Wahlstedt, Walter (ww229g) 70aa35a396 update to focal and python 3.8
update dockerfile for python deckhand install
add deckhand version to chart 1.0
add chart version 0.2.0
update all packages to latest in requirements.txt
update zuul jobs for focal and python 3.8
remove zuul job functional-uwsgi-py38 in favor of functional-docker-py38
update tox config
typecast to string in re.sub() function
add stestr to test-requirements.txt
add SQLAlchemy jsonpickle sphinx-rtd-theme stestr to requirements.txt
deprecated function: BarbicanException -> BarbicanClientException
fix mock import using unittest
fix import collections to
fix for collections modules for older than python 3.10 versions.
deprecated function: json -> to_json
deprecated function:  werkzeug.contrib.profiler ->
deprecated function: falcon.AIP -> falcon.App
deprecation warning: switch from resp.body to resp.text
rename fixtures to dh_fixtures because there is an imported module
switch from to
deprecated function: falcon process_response needed additional parameter
deprecated function: falcon default_exception_handler changed parameter
move from MagicMock object to falcon test generated object to fix
    incompatability with upgraded Falcon module.
Adjust gabbi tests to fix incompatability with upgraded DeepDiff module
update Makefile to execute ubuntu_focal
update HTK (helmtoolkit)
unpin barbican to pass integration tests
Use helm 3 in chart build.
    `helm serve` is removed in helm 3 so this moves
    to using local `file://` dependencies [0] instead.

Change-Id: I180416f480edea1b8968d80c993b3e1fcc95c08d
2023-02-24 10:51:57 -05:00
.gitkeep update to focal and python 3.8 2023-02-24 10:51:57 -05:00