# Test success path for sample UCP documents # # 1. Purges existing data to ensure test isolation # 2. Creates sample UCP documents and schemas # 3. Checks that the documents pass schema validation defaults: request_headers: content-type: application/x-yaml response_headers: content-type: application/x-yaml tests: - name: purge desc: Begin testing from known state. DELETE: /api/v1.0/revisions status: 204 response_headers: null - name: initialize desc: Add example schema PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/ucp-sample-documents.yaml - name: verify_schema_is_valid desc: Check schema validation of the added schema GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$HISTORY['initialize'].$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/validations/deckhand-schema-validation status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 1 $.[0].count: 5 $.[0].results[*].status: - success - success - success - success - success