#!/bin/bash # TODO: Convert to use new/common gate scripts when available # Print traceback when error occurs traceback(){ for ((i=0;i<${#FUNCNAME[@]}-1;i++)); do echo $(caller $i) done exit 1 } trap 'traceback' ERR check_if_running(){ script_name="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" script_running=false for pid in $(pidof -x $script_name); do if [ $pid != $$ ]; then script_running=true fi done } check_if_running if [[ $script_running = 'true' ]]; then echo "[FAIL] $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) already running on this node. Please run recheck for your PS." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 2 fi DEFAULT_IFS=$IFS NAME=divingbell kubectl create namespace "${NAME}" : ${LOGS_DIR:=/tmp/artifacts} : ${LOGS_SUBDIR:=${LOGS_DIR}/${NAME}/$(date +"%m-%d-%y_%H:%M:%S")} mkdir -p "${LOGS_SUBDIR}" LOG_NAME="${LOGS_SUBDIR}/test.log" TEST_RESULTS="${LOGS_SUBDIR}/results.log" BASE_VALS="--values=divingbell/values.yaml" SYSCTL_KEY1=net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians SYSCTL_VAL1_DEFAULT=1 SYSCTL_KEY2=net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects SYSCTL_VAL2_DEFAULT=1 SYSCTL_KEY3=net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects SYSCTL_VAL3_DEFAULT=0 SYSCTL_KEY4=net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects SYSCTL_VAL4_DEFAULT=0 MOUNTS_SYSTEMD=/${NAME} MOUNTS_PATH1=${MOUNTS_SYSTEMD}1 MOUNTS_PATH2=${MOUNTS_SYSTEMD}2 MOUNTS_PATH3=${MOUNTS_SYSTEMD}3 ETHTOOL_KEY2=tx-tcp-segmentation ETHTOOL_VAL2_DEFAULT=on ETHTOOL_KEY3=tx-tcp6-segmentation # Not all NIC hardware has enough ethtool tunables available ETHTOOL_KEY3_BACKUP='' ETHTOOL_VAL3_DEFAULT=on ETHTOOL_KEY4=tx-nocache-copy ETHTOOL_VAL4_DEFAULT=off ETHTOOL_KEY5=tx-checksum-ip-generic ETHTOOL_KEY5_BACKUP=tx-scatter-gather ETHTOOL_VAL5_DEFAULT=on USERNAME1=userone USERNAME1_SUDO=true USERNAME1_SSHKEY1="ssh-rsa abc123 comment" USERNAME2=usertwo USERNAME2_SUDO=false USERNAME2_SSHKEY1="ssh-rsa xyz456 comment" USERNAME2_SSHKEY2="ssh-rsa qwe789 comment" USERNAME2_SSHKEY3="ssh-rsa rfv000 comment" USERNAME2_CRYPT_PASSWD='$6$AF.NLpphOJjMVTYC$GD6wyUTy9vIgatoMbtTDYcVtEJqh/Mrx3BRetVstMsNodSyn3ZFIZOMRePpRpGbFArnAxgkL1PtQxsZHCgtFn/' USERNAME3=userthree USERNAME3_SUDO=true USERNAME4=userfour USERNAME4_SUDO=false APT_PACKAGE1=python3-pbr # Pick an available version in the package repo APT_VERSION1="$(apt-cache show $APT_PACKAGE1 | grep Version: | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')" APT_PACKAGE2=mysql-server APT_PACKAGE3=python3-simplejson # Pick an available version in the package repo APT_VERSION3="$(apt-cache show $APT_PACKAGE3 | grep Version: | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')" APT_PACKAGE4=less APT_PACKAGE5=python-setuptools APT_PACKAGE6=telnetd APT_PACKAGE7=sudoku APT_PACKAGE8=ninvaders # APT_PACKAGE9 should be a package that has no dependencies that aren't in the base image, # or strict mode test cases will fail APT_PACKAGE9=libxau6 # helper function to generate a yaml config for all installed packages APT_YAML_SEPARATOR=$'\n - name: ' build_all_packages_yaml(){ set +x for f in "$@"; do IFS=":" read -r name arch <<< $f; APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES="${APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES}${APT_YAML_SEPARATOR}${name}" done set -x } APT_REPOSITORY1="http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" APT_DISTRIBUTIONS1="[ bionic ]" APT_COMPONENTS1="[ main, universe, restricted, multiverse ]" APT_SUBREPOS1="[ backports, updates ]" APT_GPGKEYID1="437D 05B5" APT_GPGKEY1="-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 mQGiBEFEnz8RBAC7LstGsKD7McXZgd58oN68KquARLBl6rjA2vdhwl77KkPPOr3O YeSBH/voUsqausJfDNuTNivOfwceDe50lbhq52ODj4Mx9Jg+4aHn9fmRkIk41i2J 3hZiIGPACY/FsSlRq1AhBH2wZG1lQ45W/p77AeARRehYKJP9HY+1h/uihwCgrVE2 VzACJLuZWHbDsPoJaNQjiFcEAKbUF1rMyjd1xJM7bZeXbs8c+ohUo/ywSI/OIr8n OfUswy08tsCof1KU0JBGLBCn0lHAYkAAcSr2pQ+k/odwdLQSjgm/JcUbi2ll16Wy 7qFbUAUJ5xO+iP61vL3z4pJGcK1pMH6kBLA4CPBchJU/hh3f7vtX2oFdWw8tWqvm m/W7BACE7h0p86OP2G3ZJBjNYNQTK1LFYa+3G0spsVi9wl+Ih49ImPbSsUc2CSMA fDlGpYU8FuUKCgQnS3UZz6e0NwrHbZTHBy0ksRwT9jf7qSAEKEN2ECxfwR5i1dU+ Yi4owkqGPhTLAbwkYdZZMcqfGgTXbiU4uy8DzMH/VhqP5wxdwbQ7VWJ1bnR1IEFy Y2hpdmUgQXV0b21hdGljIFNpZ25pbmcgS2V5IDxmdHBtYXN0ZXJAdWJ1bnR1LmNv bT6IXgQTEQIAHgUCQUSfPwIbAwYLCQgHAwIDFQIDAxYCAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBAl26v Q30FtSTNAJ9TwRBI9/dXHqsyx5LkWrPxyO2H7wCfXDY77HnwSK3tTqJzC4m6KuDd RheJAhwEEwECAAYFAkFRZ98ACgkQ18PxMasqkfV9whAAj5sSzTHDIdYCmbZcumTH limqS88m+0He6jkG5j6DjQq/xGWg7B/svG+mPCE4K/zYG3CA0G0lTgJJKQg6gcUg oQpaiK22gLG5tjVOQRRaExu+FNKF9kvSYFbEwpn0OESsRPjrdS2RYpGjY+DLHPaB 06Y/hQvMSCh67ZeDmLLTwQFzF0RAUHtwU+tU/gnvrk7kk/yPDqtj53J6zuAf86ZX GRlmJCTDYJ/yXoYlm4sz0E1XANrdwtUGic0PF1gJIe7ZAnqMVvRGCxArNT1th83w uppjI4/rGrFttbQUPb0cXyXhSmNauRMiiX/lrjqjouk9DX8CyVQG/mTgjrKLAMBZ OJ/Im3D33jOdEWIaaVAVOmOej3S8s33zcWAUYbpqg+10i3O4SfVYH88tmEnmX3mq Y21B7fkHHOVXF/4/sCzft6Ek6E57vIh0i7PjnrTWBO2/dl7zJyZZo7ty4f69B1xU ZNClBZPXgYWmh68z5SgyfY5/N/CmfnsH6u5vHSRpm039Nr4IFNREkamkXl2GCPbA rkZIkqdGdrX1EfWw/fsndHqHKwrPGHXIWWboZT1ZDx48P+825fVMg4N2cr87Mv1K 7E/hgHjxJ6eeciJFic4GT199DZha+1Gs7FRXvCa+sOGP/9JuZ+/S+Tv71sIPmRqD rr6bSBH/E6yBKz7jv42GO8iIRgQQEQIABgUCQ76shgAKCRDohqckZfvHogOmAKCQ SaKL15jq0TvjWWrcjvQvODdgMgCfdkb3Jbsg5liM0edJohWfyhzfGIGIRgQQEQIA BgUCQ/tL4QAKCRDk7WqA+zgH23hVAJ9WpyWCnJIHNQVHH4/V8kqaptbLQwCfQN5/ kutAyXprjtU+W2stn2HV4pKIRgQQEQIABgUCRMoo7AAKCRD+VG3tGS5BXGKuAJ9c XxY6TqxwIt6kTIShyykHuia7KgCdHYYlu+akh8PYBAlF4RvGlIkqmyiIRgQQEQIA BgUCRQfC6gAKCRBbGMCBbDPfCDsGAKCO313nAlhu/FggyId7IG8yXtCa2QCguWI6 WCp0v4jyAIA2LK/zKbNlDcCIRgQQEQIABgUCRRvO4AAKCRDgL5ttNArtqI0LAJ4i vwtgU9g6hn6TsbejzabpS7JLAACeLKBkLfPymJXlbpCjzsav9qJdZhGIRgQQEQIA BgUCRRvPMAAKCRCRA7V5h+SGXz8OAJ0aus80uJDxtlflUDD1B1iEcO9EMQCglMfy ys5abo/h6ZicTp2WIhp9IBCIRgQQEQIABgUCRRvPQgAKCRALOQhgy6dmGRaTAJwJ FCgDskBzIeqCEORLAtLaBJCLngCeJzjzf4A8G1ZhS39Y/Yk7LQYB3aGIRgQQEQIA BgUCRRvPYAAKCRAurJaQpVDnhKIiAKDaziS1x3SZIOS8p4iVGVY43KYO7ACfdevW FB3BLbmLKB9xsrH00safNJWIRgQQEQIABgUCRWfafAAKCRCV4getfktcl1R8AJ4x 8HI/GPIcpHNuJ8PUlJKvjSOY1QCeN8glquCHP7d9XyBe4p41o0WdbAqIRgQQEQIA BgUCRaABKQAKCRBZgbnSh0vryCoKAJ9/KYHPBGwGuR4WR8ZWujLqIue92ACfVk5G hTCj8sjkC2835BOmWdPia3yIRgQQEQIABgUCRbQdHQAKCRB9RtY87eO1ZT4AAJ9q OBuspkVxj9ewlJtFPZfzKkRypACeM/WVpw+2rz7UHVAGXYZpWnqjmwaIRgQQEQIA BgUCRfkxvwAKCRA+O+Dt/wMVgO5fAKDEdUwaGl6sd8pS2N5f+Fdm25EWQQCdE8p9 Fsq+Q2lA2m3sbEgH3ga+zPGIRgQQEQIABgUCRq72nQAKCRD23TMCEPpM0XyeAJ9C GZ1MNHUYsJv2ZdpzPqdc23EW6ACdEDfk5MnkAYX2i9eoEParoMRNcx+IRgQTEQIA BgUCQp2FvgAKCRAwa1VExpE89g4LAJ9TY9lyD3u8eXXiVE11zw20lvIongCfUfLh OE+oLMmUAwoCsCpVTxNhnRuIRgQTEQIABgUCQp2cvwAKCRBQ1yY84R14E1z9AKCG 2I2enXp7roBiIosVi76hx4Dd9gCgs21hGpvQqouLs6Oz9TbQ4COqrT+ISQQQEQIA CQUCRZtwwAIHAAAKCRAHjSWNsiCtxiKBAJ9KL7LtkZiVNcj8kJJ9u4+QX00LsACg hJVJpjXC5Q4EeGfyzm4MICf2MVqJAhwEEAECAAYFAkc0xpUACgkQC/uEfz8nL1sU 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Xgg1a6en8dCCIA/pwtS2Ut/g4Eu6Z467dvYNlMgCqvg+prKIrXf5ibio48j3AFvd 1dDJl2cHfyuON35/83vXKXz0FPohQ7N7kPfI+qrlGBYGWFzC/QEGje360Q2Yo+rf MoyDEXmPsoZVqf7EE8gjfnXiRqmz/Bg5YQb5bgnGbLGiHWtjS+ACIdLUq/h+jlSp 57jw8oQktMh2xVMX4utDM0UENeZnPllVJSlR0b+ZmZz7paeSar8Yxn4wsNlL7GZb pW5A/WmcmWfuMYoPhBo5Fq1V2/siKNU3UKuf1KH+X0p1oZ4oOcZ2bS0Zh3YEG8IQ ce9Bferq4QMKsekcG9IKS6WBIU7BwaElI2ILD0gSwu8KzvNSEeIJhYSsBIEzrWxI BXoN2AC9PCqqXkWlI5Xr/86RWllB3CsoPwEfO8CLJW2LlXTen/Fkq4wT+apdhHei WiSsq/J5OEff0rKHBQ3fK7fyVuVNrJFb2CopaBLyCxTupvxs162jjUNopt0c7OqN BoPoUoVFAxUSpeEwAw6xrM5vROyLMSeh/YnTuRy8WviRapZCYo6naTCY5wARAQAB tEJVYnVudHUgQXJjaGl2ZSBBdXRvbWF0aWMgU2lnbmluZyBLZXkgKDIwMTIpIDxm dHBtYXN0ZXJAdWJ1bnR1LmNvbT6JAjgEEwECACIFAk+tgXgCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUI AgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEDtP5qzAsh8yXX4QAJHUdK6eYMyJcrFP3yKXtUYQ MpaHRM/floqZtOFhlmcLVMgBNOr0eLvBU0JcZyZpHMvZciTDBMWX8ItCYVjRejf0 K0lPvHHRGaE7t6JHVUCeznNbDMnOPYVwlVJdZLOa6PmE5WXVXpk8uTA8vm6RO2rS 23vE7U0pQlV+1GVXMWH4ZLjaQs/Tm7wdvRxeqTbtfOEeHGLjmsoh0erHfzMV4wA/ 9Zq86WzuJS1HxXR6OYDC3/aQX7CxYT1MQxEw/PObnHtkl3PRMWdTW7fSQtulEXzp r2/JCev6Mfc8Uy0aD3jng9byVk9GpdNFEjGgaUqjqyZosvwAZ4/dmRjmMEibXeNU GC8HeWC3WOVV8L/DiA+miJlwPvwPiA1ZuKBI5A8VF0rNHW7QVsG8kQ+PDHgRdsmh pzSRgykN1PgK6UxScKX8LqNKCtKpuEPApka7FQ1u4BoZKjjpBhY1R4TpfFkMIe7q W8XfqoaP99pED3xXch2zFRNHitNJr+yQJH4z/o+2UvnTA2niUTHlFSCBoU1MvSq1 N2J3qU6oR2cOYJ4ZxqWyCoeQR1x8aPnLlcn4le6HU7TocYbHaImcIt7qnG4Ni0OW P4giEhjOpgxtrWgl36mdufvriwya+EHXzn36EvQ9O+bm3fyarsnhPe01rlsRxqBi K1JOw/g4GnpX8iLGEX1ViQIcBBABCAAGBQJPrYpcAAoJEDk1h9l9hlALtdMP/19l ZWneOCFEFdsK6I1fiUSrrsi+RRefxGT5VwUWTQYIr7UwTJLGPj+GkLQe2deEj1v+ mmaZNsb83IQJKocQbo21OZAr3Uv4G6K3fAwj7zE3V+2k1iZKDH/3MfHpZ9x+1sUQ PcC+Y0Oh0jWw2GGPClYjLwP7WGegayCfPdejlAOReulKi2ge+mkoNM2Zm1ApA1q1 5rHST5QvIp1WqarK003QPABreDY37zffKiQwTo/jUzncTlTFlThLWqvh2H7g+r6r jrDhy/ytB+lOOAKp0qMHG1eovqQ6lpaRx+N0UR+bH4+WMBAg756ter/3h/Z9wApI PgpdA/BkxFQu932JbheZq+8WXQ3XwvXj/PVkqRr3zNAMYKVcSIFQ0hAhd2SK8Xrz KUMPPDqDF6lUA4hv3aU0kmLiWJibFWGxlE5LLpSPwy3Ed/bSvxYxE+OE+skdB3iP qHN7GHLilTHXsRTEXPLMN9QfKGKXiLFGXnLLc7hMLFbtoX5UdbaaEK7+rEkIc1zZ zw9orgefH2oXQSehuhwzmQpfmGM/zEwUSmbeZwXW82txeaGRn/Q5MfAIeqxBKLST 6Lv8SNfpI+f1vWNDZeRUTw3F8yWLrll8a5RKHDvnK3jXzeT8dLZPIjGULMyFm8r3 U2djKhIrUJjjd89QM7qQnNFdU7LR3YG0ezT5pJu+iQIcBBABAgAGBQJPrYliAAoJ EAv7hH8/Jy9bZ2oQAKT+lN7RHIhwpz+TuTrBJSGFYhLur5T9Fg11mIKbQ9hdVMAS 9XO9fV/H4Odoiz6+ncbWIu8znPsqaziPoSEugj4CrBfVzDncDzOOeivJI66yuiek s53P48ougGgM3G2aTFAns8hXCgSVBZd4DxMQwR9w9PmuXgGnsVIShsn9TrNz+UOS pTX2F7PGwT+vOW8hM6W0GpaUhFuNVvi4HAGcW3HgcDy/KuKU5JzLKdUbnGey5N+H tcTYq+KbRBHCpfG6pPNjRIVdl/X6QcIFDaUO24L1tYTnvgehQnkz3GyLkeqiqmwu b7sTXYmhUStzdPM2NXGbPVQGNXu5tyvuvLAc+JTrn4ADIjDD35oY/4ti+LcCkuyD uzU8EWcMbG/QqF3VH2bUI0pP4TFIkeLWkMO7idOCOf6+ntvQaGa3BrnRs9CemDKa VyWwjNJEXboS8+LwBpWmNw/idWgLzf9N7XF1+GfrF61FeYccltcB1X8M4ElI/Cch