from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import ast import itertools import os import re from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase from datetime import datetime, timedelta from kubernetes import client, config from import ApiException DOCUMENTATION = ''' callback: hostconfig_k8_cr_status callback_type: aggregate requirements: - whitelist in configuration short_description: Adds status field to CR object version_added: "1.0" description: - This callback module update the status field in the HostConfig CR object with each task status. ''' class CallbackModule(CallbackBase): """ This callback module updates the status field in the HostConfig CR object with each task status. """ CALLBACK_VERSION = 1.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'aggregate' CALLBACK_NAME = 'hostconfig_k8_cr_status' CALLBACK_NEEDS_WHITELIST = True # Initailize the kubernetes api object and class variables def __init__(self): super(CallbackModule, self).__init__() config.load_incluster_config() self.custom_api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi() self.api_instance = client.CoreV1Api() self.host_config_status = dict() self.ansible_summary = dict() self.start_time = datetime.utcnow() # Defines which tasks status to skip in the CR object status self.skip_status_tasks = [ "debug", "k8s_status", "local_action", "set_fact", "k8s_info", "lineinfile", "include_role", "file" ] # Intializing the variable manager and host variables # Also initializes with the CR object name and namespace def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play): self.vm = play.get_variable_manager() self.host_vars = self.vm.get_vars()['hostvars'] self.hostConfigName = self.host_vars['localhost']['ansible_operator_meta']['name'] self.namespace = self.host_vars['localhost']['ansible_operator_meta']['namespace'] # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # unreachable state def runner_on_unreachable(self, host, result): self.v2_runner_on_unreachable(result) # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # failed state def runner_on_failed(self, host, result, ignore_errors=False): self.v2_runner_on_failed(result, ignore_errors=False) # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # ok state def runner_on_ok(self, host, res): self.v2_runner_on_ok(result) # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # unreachable state in ansible v2 version def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result): self.set_host_config_status(result, False, True) return # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # failed state in ansible v2 version def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): self.set_host_config_status(result, True, False) return # This function is triggered when a certain task fails with # ok state in ansible v2 version def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result): hostname = if result._task_fields["action"] in self.skip_status_tasks: # Even if the task is set skip if the # "set_cr_status" task variable is defined # then the task status will be updated in the CR object. if "vars" in result._task_fields.keys() and \ "set_cr_status" in \ result._task_fields["vars"].keys() and \ result._task_fields["vars"]["set_cr_status"]: self.set_host_config_status(result) return return self.set_host_config_status(result) return # Builds the hostConfigStatus object, which is used to update the CR # The hostConfigStatus is updated based on the task status def set_host_config_status(self, result, failed=False, unreachable=False): hostname = task_name = result.task_name task_result = result._result status = dict() host_vars = self.host_vars[hostname] k8_hostname = '' if '' in host_vars.keys(): k8_hostname = host_vars[''] else: k8_hostname = hostname if k8_hostname not in self.host_config_status.keys(): self.host_config_status[k8_hostname] = dict() if task_name in self.host_config_status[k8_hostname].keys(): status[task_name] = self.host_config_status[k8_hostname][task_name] status[task_name] = dict() check_keys = ["stdout", "stderr", "msg"] for key in check_keys: if key in task_result.keys() and task_result[key] != "": status[task_name][key] = task_result[key] # If the task executes in for loop; collecting # the results of each iteration if 'results' in task_result.keys() and \ len(task_result['results']) != 0: status[task_name]['results'] = list() check_keys_res = [ "stdout", "stderr", "msg", "module_stdout", "module_stderr", "item" ] for i in range(len(task_result['results'])): res = task_result['results'][i] stat = dict() stat[task_name] = dict() key = result._task.get_vars()['item']['key'] value = result._task.get_vars()['item']['value'][i] stat[task_name][key] = value for key in check_keys_res: if key in res.keys() and res[key]: stat[task_name][key] = res[key] if 'failed' in res.keys() and res['failed']: stat[task_name]['status'] = "Failed" elif 'unreachable' in res.keys() and res['unreachable']: stat[task_name]['status'] = "Unreachable" else: stat[task_name]['status'] = "Successful" if "vars" in result._task_fields.keys() and \ "cr_status_vars" in \ result._task_fields["vars"].keys(): for var in result._task_fields["vars"]["cr_status_vars"]: if var in res.keys(): stat[task_name][var] = res[var] if "ansible_facts" in res.keys() and \ var in res["ansible_facts"].keys(): stat[task_name][var] = res["ansible_facts"][var] stat_list = list() stat_list.append(stat) status[task_name]['results'].append(stat_list) if failed: status[task_name]['status'] = "Failed" elif unreachable: status[task_name]['status'] = "Unreachable" else: status[task_name]['status'] = "Successful" if "vars" in result._task_fields.keys() and \ "cr_status_vars" in result._task_fields["vars"].keys(): for var in result._task_fields["vars"]["cr_status_vars"]: if var in task_result.keys(): status[var] = task_result[var] if "ansible_facts" in task_result.keys() and \ var in task_result["ansible_facts"].keys(): status[var] = task_result["ansible_facts"][var] if result._task.get_first_parent_include() and \ result._task.get_first_parent_include().name in \ self.host_config_status[k8_hostname].keys(): parent_task = result._task.get_first_parent_include().name for i in range(len(self.host_config_status[k8_hostname][parent_task]['results'])): res = self.host_config_status[k8_hostname][parent_task]['results'][i] task_details = dict() key = result._task.get_vars()['item']['key'] for j in range(len(res)): resitem = res[j] for k, v in resitem.items(): if k == parent_task: task_details = resitem[parent_task][key] value = result._task.get_vars()['_ansible_item_label'] if task_details == value: self.host_config_status[k8_hostname][parent_task]['results'][i].append(status) break if status[task_name]['status'] != "Successful": self.host_config_status[k8_hostname][parent_task]['status'] = \ status[task_name]['status'] else: self.host_config_status[k8_hostname].update(status) self._display.display(str(status)) return # Determines the iterations completed and further updates the CR object # not to schedule further itertations if the reconcile-iterations or # reconcile-interval is met def update_reconcile_status(self): cr_obj = self.get_host_config_cr() annotations = self.host_vars['localhost']\ ['_hostconfig_airshipit_org_hostconfig']\ ['metadata']['annotations'] reconcile_status = dict() if "" in annotations.keys(): iterations = 0 pre_iter = None if 'reconcileStatus' in cr_obj['status'].keys() and \ 'completed_iterations' in \ cr_obj['status']['reconcileStatus'].keys(): pre_iter = cr_obj['status']['reconcileStatus']\ ['completed_iterations'] # Checks if the reconcile-interval or period is specified if "" in annotations.keys(): # Calculates the iterations based on the reconcile-interval # This executes for the very first iteration only if pre_iter is None: interval = annotations[""] period = annotations[""] iterations = self.get_iterations_from_interval( interval, period) reconcile_status['total_iterations'] = iterations elif 'total_iterations' in \ cr_obj['status']['reconcileStatus'].keys(): iterations = cr_obj['status']['reconcileStatus']\ ['total_iterations'] else: reconcile_status['msg'] = "Unable to retrieve "+\ "total iterations to be executed." return reconcile_status if isinstance(iterations, str) \ and "greater than or equal to" in iterations: reconcile_status['msg'] = iterations return reconcile_status elif isinstance(iterations, str) and \ "format not specified" in iterations: reconcile_status['msg'] = iterations return reconcile_status elif "" \ in annotations.keys(): iterations = annotations[""] else: reconcile_status['msg'] = "Reconcile iterations or interval "+\ "not specified. Running simple reconcile." return reconcile_status if int(iterations) <= 1: reconcile_status['msg'] = "Reconcile iterations or interval "+\ "should have iterations more than 1. "+\ "Running simple reconcile." return