Add airship/election

Modeled after and modified the StarlingX election repository
for Airship reference and use, per the Airship governance
This commit is contained in:
Matt McEuen 2019-06-10 12:48:21 -05:00
parent 807470f356
commit f6d624de40
10 changed files with 140 additions and 225 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

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@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
- build-openstack-docs-pti
- publish-stx-election
- publish-airship-election

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@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
This repository contains StarlingX Elections reference documents
This repository contains Airship Elections reference documents
and tooling to run elections.
Election officials process
The StarlingX election process is currently run manually by the election
The Airship election process is currently run manually by the election
officials. We are considering to move to automated steps once the process is
TSC Elections
TS Elections
Selecting Election Dates
@ -35,59 +35,59 @@ As early as possible but at least a month before election starts:
* Update Release Schedule
Preferably a couple of weeks before election starts
* Send 'TSC Election Season' email
* Send 'TC Election Season' email
TSC Candidacy Round
TC Candidacy Round
When TSC Candidacy starts:
* Send 'TSC Nominations Kickoff' email
When TC Candidacy starts:
* Send 'TC Nominations Kickoff' email
During the TSC Candidacy round:
During the TC Candidacy round:
* To +2 a candidate:
* check candidate is a contributor
* check candidate is a contributor or has otherwise demonstrated committment to Airship
* check filename is email address
* cursory check the candidacy statement
* check the affiliation information is in commit message
* To +Workflow, check the previous +2 details
A couple of days before the candidacy submission ends:
* Send 'TSC Nominations Last Days' email
* Send 'TC Nominations Last Days' email
When TSC Candidacy submission ends:
* Send 'TSC End Nominations' email
When TC Candidacy submission ends:
* Send 'TC End Nominations' email
Once the email deadline is reached:
* Ask the TSC secretary to tag the governance repository
* Ask the TC secretary to tag the governance repository
* Generate the electorate rolls
TSC Election Round
TC Election Round
When TSC Election begins:
When TC Election begins:
* Create CIVS page
* Enable detailed ballot reporting
* Upload rolls
* Send 'TSC Voting Kickoff' Email
* Send 'TC Voting Kickoff' Email
A couple of days before the TSC Election ends:
* Send 'TSC Voting Last Days' email
A couple of days before the TC Election ends:
* Send 'TC Voting Last Days' email
When TSC Election ends:
When TC Election ends:
* Close the election
* Choose the winners based on the available seats accumulating the affiliation
requirement being no more than 2 members affiliated to the same company
* Send 'TSC Results' email
* Send 'TC Results' email
* Update reference/members in governance repository
* Add new members to starlingx/governance/src/branch/master/reference/tsc/members
* Add new members to airship/governance/src/branch/master/reference/tc/members
* Commit change & push review
* [Optional]Send 'TSC Election Statistics'
* [Optional]Send 'TC Election Statistics'
PL/TL Elections
Working Committee Elections

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ before here are a few tips to help you:
get elected
* There is no perfect nomination, make sure you include all talking points
you would be interested to read in others'
* Don't forget to send the text to the starlingx-discuss mailing list as well
* Don't forget to send the text to the airship-discuss mailing list as well
* For examples and inspiration you can look into the election candidacy folder
of OpenStack:

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
My name is Dean Troyer and I am nominating myself for election to the StarlingX
Technical Steering Committee. I have been a long-time OpenStack contributor,
I am the current PTL for OpenStackClient and a past member of the OpenStack
Technical Committee.
I have been working on StarlingX since the beginning of the open-sourcing
effort in January 2018, preparing the large codebase to be released and
analyzing and reconciling the changes made to upstream OpenStack. Since
the initial public release in May 2018 I have worked on establishing the
community infrastructure, and adapting processes and tools from OpenStack
to fit the needs of StarlingX.
I would like to see StarlingX evolve to unlock more of the potential in the
additional 'flock' services and make them available outside the narrow
environment of a fully-integrated distro. This not only increases the value
of these services but makes it easier to evaluate and adopt them without
requiring the entire stack.
I also see value in separating some of the components of StarlingX as an aid
to engaging new contributors. The current requirements for building the
system discourage all but the most motivated contributions. One of the
priorities for the TSC is to grow the community of both contributors and
deployers/operators. This is one of the specific things that StarlingX is
being evaluated on for the final confirmation as a top-level project in the
OpenStack Foundation.
I would be honored to continue serving the StarlingX community on the Technical
Steering Committee as we head into our second year as a community-driven project.
Thank you