vk52+OG8j6USemCOL1OSirbYqvj8UroQabVUwe90TZrboOL06Q2dPeX0fBIk837U XRDJpzKYexZvWg9kg7Ibf9MYuodt5bkG+6slwmbN7W1I4UAgrIj4EhlE9wsmdsMc 2eNXk6DOClN8sseXPx490nL623SQSx4tbYpukzaEXREXOQT2uY5GHvDVMv7biQIc BBABAgAGBQJPrYqXAAoJENfD8TGrKpH1rJAQAJr+AfdLW5oB95I68tZIYVwvqZ41 wU8pkf8iXuNmT4C26wdj204jQl86iSJlf8EiuqswzD0eBrY/QNPOL6ABcKvhO4Kl uaRiULruaXI7odkmIDAty5gYe04nD7E3wv55lQOTrT7u7QZnfy//yY+3Qw4Ea6Me SeGW+s3REpmAPSl+iaWkqYiox/tmCQOQJK0jzxTcYyHcLzoNaJ+IqANZUM8URCrb RapRbm3XxA9FeD0Zlg77NGCZyT1pw6XkG7kLlE4BvUmzS/dIQkx8qnpJhchLQ20l xqcBaT1buRTxktvflWPeVhPy0MLl72l/Bdhly21YcQbmbClkbWMGgLctbqN25HwH 8Lo6guUk9oWlqvtuXOEI31lZgSestpsCz/JvlfYuyevBa33srUoRTFNnZshGNzkT 20GXjnx7WDb6mHxwcpAZFCCC2ktfDwd+/U0mU6+02zYHby6OIjRHnAvbCGhz51Ed PfE362W3CY021ktEgu9xYpIGOfREncrjo0AoOwqoWQhEoLG3ihF8LMUryVNac0ew srGY7gxFCnP+aHtXzaa8mMW8dkWgNwi6RfJfphrgHkdgKVjKukkIqRrZrDoD5O7A 18oTb3iMrBKHdSVZp0icpmAHb0ddBNlY9zun7akuBrVzM5aKuo21l/Qs9z3UK5k4 DjfegedFClqpn37b =rDTH -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" APT_REPOSITORY3="https://download.ceph.com/debian-mimic/" APT_DISTRIBUTIONS3="[ bionic ]" APT_COMPONENTS3="[ main ]" APT_GPGKEYID3="460F 3994" APT_GPGKEY3="-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 mQINBFX4hgkBEADLqn6O+UFp+ZuwccNldwvh5PzEwKUPlXKPLjQfXlQRig1flpCH E0HJ5wgGlCtYd3Ol9f9+qU24kDNzfbs5bud58BeE7zFaZ4s0JMOMuVm7p8JhsvkU C/Lo/7NFh25e4kgJpjvnwua7c2YrA44ggRb1QT19ueOZLK5wCQ1mR+0GdrcHRCLr 7Sdw1d7aLxMT+5nvqfzsmbDullsWOD6RnMdcqhOxZZvpay8OeuK+yb8FVQ4sOIzB FiNi5cNOFFHg+8dZQoDrK3BpwNxYdGHsYIwU9u6DWWqXybBnB9jd2pve9PlzQUbO eHEa4Z+jPqxY829f4ldaql7ig8e6BaInTfs2wPnHJ+606g2UH86QUmrVAjVzlLCm nqoGymoAPGA4ObHu9X3kO8viMBId9FzooVqR8a9En7ZE0Dm9O7puzXR7A1f5sHoz JdYHnr32I+B8iOixhDUtxIY4GA8biGATNaPd8XR2Ca1hPuZRVuIiGG9HDqUEtXhV fY5qjTjaThIVKtYgEkWMT+Wet3DPPiWT3ftNOE907e6EWEBCHgsEuuZnAbku1GgD LBH4/a/yo9bNvGZKRaTUM/1TXhM5XgVKjd07B4cChgKypAVHvef3HKfCG2U/DkyA LjteHt/V807MtSlQyYaXUTGtDCrQPSlMK5TjmqUnDwy6Qdq8dtWN3DtBWQARAQAB tCpDZXBoLmNvbSAocmVsZWFzZSBrZXkpIDxzZWN1cml0eUBjZXBoLmNvbT6JAjgE EwECACIFAlX4hgkCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEOhKwsBG DzmUXdIQAI8YPcZMBWdv489q8CzxlfRIRZ3Gv/G/8CH+EOExcmkVZ89mVHngCdAP DOYCl8twWXC1lwJuLDBtkUOHXNuR5+Jcl5zFOUyldq1Hv8u03vjnGT7lLJkJoqpG l9QD8nBqRvBU7EM+CU7kP8+09b+088pULil+8x46PwgXkvOQwfVKSOr740Q4J4nm /nUOyTNtToYntmt2fAVWDTIuyPpAqA6jcqSOC7Xoz9cYxkVWnYMLBUySXmSS0uxl 3p+wK0lMG0my/gb+alke5PAQjcE5dtXYzCn+8Lj0uSfCk8Gy0ZOK2oiUjaCGYN6D u72qDRFBnR3jaoFqi03bGBIMnglGuAPyBZiI7LJgzuT9xumjKTJW3kN4YJxMNYu1 FzmIyFZpyvZ7930vB2UpCOiIaRdZiX4Z6ZN2frD3a/vBxBNqiNh/BO+Dex+PDfI4 TqwF8zlcjt4XZ2teQ8nNMR/D8oiYTUW8hwR4laEmDy7ASxe0p5aijmUApWq5UTsF +s/QbwugccU0iR5orksM5u9MZH4J/mFGKzOltfGXNLYI6D5Mtwrnyi0BsF5eY0u6 vkdivtdqrq2DXY+ftuqLOQ7b+t1RctbcMHGPptlxFuN9ufP5TiTWSpfqDwmHCLsT k2vFiMwcHdLpQ1IH8ORVRgPPsiBnBOJ/kIiXG2SxPUTjjEGOVgeA =/Tod -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" #deb https://download.ceph.com/debian-mimic/ bionic main EXEC_DIR=/var/${NAME}/exec # this used in test_overrides to check amount of daemonsets defined EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_DAEMONSETS=17 apt update type lshw || apt -y install lshw type apparmor_parser || apt -y install apparmor type ethtool || apt -y install ethtool nic_info="$(lshw -class network)" physical_nic='' IFS=$'\n' for line in ${nic_info}; do if [[ ${line} = *'physical id:'* ]]; then physical_nic=true fi if [ "${physical_nic}" = 'true' ] && [[ ${line} = *'logical name'* ]]; then DEVICE="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" echo "Found device: '${DEVICE}' to use for ethtool testing" break fi done IFS=$DEFAULT_IFS if [ -z "${DEVICE}" ]; then echo "[FAIL] Could not find physical NIC for testing." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi # Not all hardware has the same NIC tunables to use for testing if [[ $(/sbin/ethtool -k "${DEVICE}" | grep "${ETHTOOL_KEY3}:") =~ .*fixed.* ]]; then ETHTOOL_KEY3="${ETHTOOL_KEY3_BACKUP}" fi if [[ $(/sbin/ethtool -k "${DEVICE}" | grep "${ETHTOOL_KEY5}:") =~ .*fixed.* ]]; then ETHTOOL_KEY5="${ETHTOOL_KEY5_BACKUP}" fi exec >& >(while read line; do echo "${line}" | sudo tee -a ${LOG_NAME}; done) set -x wait_for_tiller_ready(){ local helm_error local retries=5 while [ $retries -gt 0 ]; do # the message typically returned before tiller is ready is # 'Error: could not find a ready tiller pod' helm_error="$(helm status ${NAME} 2>&1 | grep 'Error')" if [ -z "${helm_error}" ]; then return 0; fi sleep 10 (( retries-- )) done echo "[FAIL] Tiller pod not ready or not available." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 } purge_containers(){ local chart_status chart_status="$(helm status ${NAME})" if [ -n "${chart_status}" ]; then helm uninstall ${NAME} fi } __set_systemd_name(){ if [ "${2}" = 'mount' ]; then SYSTEMD_NAME="$(systemd-escape -p --suffix=mount "${1}")" else SYSTEMD_NAME="$(systemd-escape -p --suffix=service "${1}")" fi } _teardown_systemd(){ __set_systemd_name "${1}" "${2}" sudo systemctl stop "${SYSTEMD_NAME}" >& /dev/null || true sudo systemctl disable "${SYSTEMD_NAME}" >& /dev/null || true sudo rm "/etc/systemd/system/${SYSTEMD_NAME}" >& /dev/null || true } clean_persistent_files(){ sudo rm -r /var/${NAME} >& /dev/null || true sudo rm -r /etc/sysctl.d/60-${NAME}-* >& /dev/null || true sudo rm -r /etc/security/limits.d/60-${NAME}-* >& /dev/null || true sudo rm -r /etc/apparmor.d/${NAME}-* >& /dev/null || true _teardown_systemd ${MOUNTS_PATH1} mount _teardown_systemd ${MOUNTS_PATH2} mount _teardown_systemd ${MOUNTS_PATH3} mount sudo systemctl daemon-reload } _write_sysctl(){ sudo /sbin/sysctl -w ${1}=${2} } _write_ethtool(){ local cur_val if [ -z "${2}" ]; then return fi cur_val="$(/sbin/ethtool -k ${1} | grep "${2}:" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ "${cur_val}" != "${3}" ]; then sudo /sbin/ethtool -K ${1} ${2} ${3} || true fi } _reset_account(){ if [ -n "$1" ]; then sudo deluser $1 >& /dev/null || true sudo rm -r /home/$1 >& /dev/null || true sudo rm /etc/sudoers.d/*$1* >& /dev/null || true fi } init_default_state(){ # wait_for_tiller_ready purge_containers clean_persistent_files # set sysctl original vals _write_sysctl ${SYSCTL_KEY1} ${SYSCTL_VAL1_DEFAULT} _write_sysctl ${SYSCTL_KEY2} ${SYSCTL_VAL2_DEFAULT} _write_sysctl ${SYSCTL_KEY3} ${SYSCTL_VAL3_DEFAULT} _write_sysctl ${SYSCTL_KEY4} ${SYSCTL_VAL4_DEFAULT} # set ethtool original vals _write_ethtool ${DEVICE} ${ETHTOOL_KEY2} ${ETHTOOL_VAL2_DEFAULT} _write_ethtool ${DEVICE} "${ETHTOOL_KEY3}" ${ETHTOOL_VAL3_DEFAULT} _write_ethtool ${DEVICE} ${ETHTOOL_KEY4} ${ETHTOOL_VAL4_DEFAULT} _write_ethtool ${DEVICE} ${ETHTOOL_KEY5} ${ETHTOOL_VAL5_DEFAULT} # Remove any created accounts, SSH keys _reset_account ${USERNAME1} _reset_account ${USERNAME2} _reset_account ${USERNAME3} _reset_account ${USERNAME4} } install(){ purge_containers helm upgrade --install "${NAME}" "${NAME}" --namespace="${NAME}" --debug "$@" } upgrade(){ helm upgrade --install "${NAME}" "${NAME}" --namespace="${NAME}" --debug "$@" } dry_run(){ helm upgrade --install "${NAME}" "${NAME}" --namespace="${NAME}" --dry-run --debug "$@" } # parameter 1 to get_container_status is the module name (e.g., "apt") # parameter 2 is optional and can be "expect_failure" to return success # on container failure and failure on container success, or "ignore_failure" # to return success regardless of container status. get_container_status(){ local deployment="${1}" local log_connect_timeout=60 local log_connect_sleep_interval=2 local wait_time=0 local status while : ; do container="$(kubectl get pods --namespace="${NAME}" | grep ${NAME}-${deployment} | grep -v Terminating | cut -d' ' -f1)" kubectl logs "${container}" --namespace="${NAME}" > /dev/null && break || \ echo "Waiting for container logs..." && \ wait_time=$((${wait_time} + ${log_connect_sleep_interval})) && \ sleep ${log_connect_sleep_interval} if [ ${wait_time} -ge ${log_connect_timeout} ]; then if [ "${2}" = 'ignore_failure' ]; then echo "Hit timeout while waiting for container logs to become available (ignored)." else echo "[FAIL] Hit timeout while waiting for container logs to become available." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi fi done local container_runtime_timeout=210 local container_runtime_sleep_interval=5 wait_time=0 while : ; do # don't echo the entire log every time we check - it bogs down the test script # and causes problems with zuul set +x CLOGS="$(kubectl logs --namespace="${NAME}" "${container}" 2>&1)" || true # the test below now looks at the last ten lines of the log rather than # just the last line, since there are cases where other things have to get # logged after the error / success message. status="$(echo -e ${CLOGS} | tail -n 10)" set -x if [[ $(echo -e ${status} | tr -d '[:cntrl:]') = *ERROR* ]] || [[ $(echo -e ${status} | tr -d '[:cntrl:]') = *TRACE* ]]; then if [ "${2}" = 'expect_failure' ]; then echo 'Pod exited as expected' break elif [ "${2}" = 'ignore_failure' ]; then echo 'Pod exited with error status (ignored).' break else echo '[FAIL] Expected pod to complete successfully, but pod reported errors' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo 'pod logs:' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" printf '%s' "${CLOGS}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi elif [[ $(echo -e ${status} | tr -d '[:cntrl:]') = *'INFO Putting the daemon to sleep'* ]] || [[ $(echo -e ${status} | tr -d '[:cntrl:]') = *'DEBUG + exit 0'* ]]; then if [ "${2}" = 'expect_failure' ]; then echo '[FAIL] Expected pod to die with error, but pod completed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo 'pod logs:' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" printf '%s' "${CLOGS}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 else echo 'Pod completed without errors.' break fi else wait_time=$((${wait_time} + ${container_runtime_sleep_interval})) sleep ${container_runtime_sleep_interval} fi if [ ${wait_time} -ge ${container_runtime_timeout} ]; then echo 'Hit timeout while waiting for container to complete work.' break fi done } # helper function to echo the pod log for debugging after a failure _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail(){ echo '[FAIL] pod logs:' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" printf '%s' "${CLOGS}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_sysctl_default(){ if [ "$(/sbin/sysctl "${1}" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" != "${2}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected kernel parameter ${1} to be set to ${2}, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_sysctl_value(){ _test_sysctl_default "${1}" "${2}" local key="${1//\//.