From 236e109f950200023b9bebbafa66bf4c47ab146f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Drew Walters <>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 22:12:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add development guide

This change moves the development guide from to It also updates
some content to reference Airship 2.

Change-Id: Icb3474de2cd22e34221f62e1c0a228770fc89cd1
Signed-off-by: Drew Walters <>
 doc/source/develop/index.rst | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/source/develop/index.rst b/doc/source/develop/index.rst
index c9d2132..eba0520 100644
--- a/doc/source/develop/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/develop/index.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,256 @@
 Develop Airship
+Thank you for your interest in Airship. Our community is eager to help you
+contribute to the success of our project and welcome you as a member of our
+We invite you to reach out to us at any time via the `Airship mailing list`_ or
+on our `Slack workspace`_.
+Welcome aboard!
+.. _Airship mailing list:
+.. _Slack workspace:
+Getting Started - Airship 2 Development
+Development is underway on Airship 2: the educated evolution of Airship 1,
+designed with our experience using Airship in production. Airship 2 makes the
+Airship control plane ephemeral, leverages entrenched upstream projects such as
+the `Cluster API`_, `Metal Kubed`_, Kustomize_, and `kubeadm`_, and embraces
+Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). To learn more about the Airship
+2.0 evolution, see the `Airship 2 evolution blog series`_.
+Each Airship 2 project has its own development guidelines. Join the ongoing Airship 2
+development by referencing the `airshipctl`_ or the `airshipui`_ documentation.
+.. _airshipctl:
+.. _Airship 2 evolution blog series:
+.. _airshipui:
+.. _Cluster API:
+.. _kubeadm:
+.. _Kustomize:
+.. _Metal Kubed:
+Getting Started - Airship 1 Development
+Airship 1 is a collection of open source tools that automate cloud provisioning
+and management. Airship provides a declarative framework for defining and
+managing the life cycle of open infrastructure tools and the underlying
+hardware. These tools include OpenStack for virtual machines, Kubernetes for
+container orchestration, and MaaS for bare metal, with planned support for
+OpenStack Ironic.
+Improvements are still made Airship 1 daily, and we welcome additional
+contributors. We recommend that new contributors begin by reading the
+high-level architecture overview included in our `treasuremap`_ documentation.
+The architectural overview introduces each Airship component, their core
+responsibilities, and their integration points.
+.. _treasuremap:
+Deep Dive
+Each Airship component is accompanied by its own documentation that provides an
+extensive overview of the component. With so many components, it can be
+challenging to find a starting point.
+We recommend the following:
+Try an Airship environment
+Airship provides two single-node environments for demo and development purpose.
+`Airship-in-a-Bottle`_ is a set of reference documents and shell scripts that
+stand up a full Airship environment with the execution of a script.
+`Airskiff`_ is a light-weight development environment bundled with a set of
+deployment scripts that provides a single-node Airship environment. Airskiff
+uses minikube to bootstrap Kubernetes, so it does not include Drydock, MaaS, or
+Additionally, we provide a reference architecture for easily deploying a
+smaller, demo site.
+`Airsloop`_ is a fully-authored Airship site that can be quickly deployed as a
+baremetal, demo lab.
+.. _Airship-in-a-Bottle:
+.. _Airskiff:
+.. _Airsloop:
+Focus on a component
+When starting out, focusing on one Airship component allows you to become
+intricately familiar with the responsibilities of that component and understand
+its function in the Airship integration. Because the components are modeled
+after each other, you will also become familiar with the same patterns and
+conventions that all Airship components use.
+Airship source code lives in the `OpenDev Airship namespace`_. To clone an
+Airship project, execute the following, replacing `<component>` with the name
+of the Airship component you want to clone.
+.. code-block bash::
+  git clone<component>.git
+Refer to the component's documentation to get started. A list of each
+component's documentation is listed below for reference:
+    * `Armada`_
+    * `Deckhand`_
+    * `Divingbell`_
+    * `Drydock`_
+    * `Pegleg`_
+    * `Promenade`_
+    * `Shipyard`_
+.. _OpenDev Airship namespace:
+.. _Armada:
+.. _Deckhand:
+.. _Divingbell:
+.. _Drydock:
+.. _Pegleg:
+.. _Promenade:
+.. _Shipyard:
+Testing Changes
+Testing of Airship changes can be accomplished several ways:
+    #. Standalone, single component testing
+    #. Integration testing
+    #. Linting, unit, and functional tests/linting
+.. note:: Testing changes to charts in Airship repositories is best
+    accomplished using the integration method describe below.
+Standalone Testing
+Standalone testing of Airship components, i.e. using an Airship component as a
+Python project, provides the quickest feedback loop of the three methods and
+allows developers to make changes on the fly. We recommend testing initial code
+changes using this method to see results in real-time.
+Each Airship component written in Python has pre-requisites and guides for
+running the project in a standalone capacity. Refer to the documentation listed
+    * `Armada`_
+    * `Deckhand`_
+    * `Drydock`_
+    * `Pegleg`_
+    * `Promenade`_
+    * `Shipyard`_
+Integration Testing
+While each Airship component supports individual usage, Airship components
+have several integration points that should be exercised after modifying
+We maintain several environments that encompass these integration points:
+    #. `Airskiff`_: Integration of Armada, Deckhand, Shipyard, and Pegleg
+    #. `Airship-in-a-Bottle Multinode`: Full Airship integration
+For changes that merely impact software delivery components, exercising a full
+Airskiff deployment is often sufficient. Otherwise, we recommend using the
+Airship-in-a-Bottle Multinode environment.
+Each environment's documentation covers the process required to build and test
+component images.
+.. _Airskiff:
+.. _Airship-in-a-Bottle Multinode:
+    airship-in-a-bottle/tree/tools/multi_nodes_gate/README.rst
+Final Checks
+Airship projects provide Makefiles to run unit, integration, and functional
+tests as well as lint Python code for PEP8 compliance and Helm charts for
+successful template rendering. All checks are gated by Zuul before a change can
+be merged. For more information on executing these checks, refer to
+project-specific documentation.
+Third party CI tools, such as Jenkins, report results on Airship-in-a-Bottle
+patches. These can be exposed using the "Toggle CI" button in the bottom
+left-hand page of any gerrit change.
+Pushing code
+Airship uses the `OpenDev gerrit`_ for code review. Refer to the `OpenStack
+Contributing Guide`_ for a tutorial on submitting changes to Gerrit code
+.. _OpenDev gerrit:
+.. _OpenStack Contributing Guide:
+Next steps
+Upon pushing a change to gerrit, Zuul continuous integration will post job
+results on your patch. Refer to the job output by clicking on the job itself to
+determine if further action is required. If it's not clear why a job failed,
+please reach out to a team member in IRC. We are happy to assist!
+Assuming all continuous integration jobs succeed, Airship community members and
+core developers will review your patch and provide feedback. Many patches are
+submitted to Airship projects each day. If your patch does not receive feedback
+for several days, please reach out using IRC or the Airship mailing list.
+Merging code
+Like most OpenDev projects, Airship patches require two +2 code review votes
+from core members to merge. Once you have addressed all outstanding feedback,
+your change will be merged.
+Congratulations! After your first change merges, please keep up-to-date with
+the team. We hold two weekly meetings for project and design discussion:
+Our weekly #airshipit IRC meeting provides an opportunity to discuss project
+Our weekly design call provides an opportunity for in-depth discussion of new
+and existing Airship features.
+For more information on the times of each meeting, refer to the `Airship
+.. _Airship wiki:
 .. toctree::
+   :hidden:
    :maxdepth: 3