplementedError() def gen_test(self, mapping, site_abstract=True, region_abstract=True, global_abstract=True, site_parent_selectors=None): """Generate the document template. Generate the document template based on the arguments passed to the constructor and to this function. :param mapping: A list of dictionaries that specify the "data" and "actions" parameters for each document. A valid mapping is:: mapping = { "_GLOBAL_DATA_1_": {"data": {"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2}}}, "_SITE_DATA_1_": {"data": {"a": {"x": 7, "z": 3}, "b": 4}}, "_SITE_ACTIONS_1_": { "actions": [{"method": "merge", "path": path}]} } Each key must be of the form "_{LAYER_NAME}_{KEY_NAME}_{N}_" where: - {LAYER_NAME} is the name of the layer ("global", "region", "site") - {KEY_NAME} is either "DATA" or "ACTIONS" - {N} is the occurrence of the document based on the values in ``docs_per_layer``. If ``docs_per_layer`` is (1, 2) then _GLOBAL_DATA_1_, _SITE_DATA_1_, _SITE_DATA_2_, _SITE_ACTIONS_1_ and _SITE_ACTIONS_2_ must be provided. _GLOBAL_ACTIONS_{N}_ is ignored. :type mapping: dict :param site_abstract: Whether site layers are abstract/concrete. :type site_abstract: boolean :param region_abstract: Whether region layers are abstract/concrete. :type region_abstract: boolean :param global_abstract: Whether global layers are abstract/concrete. :type global_abstract: boolean :param site_parent_selectors: Override the default parent selector for each site. Assuming that ``docs_per_layer`` is (2, 2), for example, a valid value is:: [{'global': 'global1'}, {'global': 'global2'}] If not specified, each site will default to the first parent. :type site_parent_selectors: list :returns: Rendered template of the form specified above. """ rendered_template = [self.LAYERING_DEFINITION] layer_order = rendered_template[0]['data']['layerOrder'] for layer_idx in range(self.num_layers): for count in range(self.docs_per_layer[layer_idx]): layer_template = copy.deepcopy(self.LAYER_TEMPLATE) layer_name = layer_order[layer_idx] # Set name. layer_template = copy.deepcopy(layer_template) layer_template['metadata']['name'] = "%s%d" % ( layer_name, count + 1) # Set layer. layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'layer'] = layer_name # Set labels. layer_template['metadata']['labels'] = {layer_name: "%s%d" % ( layer_name, count + 1)} # Set parentSelector. if layer_name == 'site' and site_parent_selectors: parent_selector = site_parent_selectors[count] layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'parentSelector'] = parent_selector elif layer_idx > 0: parent_selector = rendered_template[layer_idx][ 'metadata']['labels'] layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'parentSelector'] = parent_selector # Set abstract. if layer_name == 'site': layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'abstract'] = site_abstract if layer_name == 'region': layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'abstract'] = region_abstract if layer_name == 'global': layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'abstract'] = global_abstract # Set data and actions. data_key = "_%s_DATA_%d_" % (layer_name.upper(), count + 1) actions_key = "_%s_ACTIONS_%d_" % ( layer_name.upper(), count + 1) sub_key = "_%s_SUBSTITUTIONS_%d_" % ( layer_name.upper(), count + 1) try: layer_template['data'] = mapping[data_key]['data'] except KeyError as e: LOG.debug('Could not map %s because it was not found in ' 'the `mapping` dict.', e.args[0]) pass try: layer_template['metadata']['layeringDefinition'][ 'actions'] = mapping[actions_key]['actions'] except KeyError as e: LOG.debug('Could not map %s because it was not found in ' 'the `mapping` dict.', e.args[0]) pass try: layer_template['metadata']['substitutions'] = mapping[ sub_key] except KeyError as e: LOG.debug('Could not map %s because it was not found in ' 'the `mapping` dict.', e.args[0]) pass rendered_template.append(layer_template) return rendered_template class DocumentSecretFactory(DeckhandFactory): """Class for auto-generating document secrets templates for testing. Returns formats that adhere to the following supported schemas: * deckhand/Certificate/v1 * deckhand/CertificateKey/v1 * deckhand/Passphrase/v1 """ DOCUMENT_SECRET_TEMPLATE = { "data": { }, "metadata": { "schema": "metadata/Document/v1", "name": "application-api", "storagePolicy": "" }, "schema": "deckhand/%s/v1" } def __init__(self): """Constructor for ``DocumentSecretFactory``. Returns a template whose YAML representation is of the form:: --- schema: deckhand/Certificate/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: application-api storagePolicy: cleartext data: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDYDCCAkigAwIBAgIUKG41PW4VtiphzASAMY4/3hL8OtAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL ...snip... P3WT9CfFARnsw2nKjnglQcwKkKLYip0WY2wh3FE7nrQZP6xKNaSRlh6p2pCGwwwH HkvVwA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- ... """ def gen(self): raise NotImplementedError() def gen_test(self, schema, storage_policy, data=None): if data is None: data = test_utils.rand_password() document_secret_template = copy.deepcopy(self.DOCUMENT_SECRET_TEMPLATE) document_secret_template['metadata']['storagePolicy'] = storage_policy document_secret_template['schema'] = ( document_secret_template['schema'] % schema) document_secret_template['data'] = data return document_secret_template class ValidationPolicyFactory(DeckhandFactory): """Class for auto-generating validation policy templates for testing.""" VALIDATION_POLICY_TEMPLATE = { "data": { "validations": [] }, "metadata": { "schema": "metadata/Control/%s" % DeckhandFactory.API_VERSION, "name": "" }, "schema": types.VALIDATION_POLICY_SCHEMA } def __init__(self): """Constructor for ``ValidationPolicyFactory``. Returns a template whose YAML representation is of the form:: --- schema: deckhand/ValidationPolicy/v1.0 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1.0 name: site-deploy-ready data: validations: - name: deckhand-schema-validation - name: drydock-site-validation expiresAfter: P1W - name: promenade-site-validation expiresAfter: P1W - name: armada-deployability-validation ... """ def gen(self, validation_type, status): if validation_type not in types.DECKHAND_VALIDATION_TYPES: raise ValueError("The validation type must be in %s." % types.DECKHAND_VALIDATION_TYPES) validation_policy_template = copy.deepcopy( self.VALIDATION_POLICY_TEMPLATE) validation_policy_template['metadata'][ 'name'] = test_utils.rand_name('validation-policy') validation_policy_template['data']['validations'] = [ {'name': validation_type, 'status': status} ] return validation_policy_template def gen_test(self, name=None, num_validations=None): """Generate the test document template. Generate the document template based on the arguments passed to the constructor and to this function. """ if not(num_validations and isinstance(num_validations, int) and num_validations > 0): raise ValueError('The "num_validations" attribute must be integer ' 'value > 1.') if not name: name = test_utils.rand_name('validation-policy') if not num_validations: num_validations = 3 validations = [ test_utils.rand_name('validation-name') for _ in range(num_validations)] validation_policy_template = copy.deepcopy( self.VALIDATION_POLICY_TEMPLATE) validation_policy_template['metadata']['name'] = name validation_policy_template['data']['validations'] = validations return validation_policy_template