}" if [ "$(cat /etc/sysctl.d/60-${NAME}-${key}.conf)" != "${key}=${2}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected kernel parameter ${key}=${2} to be persisted in /etc/sysctl.d, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_exec_match(){ expected_result="$1" exec_testfile="$2" testID="$3" if [[ $expected_result != $(cat $exec_testfile) ]]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec $testID failed. Expected:" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo $expected_result >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo "but got:" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo $(cat $exec_testfile) >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi rm $exec_testfile } _test_exec_count(){ script_location="${1}" script_name="${2}" script_expected_run_count="${3}" script_run_count=$(wc -l "${script_location}") if [[ ${script_run_count} -ne ${script_expected_run_count} ]]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected '${script_name}' to run '${script_expected_run_count}' times, but instead it ran '$script_run_count' times" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_clog_msg(){ if [[ $CLOGS != *${1}* ]]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Did not find expected string: '${1}'" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo "in container logs:" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" printf '%s' "${CLOGS}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } alias install_base="install ${BASE_VALS}" alias dry_run_base="dry_run ${BASE_VALS}" # On certain opendev hardware, it's not possible to change the # ethtool tunables, or the expected tunables are unavailable. # Until we have a mechanism to schedule to the right hardware, # we will just issue a warning whenever these tests fail instead # of failing the gate. alias ethtool_opendev_warn='echo [WARN] ethtool validation failure at Line "$LINENO", ignoring.' shopt -s expand_aliases test_sysctl(){ # Test the first set of values local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml local val1=0 local val2=1 local val3=0 local val4=0 echo "conf: sysctl: $SYSCTL_KEY1: $val1 $SYSCTL_KEY2: $val2 $SYSCTL_KEY3: $val3 $SYSCTL_KEY4: $val4" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status sysctl _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY1 $val1 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY2 $val2 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY3 $val3 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY4 $val4 echo '[SUCCESS] sysctl test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test an updated set of values overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml val1=1 val2=0 val3=1 val4=1 echo "conf: sysctl: $SYSCTL_KEY1: $val1 $SYSCTL_KEY2: $val2 $SYSCTL_KEY3: $val3 $SYSCTL_KEY4: $val4" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status sysctl _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY1 $val1 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY2 $val2 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY3 $val3 _test_sysctl_value $SYSCTL_KEY4 $val4 echo '[SUCCESS] sysctl test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test revert/rollback functionality install_base get_container_status sysctl _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY1 $SYSCTL_VAL1_DEFAULT _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY2 $SYSCTL_VAL2_DEFAULT _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY3 $SYSCTL_VAL3_DEFAULT _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY4 $SYSCTL_VAL4_DEFAULT echo '[SUCCESS] sysctl test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid key overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid1.yaml echo "conf: sysctl: this.is.a.bogus.key: 1" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status sysctl expect_failure _test_clog_msg 'sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/this/is/a/bogus/key: No such file or directory' echo '[SUCCESS] sysctl test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid val overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid2.yaml echo "conf: sysctl: $SYSCTL_KEY1: bogus" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" # Sysctl does not report a non-zero exit code for this failure condition per # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1264080 get_container_status sysctl _test_clog_msg 'sysctl: setting key "net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians": Invalid argument' echo '[SUCCESS] sysctl test5 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_limits_value(){ local limit=${1} local domain=${2} local type=${3} local item=${4} local value=${5} test "$(cat /etc/security/limits.d/60-${NAME}-${limit}.conf)" = \ "$domain $type $item $value" } test_limits(){ local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}.yaml echo "conf: limits: limit1: domain: root type: hard item: core value: 0 limit2: domain: '0:' type: soft item: nofile value: 101" > "${overrides_yaml}" echo $(cat ${overrides_yaml}) install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status limits _test_limits_value limit1 root hard core 0 _test_limits_value limit2 '0:' soft nofile 101 echo "[SUCCESS] test range loop for limits passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_perm_value(){ local file=${1} local owner=${2} local group=${3} local perm=${4} local r_owner local r_group local r_perm r_owner="$(stat -c %U ${file})" r_group="$(stat -c %G ${file})" r_perm="$(stat -c %a ${file})" if [ "${perm}" != "${r_perm}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] File ${file} has permissions ${r_perm} but expected ${perm}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ "${owner}" != "${r_owner}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] File ${file} has owner ${r_owner} but expected ${owner}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ "${group}" != "${r_group}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] File ${file} has group ${r_group} but expected ${group}" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _perm_init_one(){ local file=${1} local user=${file##*.} useradd ${user} -U chmod 777 ${file} chown ${user}:${user} ${file} echo ${file} } _make_p_temp(){ echo $(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") } _perm_init(){ # global vars! p_test_file1=$(_perm_init_one $(_make_p_temp)) p_test_file2=$(_perm_init_one $(_make_p_temp)) } _perm_teardown_one(){ local file=${1} local user=${file##*.} deluser ${user} -q rm -f ${file} } _perm_teardown(){ # global vars! _perm_teardown_one ${p_test_file1} unset p_test_file1 _perm_teardown_one ${p_test_file2} unset p_test_file2 } test_perm(){ _perm_init local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}.yaml echo "conf: perm: paths: - path: ${p_test_file1} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640' - path: ${p_test_file2} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status perm _test_perm_value ${p_test_file1} root shadow 640 _test_perm_value ${p_test_file2} root shadow 640 echo "[SUCCESS] Positive test for perm passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo "conf: perm: paths: - path: ${p_test_file1} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status perm _test_perm_value ${p_test_file1} root shadow 640 _test_perm_value ${p_test_file2} ${p_test_file2##*.} ${p_test_file2##*.} 777 echo "[SUCCESS] Backup test for perm passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test missing files (default behavior, fail on missing files) echo "conf: perm: paths: - path: /does/not/exist owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640' - path: ${p_test_file2} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status perm ignore_failure _test_perm_value ${p_test_file2} ${p_test_file2##*.} ${p_test_file2##*.