# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. BUILD_DIR := $(shell mkdir -p build && mktemp -d -p build) DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= quay.io IMAGE_NAME ?= drydock IMAGE_PREFIX ?= airshipit IMAGE_TAG ?= latest HELM := $(shell realpath $(BUILD_DIR))/helm UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE ?= DISTRO ?= ubuntu_jammy DISTRO_ALIAS ?= ubuntu_jammy PROXY ?= http://proxy.foo.com:8000 NO_PROXY ?= localhost,,.svc.cluster.local USE_PROXY ?= false PUSH_IMAGE ?= false # use this variable for image labels added in internal build process LABEL ?= org.airshipit.build=community COMMIT ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) IMAGE ?= ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO} IMAGE_ALIAS := ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE_PREFIX}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}-${DISTRO_ALIAS} export # Build all docker images for this project images: build_drydock # Run an image locally and exercise simple tests run_images: build_drydock run_drydock # Run tests tests: pep8 security docs unit_tests test_baclient # Run unit and Postgres integration tests in coverage mode coverage_test: build_drydock tox -re cover # Run just unit tests unit_tests: tox -re py38 $(TESTS) # Run just DB integration tests db_integration_tests: tox -re integration $(TESTS) # Freeze full set of Python requirements req_freeze: tox -re freeze # Run the drydock container and exercise simple tests run_drydock: tools/drydock_image_run.sh # It seems CICD expects the target 'drydock' to # build the chart drydock: charts # Create tgz of the chart charts: helm-init $(HELM) dep up charts/drydock $(HELM) package charts/drydock # Perform Linting lint: pep8 helm_lint # Dry run templating of chart dry-run: helm-init $(HELM) template --set manifests.secret_ssh_key=true --set conf.ssh.private_key=foo charts/drydock # Initialize local helm config helm-init: helm-install tools/helm_tk.sh $(HELM) # Install helm binary helm-install: tools/helm_install.sh $(HELM) # Make targets intended for use by the primary targets above. build_drydock: export; tools/drydock_image_build.sh ifneq ($(DISTRO), $(DISTRO_ALIAS)) docker tag $(IMAGE) $(IMAGE_ALIAS) ifeq ($(DOCKER_REGISTRY), localhost:5000) docker push $(IMAGE_ALIAS) endif endif ifeq ($(DOCKER_REGISTRY), localhost:5000) docker push $(IMAGE) endif ifeq ($(PUSH_IMAGE), true) docker push $(IMAGE) endif # Make target for building bootaction signal client build_baclient: ./tools/baclient_build.sh $(shell realpath go) $(shell realpath ${BUILD_DIR}) touch ./baclient_built # Make target for testing bootaction signal client test_baclient: build_baclient GOPATH=$(shell realpath go) GO111MODULE=off go test -v baclient docs: clean drydock_docs security: tox -e bandit drydock_docs: render_diagrams genpolicy genconfig tox -e docs render_diagrams: plantuml -v -tpng -o ../source/images doc/diagrams/*.uml genpolicy: tox -e genpolicy genconfig: tox -e genconfig clean: rm -rf build rm -rf doc/build rm -rf charts/drydock/charts rm -rf charts/drydock/requirements.lock pep8: tox -e pep8 helm_lint: helm-init $(HELM) dep up charts/drydock $(HELM) lint charts/drydock .PHONY: build_baclient build_drydock charts clean coverage_test \ db_integration_tests docs drydock drydock_docs dry-run genconfig \ genpolicy helm-init helm-install helm_lint images lint pep8 \ render_diagrams req_freeze run_drydock run_images security \ test_baclient tests unit_tests