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Ian Jolliffe: Candidate for StarlingX TSC Election
Affiliation: Wind River Systems
StarlingX is an exciting and growing project with which I have had the honor and
privilege to contribute to from its launch. I am a founding member of the TSC
and over the past year I have helped facilitate the TSC, welcome new members and
help guide the project from a technical perspective. I am a frequent speaker at
industry events on the values of StarlingX and share my passion for edge
computing widely. I see edge as having the ability to transform people's lives
through transformation of technology used in health care and transportation -
StarlingX is a big part of making that happen.
I have contributed to OPNFV and other open source projects over the years. I
have a deep technical knowledge of distributed computing and optimization of
edge focused solutions. I have helped out in the Edge Computing talk selection
committee for the last summit and will have volunteered to do so again for
I was honored and humbled to receive a community award at the last summit, for
my contributions to the StarlingX project - [0]
On the TSC I would have a few areas of focus:
Continue to advocate for the 4 Open model of development. Help the project pass
the graduation criteria from the pilot phase as defined by the OpenStack
foundation. My goal is to champion and contribute to increasing test focus and
culture of the project around test. This area is so important to the health of
any open source project (well any project actually). This will help new
developers contribute more easily and the project to grow the contribution base
and speed of development. We had a good discussion at the PTG in Denver a few
weeks ago. I plan on working with the community to find ways we can better
leverage Zuul and other projects to accelerate the project and increase quality
of the code.
I am focused on growing the community, maintaining the technical relevance of
the project and continuing StarlingX's journey to a diverse and thriving open
source project. I value the contributions of the OpenStack Foundation and their
guidance is something that has helped the project on our journey to graduate the
pilot phase.
Thank you for your consideration for me to continue as a contributor to the TSC
and the Starling X project overall.

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
My name is Wang Hao and I am nominating myself for election to the StarlingX
Technical Steering Committee. I have been a contributor in OpenStack since
2013 and now is the PTL of Zaqar project.
I'm an newbie in here but I have started to learn those projects and tried
my best to do contribution for several months. StarlingX is a very
important open source project in the Edge area and I firmly believe we
can do much amazing works in here. I, also my colleagueswill involve
StarlingX more in future and bring this project into more use-cases in
China market.
I also would like to introduce StarligX to more Chinese developers and
encourage more contributors to join us to build this project more powerful.
This is one of the most important guarantees for healthy growth of StarlingX
I think.
It's a fantastic experience working with this team and I would be
pleased to serve as TSC to push on StarlingX better in 2019.
Thank you all

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@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'StarlingX Election'
copyright = u'2019, StarlingX'
project = u'Airship Election'
copyright = u'2019, Airship'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ modindex_common_prefix = []
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'starlingxdocs'
html_theme = 'governance'
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
html_theme_options = {
'display_global_toc_section': False,
'root_title': 'StarlingX Governance'
'root_title': 'Airship Governance'
# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ html_theme_path = ['_themes']
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
# "<project> v<release> documentation".
html_title = 'StarlingX Governance'
html_title = 'Airship Governance'
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
#html_short_title = None
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ latex_elements = {
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'Governance.tex', 'StarlingX Governance Documents',
u'StarlingX TSC', 'manual'),
('index', 'Governance.tex', 'Airship Governance Documents',
u'Airship TC', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ man_pages = [
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
('index', 'Governance', u'StarlingX Governance Documents',
u'StarlingX TSC', 'Governance', 'One line description of project.',
('index', 'Governance', u'Airship Governance Documents',
u'Airship TC', 'Governance', 'One line description of project.',
@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ texinfo_documents = [
# -- Options for Epub output ---------------------------------------------------
# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
epub_title = u'StarlingX Election'
epub_author = u'StarlingX Election Officials'
epub_publisher = u'StarlingX'
epub_copyright = u'2019, StarlingX'
epub_title = u'Airship Election'
epub_author = u'Airship Election Officials'
epub_publisher = u'Airship'
epub_copyright = u'2019, Airship'
# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
# or en if the language is not set.