} 777 echo '[SUCCESS] perm test fail on missing files passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test missing files (ignore_missing=true, continue if files are missing) echo "conf: perm: ignore_missing: true paths: - path: /does/not/exist owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640' - path: ${p_test_file2} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status perm _test_perm_value ${p_test_file2} root shadow 640 echo '[SUCCESS] perm test ignore_missing passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid rerun_interval (too short) echo "conf: perm: rerun_interval: 30 paths: - path: ${p_test_file1} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" |& grep 'BAD .rerun_interval. Got')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] perm test invalid rerun_interval value did not receive expected 'BAD .rerun_interval. Got' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] perm test invalid rerun_interval passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid rerun_interval combination echo "conf: perm: rerun_interval: 60 rerun_policy: once_successfully paths: - path: ${p_test_file1} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" |& grep 'BAD COMBINATION')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] perm invalid rerun_interval combination did not receive expected 'BAD COMBINATION' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] perm invalid rerun_interval combination passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # test rerun_interval echo "conf: perm: rerun_interval: 60 paths: - path: ${p_test_file1} owner: 'root' group: 'shadow' permissions: '0640'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status perm sleep 72 get_container_status perm _test_perm_value ${p_test_file1} root shadow 640 echo '[SUCCESS] perm rerun_interval passed successfully.' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" _perm_teardown } _test_if_mounted_positive(){ if ! mountpoint "${1}"; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected ${1} to be mounted, but it is not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$(df -h | grep ${1} | grep ${2})" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected to find mount size of ${2} for mountpoint ${1} in mount table, but did not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi __set_systemd_name "${1}" mount if ! systemctl is-enabled "${SYSTEMD_NAME}"; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected ${SYSTEMD_NAME} to be flagged to start on boot, but it is not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_if_mounted_negative(){ if mountpoint "${1}"; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected ${1} not to be mounted, but it was." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi __set_systemd_name "${1}" mount if systemctl is-enabled "${SYSTEMD_NAME}"; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected ${SYSTEMD_NAME} not to be flagged to start on boot, but it is." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } test_mounts(){ # Test the first set of values local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml local mount_size=32M echo "conf: mounts: mnt: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH1} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' mnt2: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH2} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' mnt3: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH3} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' before: ntp.service after: dbus.service" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status mounts _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH1} ${mount_size} _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH2} ${mount_size} _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH3} ${mount_size} echo '[SUCCESS] mounts test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test an updated set of values overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml mount_size=30M echo "conf: mounts: mnt: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH1} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' mnt2: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH2} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' mnt3: mnt_tgt: ${MOUNTS_PATH3} device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=${mount_size}' before: ntp.service after: dbus.service" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status mounts _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH1} ${mount_size} _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH2} ${mount_size} _test_if_mounted_positive ${MOUNTS_PATH3} ${mount_size} echo '[SUCCESS] mounts test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test revert/rollback functionality install_base get_container_status mounts _test_if_mounted_negative ${MOUNTS_PATH1} _test_if_mounted_negative ${MOUNTS_PATH2} _test_if_mounted_negative ${MOUNTS_PATH3} echo '[SUCCESS] mounts test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid mount overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid1.yaml echo "conf: mounts: mnt: mnt_tgt: '${MOUNTS_PATH1}' device: '/dev/bogus' type: 'bogus' options: 'defaults'" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status mounts expect_failure # systemd has long 3 min timeout __set_systemd_name "${MOUNTS_PATH1}" mount _test_clog_msg "Mount failed: ${SYSTEMD_NAME}" echo '[SUCCESS] mounts test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_ethtool_value(){ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then return fi test "$(/sbin/ethtool -k ${DEVICE} | grep "${1}:" | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" = "${2}" } test_ethtool(){ # On certain opendev hardware, it's not possible to change the # ethtool tunables, or the expected tunables are unavailable. # Until we have a mechanism to schedule to the right hardware, # we will just issue a warning whenever these tests fail instead # of failing the gate (thus the "ignore_failure" on get_container_status # calls in this section) # Test the first set of values local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml local val2=on local val3=off [ -n "${ETHTOOL_KEY3}" ] && local line2_1="${ETHTOOL_KEY3}: $val3" local val4=off echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: $ETHTOOL_KEY2: $val2 $line2_1 $ETHTOOL_KEY4: $val4" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool ignore_failure _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY2 $val2 _test_ethtool_value "$ETHTOOL_KEY3" $val3 _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY4 $val4 echo '[SUCCESS] ethtool test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test an updated set of values overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml val2=off val3=on [ -n "${ETHTOOL_KEY3}" ] && local line2_2="${ETHTOOL_KEY3}: $val3" val4=on echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: $ETHTOOL_KEY2: $val2 $line2_2 $ETHTOOL_KEY4: $val4" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool ignore_failure _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY2 $val2 && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test2 $ETHTOOL_KEY2:$val2 passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn _test_ethtool_value "$ETHTOOL_KEY3" $val3 && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test2 $ETHTOOL_KEY3:$val3 passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY4 $val4 && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test2 $ETHTOOL_KEY4:$val4 passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn # Test revert/rollback functionality install_base get_container_status ethtool ignore_failure _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY2 $ETHTOOL_VAL2_DEFAULT && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test3 $ETHTOOL_KEY2:$ETHTOOL_VAL2_DEFAULT passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn _test_ethtool_value "$ETHTOOL_KEY3" $ETHTOOL_VAL3_DEFAULT && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test3 $ETHTOOL_KEY3:$ETHTOOL_VAL3_DEFAULT passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn _test_ethtool_value $ETHTOOL_KEY4 $ETHTOOL_VAL4_DEFAULT && \ echo "[SUCCESS] ethtool test3 $ETHTOOL_KEY4:$ETHTOOL_VAL4_DEFAULT passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn # Test invalid key overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid1.yaml echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: this-is-a-bogus-key: $val2" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool expect_failure _test_clog_msg "Could not find requested param this-is-a-bogus-key for ${DEVICE}" echo '[SUCCESS] ethtool test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid val overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid2.yaml echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: $ETHTOOL_KEY2: bogus" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool expect_failure _test_clog_msg "Expected 'on' or 'off', got 'bogus'" echo '[SUCCESS] ethtool test5 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test fixed (unchangeable) ethtool param overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid3.yaml echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: hw-tc-offload: on" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool expect_failure _test_clog_msg "does not permit changing the 'hw-tc-offload' setting" echo '[SUCCESS] ethtool test6 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test ethtool settings conflict overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid4.yaml echo "conf: ethtool: ${DEVICE}: ${ETHTOOL_KEY2}: on ${ETHTOOL_KEY5}: off" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status ethtool expect_failure _test_clog_msg 'There is a conflict between settings chosen for this device.' && \ echo '[SUCCESS] ethtool test7 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" || \ ethtool_opendev_warn } _test_user_enabled(){ username=$1 user_enabled=$2 # verify the user exists if ! getent passwd "${username}" >& /dev/null; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to exist, but it does not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ "${user_enabled}" = "true" ]; then # verify the user is not set to expired if [ "$(chage -l ${username} | grep 'Account