This PS implements the following changes: - switches freeze approach to requirements-direct.txt and requirements-frozen.txt files - adjusts code tabulation style according to yapf recommendations - replaces deprecated usage of responce.body attribute with responce.text - fixes integration tests in controlled by Makefile + tox - uplifts Helm to v3.9.4 Change-Id: I751db72eb8f670825382f11a36657112faeb169a
Drydock Model
Object models for the drydock design parts and subparts. We use oslo.versionedobjects as the supporting library for object management to support RPC and versioned persistence.
Drydock supports inheritance in the design data model.
Currently this only supports BaremetalNode inheriting from HostProfile and HostProfile inheriting from HostProfile.
Inheritance rules:
- A child overrides a parent for part and subpart attributes
- For attributes that are lists, the parent list and child list are merged.
- A child can remove a list member by prefixing the value with '!'
- For lists of subparts (i.e. HostInterface and HostPartition) if there is a member in the parent list and child list with the same name (as defined by the get_name() method), the child member inherits from the parent member. The '!' prefix applies here for deleting a member based on the name.
Phased Data
The source of the data in a object instance can be one of three types.
- Designed - This is data directly ingested by Drydock representing a design part (Site, HostProfile, etc...) supplied by an external source
- Compiled - This is designed data that has been processed through the Drydock inheritance / merge system. It is the effective design that will be implemented.
- Build - This is the result of actual implementation. It should basically match the compiled view of the model, but might have some additional information only available after implementation.