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@ -1,31 +1,38 @@
StarlingX Election
Airship Elections
| Events | Start Date | End Date |
| TSC Nominations | May 26, 2019 23:45 UTC | June 2, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| TC Nominations | June 12, 2019 23:45 UTC | June 19, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| TSC Campaign | June 2, 2019 23:45 UTC | June 9, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| TC Campaign | June 19, 2019 23:45 UTC | June 26, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| TSC Election | June 9, 2019 23:45 UTC | June 16, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| TC Election | June 26, 2019 23:45 UTC | July 3, 2019 23:45 UTC |
| WC Nominations | TBD | TBD |
| WC Campaign | TBD | TBD |
| WC Election | TBD | TBD |
See `Election system`_, `PLTL details`_ and `TSC details`_.
See `Election system`_, `TC details`_ and `WC details`_.
Election Officials
* Bruce E Jones (), bruce.e.jones at intel dot com
* Ildiko Vancsa (ildikov), ildiko at openstack dot org
* Bill Zvonar (), Bill.Zvonar at windriver dot com
* Matt McEuen (mattmceuen), madgin at madgin dot net
* Chris Hoge (hogepodge), chris at openstack dot org
* Alan Meadows (alanmeadows), alan.meadows at gmail dot com
* Rodolfo Pacheco (jezogwza), jezogwza at gmail dot com
For any questions, please contact officials by mail or over irc at
#starlingx Freenode channel.
#airshpit Freenode channel.
.. _Election system:
@ -38,27 +45,75 @@ Elections will be held using CIVS and a Condorcet algorithm
.. _TC details:
Technical Committee election
Elected Positions
Under the rules of the Airship `Governance`_, we need to elect 5 TC seats for this
election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.
* Technical Committee member - 5 positions.
The electorate for this election are the individuals who earned the contributor
The electorate for this election are the individuals who earned the Contributor
status some time in the past 12 months prior to the nomination period starts as
defined by the `TSC charter`_ document.
defined by the Airship `Governance`_ document.
The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit, > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email,
prior to May 31, 2019 00:00 UTC deadline so that the emailed ballots are mailed
to the correct email address.
The electorate is expected to abide by the following general resolution:
Any member of an election electorate can propose their candidacy for the same
election. Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
starlingx/election repository. See documentation below.
Anyone who has demonstrated a committment to Airship (community building,
communications, or has had code merged to the Airship project repositories)
within the last 12 months is eleigible to run for the Technical Committee,
as specified in the Airship `Governance`_ document.
Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
airship/election repository. The file must be placed in
The commit message for the patch must contain the candidate's current
affiliation (company name or 'independent').
The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit.
See above `How to submit a candidacy`_ documentation.
.. _WC details:
Working Committee election
Under the rules of the Airship `Governance`_, we need to elect 5 Working Committee
seats for this election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.
* Technical Committee member - 5 positions.
The electorate for this election the Core Reviewers on the Airship projects at the
time of the election.
Any Contributor can propose their candidacy.
Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
airship/election repository. The file must be placed in
The commit message for the patch must contain the candidate's current
affiliation (company name or 'independent').
The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit.
See above `How to submit a candidacy`_ documentation.
.. _How to submit a candidacy:
@ -71,15 +126,15 @@ encouraged to submit their own candidacy to gerrit, although where
appropriate, others may submit a candidacy for those who have already
self-nominated by other means.
If you are not already familiar with StarlingX development workflow, see this
more detailed documentation:
If you are not already familiar with the Airship/OpenStack development workflow,
see this more detailed documentation:
Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the starlingx/election
Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the airship/election
repository. Here are the required steps:
* Clone the election repository:
git clone ; cd election
git clone ; cd election
* Create a new file
containing the candidate statement.
@ -95,57 +150,13 @@ repository. Here are the required steps:
* Submit your candidacy: git review
For example Dana Developer (ddev on IRC) would compose a platform in a file
named "candidates/2019_H1/fault/pl/dana\" to submit a PL candidacy
for the Fault Management project elections.
named "candidates/2019/TC/dana\" to submit a TC candidacy
for the 2019 election.
After the candidacy is submitted to gerrit, verification and approval will
be performed by elections officials, followed by an update to the approved
candidate list.
.. _TSC details:
Technical Steering Committee's election
Elected Positions
Under the rules of the `TSC charter`_, we need to renew 5 TSC seats for this
election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.
* Technical Steering Committee member - 5 positions.
The electorate for this election are the individuals who earned the contributor
status some time in the past 12 months prior to the nomination period starts as
defined by the `TSC charter`_ document.
Any individual contributor can propose their candidacy.
Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
starlingx/election repository. The file must be placed in
The commit message for the patch must contain the candidate's current
affiliation (company name or 'independent').
The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit.
See above `How to submit a candidacy`_ documentation.
.. _PLTL details:
Project Leads' and Technical Leads' election
.. seealso::
See the `Election Officiating Guidelines`_ page in the wiki for details on the
@ -153,5 +164,4 @@ TBD
.. _Election Officiating Guidelines:
.. _Governance_TieBreaking:
.. _TSC charter:
.. _official project teams:
.. _Governance:

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
name = starlingx-election
summary = StarlingX Election Documents
name = airship-election
summary = Airship Election Documents
description-file = README.rst
author = StarlingX Election Officials
author-email =
home-page =
author = Airship Election Officials
author-email =
home-page =
classifier =
Environment :: StarlingX
Environment :: Airship
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Intended Audience :: System Administrators
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License