expires' | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" != "never" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to be set to non-expired, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi else # Verify user is set to expired (@ t=1, 2 Jan 1970) if [ "$(chage -l ${username} | grep 'Account expires' | cut -d':' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" != "Jan02,1970" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to be set to expired, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi fi } _test_user_purged(){ username=$1 # Verify user is no longer defined if getent passwd "${username}" >& /dev/null; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to be purged, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ -d "/home/${username}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected home directory for user ${username} to be removed, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_sudo_enabled(){ username=$1 sudo_enable=$2 local keyword='divingbell' sudoers_file=$(ls -l /etc/sudoers.d | grep "${keyword}-${username}-sudo" | head -n 1) if [ "${sudo_enable}" = "true" ] && [ -z "$sudoers_file" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to have a file named ${keyword}-${username}-sudo in the sudoers directory, but it does not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ "${sudo_enable}" != "true" ] && [ -n "$sudoers_file" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to have no file named ${keyword}-${username}-sudo in the sudoers directory, but it has one." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } _test_ssh_keys(){ username=$1 sshkey=$2 ssh_file=/home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys if [ "$sshkey" = "false" ]; then if [ -f "${ssh_file}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to have no .ssh/authorized_keys file, but it has one." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi else if [ -z "$(grep ${sshkey} ${ssh_file})" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to have ssh key ${sshkey}, but it does not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi fi } _test_user_passwd(){ username=$1 crypt_passwd="$2" if [ "$crypt_passwd" != "$(getent shadow $username | cut -d':' -f2)" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected user ${username} to have password ${crypt_passwd}, but it did not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi } test_uamlite(){ # Test the first set of values local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml echo "conf: uamlite: users: - user_name: ${USERNAME1} user_sudo: ${USERNAME1_SUDO} user_sshkeys: - ${USERNAME1_SSHKEY1} - user_name: ${USERNAME2} user_sudo: ${USERNAME2_SUDO} user_crypt_passwd: ${USERNAME2_CRYPT_PASSWD} user_sshkeys: - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY1} - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY2} - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY3} - user_name: ${USERNAME3} user_sudo: ${USERNAME3_SUDO} - user_name: ${USERNAME4}" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status uamlite _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME1} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME1} ${USERNAME1_SUDO} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME1} "${USERNAME1_SSHKEY1}" _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME1} '*' _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME2} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME2} ${USERNAME2_SUDO} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME2} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY1}" _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME2} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY2}" _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME2} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY3}" _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME2} ${USERNAME2_CRYPT_PASSWD} _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME3} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME3} ${USERNAME3_SUDO} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME3} false _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME3} '*' _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME4} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME4} ${USERNAME4_SUDO} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME4} false _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME4} '*' echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test an updated set of values overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml uname1_sudo=false uname2_sudo=true uname3_sudo=false echo "conf: uamlite: users: - user_name: ${USERNAME1} user_sudo: ${uname1_sudo} - user_name: ${USERNAME2} user_sudo: ${uname2_sudo} user_sshkeys: - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY1} - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY2} - user_name: ${USERNAME3} user_sudo: ${uname3_sudo} user_sshkeys: - ${USERNAME1_SSHKEY1} - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY3} - user_name: ${USERNAME4}" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status uamlite _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME1} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME1} ${uname1_sudo} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME1} false _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME1} '*' _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME2} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME2} ${uname2_sudo} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME2} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY1}" _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME2} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY2}" _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME2} '*' _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME3} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME3} ${uname3_sudo} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME3} "${USERNAME1_SSHKEY1}" _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME3} "${USERNAME2_SSHKEY3}" _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME3} '*' _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME4} true _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME4} ${USERNAME4_SUDO} _test_ssh_keys ${USERNAME4} false _test_user_passwd ${USERNAME4} '*' echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test revert/rollback functionality install_base get_container_status uamlite _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME1} false _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME1} false _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME2} false _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME2} false _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME3} false _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME3} false _test_user_enabled ${USERNAME4} false _test_sudo_enabled ${USERNAME4} false echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test purge users flag overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set4.yaml echo "conf: uamlite: purge_expired_users: true" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status uamlite _test_user_purged ${USERNAME1} _test_user_purged ${USERNAME2} _test_user_purged ${USERNAME3} _test_user_purged ${USERNAME4} echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid password overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set5.yaml user2_crypt_passwd_invalid='plaintextPassword' echo "conf: uamlite: users: - user_name: ${USERNAME2} user_crypt_passwd: ${user2_crypt_passwd_invalid}" > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" |& grep 'BAD PASSWORD')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] uamlite test5 did not receive expected 'BAD PASSWORD' error." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test5 passed successfully.' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid SSH key overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set6.yaml user2_bad_sshkey='AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAklOUpkDHrfHY17SbrmT key-comment' echo "conf: uamlite: users: - user_name: ${USERNAME2} user_sshkeys: - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY1} - ${user2_bad_sshkey} - ${USERNAME2_SSHKEY3}" > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" |& grep 'BAD SSH KEY')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] uamlite test6 did not receive expected 'BAD SSH KEY' error." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] uamlite test6 passed successfully.' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_apt_package_version(){ local pkg_name=$1 local pkg_ver=$2 if [ "${pkg_ver}" = "none" ]; then # Does not include residual-config if [ -n "$(dpkg -l | grep ${pkg_name} | grep -v ^rc)" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected package ${pkg_name} not to be installed, but it was." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi elif [ "${pkg_ver}" = "any" ]; then if [ -z "$(dpkg -l | grep ${pkg_name})" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected package ${pkg_name} to be installed, but it wasn't." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi else if [ $(dpkg -l | awk "/[[:space:]]${pkg_name}[[:space:]]/"'{print $3}') != "${pkg_ver}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected package ${pkg_name} version ${pkg_ver} to be installed, but it wasn't." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi fi } _test_apt_repositories(){ local repositories=$1 local remaining_repos for repository in $repositories do if ! grep -qrh "$repository" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected repository ${repository} to be added, but it wasn't." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi done remaining_repos=$(grep -qrh "^deb" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | sort -u | grep -v "${repositories// /\\|}" | awk '{print$2}') for repo in $remaining_repos do _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected repository ${repo} not to be added, but it was." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 done } _test_apt_keys(){ # NOTE: this is somewhat brittle as the output format of apt-key has been known to change. # current code is written for the format: # /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/some-key.gpg # ------------------------------------------------------ # pub rsa4096 2001-01-01 [SC] # 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 # uid [ unknown] words words words (2001) # The keys specified at the top of the script ($APT_GPGKEYID1 etc.) should match the # first 4-digit hex value listed. local keys=$1 for key in $keys do if [ -z "$(apt-key list | grep "$key")" ] then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] The gpg key starting with (${key}) was not installed." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi done remaining_keys=$(apt-key list | grep -A 1 "^pub" | grep -v "^pub" | grep -v -x "\-\-" | grep -v "${keys// /\\|}" | awk '{print$1}') for rkey in $remaining_keys do _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] The gpg key starting with (${rkey}) should not be installed." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 done } test_apt(){ # Test the valid set of packages local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml echo "conf: apt: allow_downgrade: true packages: - name: $APT_PACKAGE1 version: $APT_VERSION1 - name: $APT_PACKAGE2" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE1 $APT_VERSION1 _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE2 any echo '[SUCCESS] apt test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test removal of one package and install of one new package local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: - name: $APT_PACKAGE2 debconf: - question: mysql-server/root_password question_type: password answer: rootpw - question: mysql-server/root_password_again question_type: password answer: rootpw - name: $APT_PACKAGE3 version: $APT_VERSION3" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE1 none _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE2 any # Each entry in passwords.dat contains question value in Name and Template # field, so grepping root_password should return 4 lines if [[ $(grep -c root_password /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat) != 4 ]]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Package $APT_PACKAGE2 should have debconf values configured" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE3 $APT_VERSION3 echo '[SUCCESS] apt test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test removal of all installed packages and install of one that already exists local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set3.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: - name: $APT_PACKAGE4" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE2 none _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE3 none echo '[SUCCESS] apt test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test package not installed by divingbell not removed local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set4.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: - name: $APT_PACKAGE5" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE4 any # Should still be present _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE5 any echo '[SUCCESS] apt test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid package name overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-invalid1.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: - name: some-random-name version: whatever" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt expect_failure _test_clog_msg 'E: Unable to locate package some-random-name' echo '[SUCCESS] apt test5 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test blacklistpkgs local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set5.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: - name: $APT_PACKAGE6 blacklistpkgs: - $APT_PACKAGE6" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE6 none echo '[SUCCESS] apt test6 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test add several repositories with gpg keys local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set6.yaml echo "conf: apt: repositories: repository_name1: url: $APT_REPOSITORY1 distributions: $APT_DISTRIBUTIONS1 components: $APT_COMPONENTS1 subrepos: $APT_SUBREPOS1 gpgkey: |- $(printf '%s' "$APT_GPGKEY1" | awk '{printf " %s\n", $0}') repository_name2: url: $APT_REPOSITORY2 distributions: $APT_DISTRIBUTIONS2 components: $APT_COMPONENTS2 subrepos: $APT_SUBREPOS2 gpgkey: |- $(printf '%s' "$APT_GPGKEY2" | awk '{printf " %s\n", $0}') repository_name3: url: $APT_REPOSITORY3 distributions: $APT_DISTRIBUTIONS3 components: $APT_COMPONENTS3 subrepos: $APT_SUBREPOS3 gpgkey: |- $(printf '%s' "$APT_GPGKEY3" | awk '{printf " %s\n", $0}')" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_repositories "$APT_REPOSITORY1 $APT_REPOSITORY2 $APT_REPOSITORY3" _test_apt_keys "$APT_GPGKEYID1 $APT_GPGKEYID2 $APT_GPGKEYID3" echo '[SUCCESS] apt test7 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test add same gpg key two times local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set7.yaml echo "conf: apt: repositories: repository_name1: url: $APT_REPOSITORY1 distributions: $APT_DISTRIBUTIONS1 components: $APT_COMPONENTS1 subrepos: $APT_SUBREPOS1 gpgkey: |- $(printf '%s' "$APT_GPGKEY1" | awk '{printf " %s\n", $0}') repository_name2: url: $APT_REPOSITORY2 distributions: $APT_DISTRIBUTIONS2 components: $APT_COMPONENTS2 subrepos: $APT_SUBREPOS2 gpgkey: |- $(printf '%s' "$APT_GPGKEY1" | awk '{printf " %s\n", $0}')" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_repositories "$APT_REPOSITORY1 $APT_REPOSITORY2" _test_apt_keys "$APT_GPGKEYID1" echo '[SUCCESS] apt test8 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test groups of packages using a map local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set8.yaml echo "conf: apt: packages: fun: - name: $APT_PACKAGE7 funner: - name: $APT_PACKAGE8" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE7 any _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE8 any echo '[SUCCESS] apt test9 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test adding a package in strict mode local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set9.yaml APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES=" packages:" build_all_packages_yaml $(dpkg -l | awk 'NR>5 {print $2}') echo "conf: apt: strict: true $APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES - name: $APT_PACKAGE9" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE9 any # PACKAGE4 used earlier is intended to be a package that is always installed _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE4 any echo '[SUCCESS] apt test10 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test removing a package in strict mode local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set10.yaml # using the same APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES from above, # which does NOT have APT_PACKAGE9 echo "conf: apt: strict: true $APT_ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apt _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE9 none # PACKAGE4 used earlier is intended to be a package that is always installed _test_apt_package_version $APT_PACKAGE4 any echo '[SUCCESS] apt test11 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } # test exec module test_exec(){ # test script execution ordering, args, and env vars local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set1.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 030-script5.sh: blocking_policy: foreground_halt_pod_on_failure env: env1: env1-val env2: env2-val env3: env3-val args: - arg1 - arg2 - arg3 data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile echo args: "$@" >> exec_testfile echo env: "$env1 $env2 $env3" >> exec_testfile 005-script1.sh: blocking_policy: foreground data: | #!/bin/bash rm exec_testfile 2> /dev/null || true echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile 015-script3.sh: blocking_policy: foreground_halt_pod_on_failure data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile 008-script2.sh: data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile 025-script4.sh: data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec expected_result='script name: ./005-script1.sh script name: ./008-script2.sh script name: ./015-script3.sh script name: ./025-script4.sh script name: ./030-script5.sh args: arg1 arg2 arg3 env: env1-val env2-val env3-val' _test_exec_match "$expected_result" "${EXEC_DIR}/exec_testfile" "test1" echo '[SUCCESS] exec test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test blocking_policy local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set2.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 030-script5.sh: blocking_policy: foreground_halt_pod_on_failure env: env1: env1-val env2: env2-val env3: env3-val args: - arg1 - arg2 - arg3 data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile echo args: "$@" >> exec_testfile echo env: "$env1 $env2 $env3" >> exec_testfile 005-script1.sh: blocking_policy: foreground data: | #!/bin/bash rm exec_testfile 2> /dev/null || true echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile 015-script3.sh: blocking_policy: foreground_halt_pod_on_failure data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile false 008-script2.sh: data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile 025-script4.sh: data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec expect_failure expected_result='script name: ./005-script1.sh script name: ./008-script2.sh script name: ./015-script3.sh' _test_exec_match "$expected_result" "${EXEC_DIR}/exec_testfile" "test2" echo '[SUCCESS] exec test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid rerun_policy overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set3.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 030-script5.sh: rerun_policy: foo data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD .rerun_policy. FOR')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test3 did not receive expected 'BAD .rerun_policy. FOR' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid blocking_policy overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set4.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 030-script5.sh: blocking_policy: foo data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD .blocking_policy. FOR')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test4 did not receive expected 'BAD .blocking_policy. FOR' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test rerun_policies: # 1. Unspecified # 2. always # 3. once_successfully, when script passes # 4. once_successfully, when script fails # 5. never # first execution overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set5.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 001-script1.sh: data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> script1 002-script2.sh: rerun_policy: always data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> script2 003-script3.sh: rerun_policy: once_successfully data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> script3 004-script4.sh: rerun_policy: once_successfully data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> script4 false 005-script5.sh: rerun_policy: never data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> script5 env: env3: env3-val env1: env1-val env2: env2-val args: - arg2 - arg1 - arg3 manifests: daemonset_ethtool: false daemonset_mounts: false daemonset_uamlite: false daemonset_sysctl: false daemonset_limits: false daemonset_apt: false daemonset_perm: false' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec # run several times with the same values and evaluate results # (ensure no ordering issues cause hashing inconsistencies) for i in $(seq 0 11); do install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec _test_exec_count "${EXEC_DIR}/script1" '001-script1.sh' $(($i + 2)) _test_exec_count "${EXEC_DIR}/script2" '002-script1.sh' $(($i + 2)) _test_exec_count "${EXEC_DIR}/script3" '003-script1.sh' '1' _test_exec_count "${EXEC_DIR}/script4" '004-script1.sh' $(($i + 2)) _test_exec_count "${EXEC_DIR}/script5" '005-script1.sh' '1' echo "[SUCCESS] exec test$(($i + 5)) passed successfully" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" done # test timeout local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set17.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 011-timeout.sh: timeout: 11 data: | #!/bin/bash sleep 60' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec expect_failure _test_clog_msg 'timeout waiting for' echo '[SUCCESS] exec test17 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid timeout overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set18.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 011-timeout.sh: timeout: infinite data: | #!/bin/bash sleep 60' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD .timeout. FOR')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test18 did not receive expected 'BAD .timeout. FOR' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test18 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid rerun_interval (too short) overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set19.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-rerun-interval.sh: rerun_interval: 30 data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD .rerun_interval. FOR')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test19 did not receive expected 'BAD .rerun_interval. FOR' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test19 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid retry_interval (too short) overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set20.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-retry-interval.sh: retry_interval: 30 data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD .retry_interval. FOR')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test20 did not receive expected 'BAD .retry_interval. FOR' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test20 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid rerun_interval combination overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set21.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-rerun-interval.sh: rerun_interval: 60 rerun_policy: once_successfully data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD COMBINATION')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test21 did not receive expected 'BAD COMBINATION' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test21 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Test invalid retry_interval combination overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set22.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-retry-interval.sh: retry_interval: 60 rerun_policy: never data: | #!/bin/bash true' > "${overrides_yaml}" if [ -z "$(install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" 2>&1 | grep 'BAD COMBINATION')" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] exec test22 did not receive expected 'BAD COMBINATION' error" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] exec test22 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # test rerun_interval overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set23.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-rerun-interval.sh: rerun_interval: 60 data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec sleep 75 get_container_status exec expected_result='script name: ./012-rerun-interval.sh script name: ./012-rerun-interval.sh' _test_exec_match "$expected_result" "${EXEC_DIR}/exec_testfile" "test23" echo '[SUCCESS] exec test23 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # test retry_interval overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-set24.yaml echo 'conf: exec: 012-retry-interval.sh: retry_interval: 60 data: | #!/bin/bash echo script name: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} >> exec_testfile false' > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status exec sleep 75 get_container_status exec expected_result='script name: ./012-retry-interval.sh script name: ./012-retry-interval.sh' _test_exec_match "$expected_result" "${EXEC_DIR}/exec_testfile" "test24" echo '[SUCCESS] exec test24 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } # test daemonset value overrides for hosts and labels test_overrides(){ overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-dryrun.yaml echo "conf: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward: 1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding: 1 overrides: divingbell_sysctl: labels: - label: key: compute_type values: - dpdk - sriov conf: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward: 1 - label: key: compute_type values: - special conf: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward: 1 - label: key: compute_type values: - special conf: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward: 1 hosts: - name: superhost conf: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward: 0 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding: 0 - name: helm1 conf: sysctl: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding: 0 - name: specialhost conf: sysctl: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding: 1 divingbell_mounts: labels: - label: key: blarg values: - soup - chips conf: mounts: mnt: mnt_tgt: /mnt device: tmpfs type: tmpfs options: 'defaults,noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777,size=32M' divingbell_ethtool: hosts: - name: ethtool-host conf: ethtool: ens3: hw-tc-offload: on divingbell_bogus: labels: - label: key: bogus values: - foo - bar conf: bogus: other_stuff: XYZ - label: key: bogus_label values: - bogus_value conf: bogus: more_stuff: ABC hosts: - name: superhost2 conf: bogus: other_stuff: FOO more_stuff: BAR" > "${overrides_yaml}" tc_output="$(dry_run_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}")" # Compare against expected number of generated daemonsets daemonset_count="$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep -c 'kind: DaemonSet')" if [ "${daemonset_count}" != "${EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_DAEMONSETS}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 1 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" echo "Expected ${EXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_DAEMONSETS} daemonsets; got '${daemonset_count}'" >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 else echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" fi # TODO: Implement more robust tests that do not depend on match expression # ordering. # Verify generated affinity for another_label affinity_match_2=$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep ' spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: another_label operator: In values: - "another_value" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "superhost" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "helm1" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "specialhost"') if [ -z "${affinity_match_2}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 2 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Verify generated affinity for compute_type affinity_match_3=$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep ' spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: compute_type operator: In values: - "special" - key: another_label operator: NotIn values: - "another_value" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "superhost" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "helm1" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "specialhost"') if [ -z "${affinity_match_3}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 3 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Verify generated affinity for compute_type affinity_match_4=$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep ' spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: compute_type operator: In values: - "dpdk" - "sriov" - key: compute_type operator: NotIn values: - "special" - key: another_label operator: NotIn values: - "another_value" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "superhost" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "helm1" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "specialhost"') if [ -z "${affinity_match_4}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 4 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Verify generated affinity for one of the daemonset hosts affinity_match_5=$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep ' spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: blarg operator: In values: - "soup" - "chips"') if [ -z "${affinity_match_5}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 5 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 5 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # Verify generated affinity for one of the daemonset defaults affinity_match_6=$(echo "${tc_output}" | grep ' spec: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "superhost" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "helm1" - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: NotIn values: - "specialhost" - key: compute_type operator: NotIn values: - "dpdk" - "sriov" - key: compute_type operator: NotIn values: - "special" - key: another_label operator: NotIn values: - "another_value"') if [ -z "${affinity_match_6}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo '[FAIL] overrides test 6 failed' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 6 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" # The core functional test to ensure that overrides work. # fooKey was added to catch a corner case identified by: # https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005936 # If fooHost keys are leaking into this host's values, then this test # will fail when sysctl attempts to set the non-existant fooKey. overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-functional.yaml key1_override_val=0 key2_non_override_val=0 kube_hostname="$(kubectl describe nodes | grep kubernetes.io/hostname | head -1 | cut -d'=' -f2)" || true if [[ -z $kube_hostname ]]; then fallback_kube_hostname=minikube echo "[WARNING] Failed to get kubectl hostname, falling back to default $fallback_kube_hostname" echo "This test will fail if the kubernetes.io/hostname does not map to the node running this instance of k8s." kube_hostname="$fallback_kube_hostname" fi echo "conf: sysctl: $SYSCTL_KEY1: 1 $SYSCTL_KEY2: $key2_non_override_val overrides: divingbell_sysctl: hosts: - name: fooHost conf: sysctl: fooKey: fooVal - name: $kube_hostname conf: sysctl: $SYSCTL_KEY1: $key1_override_val" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status sysctl _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY1 $key1_override_val _test_sysctl_default $SYSCTL_KEY2 $key2_non_override_val echo '[SUCCESS] overrides test 7 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } _test_apparmor_profile_added(){ local profile_file=$1 local profile_name=$2 local defaults_path='/var/divingbell/apparmor' local persist_path='/etc/apparmor.d' if [ ! -f "${defaults_path}/${profile_file}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be found on the defaults path ${defaults_path}, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -L "${persist_path}/${profile_file}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected symlink to AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be found on the persist path ${persist_path}, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi profile_loaded=$(grep $profile_name /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles || : ) if [ -z "$profile_loaded" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be loaded, but it is not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi return 0 } _test_apparmor_profile_removed(){ local profile_file=$1 local profile_name=$2 local defaults_path='/var/divingbell/apparmor' local persist_path='/etc/apparmor.d' if [ -f "${defaults_path}/${profile_file}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be removed from the defaults path ${defaults_path}, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi if [ -L "${persist_path}/${profile_file}" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected symlink to AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be removed from the persist path ${persist_path}, but it was not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi profile_loaded=$(grep $profile_name /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles || : ) if [ -n "$profile_loaded" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be removed, but it is not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi reboot_message_present=$(grep $profile_file /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs || : ) if [ -z "$reboot_message_present" ]; then _dump_pod_log_on_secondary_fail echo "[FAIL] Expected removed AppArmor profile ${profile_file} to be found in the reboot-required.pkgs file, but it is not." >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" exit 1 fi return 0 } test_apparmor(){ local overrides_yaml=${LOGS_SUBDIR}/${FUNCNAME[0]}-apparmor.yaml #Test1 - check new profile added and loaded echo "conf: apparmor: profiles: divingbell-profile-1: | #include /usr/sbin/profile-1 { #include #include #include capability dac_override, capability dac_read_search, capability net_bind_service, capability setgid, capability setuid, /data/www/safe/* r, deny /data/www/unsafe/* r, }" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apparmor _test_apparmor_profile_added divingbell-profile-1 profile-1 echo '[SUCCESS] apparmor test1 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" #Test2 - check new profile added and loaded, profile-1 still exist echo "conf: apparmor: profiles: divingbell-profile-1: | #include /usr/sbin/profile-1 { #include #include #include capability dac_override, capability dac_read_search, capability net_bind_service, capability setgid, capability setuid, /data/www/safe/* r, deny /data/www/unsafe/* r, } divingbell-profile-2: | #include /usr/sbin/profile-2 { #include #include #include capability dac_override, capability dac_read_search, capability net_bind_service, capability setgid, capability setuid, /data/www/safe/* r, deny /data/www/unsafe/* r, }" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apparmor _test_apparmor_profile_added divingbell-profile-1 profile-1 _test_apparmor_profile_added divingbell-profile-2 profile-2 echo '[SUCCESS] apparmor test2 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" #Test3 - check profile-2 removed, profile-1 still exist echo "conf: apparmor: complain_mode: true profiles: divingbell-profile-1: | #include /usr/sbin/profile-1 { #include #include #include capability dac_override, capability dac_read_search, capability net_bind_service, capability setgid, capability setuid, /data/www/safe/* r, deny /data/www/unsafe/* r, }" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apparmor _test_apparmor_profile_added divingbell-profile-1 profile-1 _test_apparmor_profile_removed divingbell-profile-2 profile-2 echo '[SUCCESS] apparmor test3 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" #Test4 - check for bad profile input echo "conf: apparmor: profiles: divingbell-profile-3: | #include /usr/sbin/profile-3 { bad data }" > "${overrides_yaml}" install_base "--values=${overrides_yaml}" get_container_status apparmor expect_failure _test_clog_msg 'AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/divingbell-profile-3 in profile /etc/apparmor.d/divingbell-profile-3 at line 3: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ID, expecting TOK_MODE' echo '[SUCCESS] apparmor test4 passed successfully' >> "${TEST_RESULTS}" } # initialization init_default_state # run tests if [[ -z $SKIP_BASE_TESTS ]]; then install_base test_sysctl test_limits test_perm test_mounts test_ethtool test_uamlite test_apt test_exec test_apparmor fi purge_containers test_overrides # restore initial state init_default_state echo "All tests pass for ${NAME}"