reconcile_status # If any host fails execution the iteration is not counted if self.check_failed_hosts(): if pre_iter is not None: reconcile_status['completed_iterations'] = pre_iter reconcile_status['total_iterations'] = iterations reconcile_status['msg'] = "One or More Hosts Failed, "+\ "so not considering reconcile." return reconcile_status if pre_iter is None: pre_iter = 0 current_iter = int(pre_iter)+1 reconcile_status['total_iterations'] = iterations reconcile_status['completed_iterations'] = current_iter if int(current_iter) == int(iterations)-1: cr_obj["metadata"]["annotations"]\ [""] = "0" self.custom_api_instance.patch_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1alpha1", plural="hostconfigs", name=self.hostConfigName, namespace=self.namespace, body=cr_obj) reconcile_status['msg'] = "Running reconcile based "+\ "on reconcile-period. Updated the CR to stop "+\ "running reconcile again." return reconcile_status elif int(current_iter) == int(iterations): del reconcile_status['total_iterations'] del reconcile_status['completed_iterations'] reconcile_status['msg'] = "Running reconcile completed. "+\ "Total iterations completed are "+str(current_iter) return reconcile_status reconcile_status['msg'] = "Running reconcile based on "+\ "reconcile-period." else: reconcile_status['msg'] = "No reconcile annotations specified." return reconcile_status def check_failed_hosts(self): if len(self.ansible_summary["failures"].keys()) > 0 or \ len(self.ansible_summary["unreachable"].keys()) > 0 or \ len(self.ansible_summary["rescued"].keys()) > 0: return True return False # Determines the reconcile iteration from the reconcile-interval specified def get_iterations_from_interval(self, interval, period): endsubstring = ['h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns'] try: if not interval.endswith(tuple(endsubstring)) or \ not period.endswith(tuple(endsubstring)): return "Reconcile parameters format not \ specified appropriately!!" regex = re.compile(r'((?P\d+?)h)?((?P\d+?)m)?((?P\d+?)s)?((?P\d+?)ms)?((?P\d+?)us)?((?P\d+?)ns)?') interval_re = regex.match(interval) period_re = regex.match(period) period_dict = dict() interval_dict = dict() for key, value in period_re.groupdict().items(): if value: period_dict[key] = int(value) for key, value in interval_re.groupdict().items(): if value: interval_dict[key] = int(value) inter = timedelta(**interval_dict) peri = timedelta(**period_dict) if inter.seconds >= peri.seconds: return int(inter/peri) else: return "The reconcile-interval should be greater than or "+\ "equal to reconcile-period!!" except Exception as e: return "Reconcile parameters format not specified appropriately!!" # Calculates the minutes, days and seconds from the execution time def days_hours_minutes_seconds(self, runtime): minutes = (runtime.seconds // 60) % 60 r_seconds = runtime.seconds % 60 return runtime.days, runtime.seconds // 3600, minutes, r_seconds # Computes the execution time taken for the playbook to complete def execution_time(self, end_time): runtime = end_time - self.start_time return "Playbook run took %s days, %s hours, %s minutes, %s seconds" % (self.days_hours_minutes_seconds(runtime)) # Triggered when the playbook execution is completed def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): self.playbook_on_stats(stats) return # Triggered when the playbook execution is completed # This function updates the CR object with the tasks # status and reconcile status def playbook_on_stats(self, stats): end_time = datetime.utcnow() summary_fields = [ "ok", "failures", "dark", "ignored", "rescued", "skipped", "changed" ] for field in summary_fields: stat = stats.__dict__[field] status = dict() if 'localhost' in stat.keys(): del stat['localhost'] for key, value in stat.items(): if '' in self.host_vars[key].keys(): status[self.host_vars[key]['']] = \ value else: status[key] = value if field == "dark": self.ansible_summary["unreachable"] = status else: self.ansible_summary[field] = status # Gets the reconcile status for the current execution reconcile_status = self.update_reconcile_status() cr_status = dict() self.ansible_summary["completion_timestamp"] = end_time self.ansible_summary["execution_time"] = self.execution_time(end_time) cr_status['ansibleSummary'] = self.ansible_summary cr_obj = self.get_host_config_cr() # If the current status has not executed on some hosts # updates those details from the with previous iterations status if 'hostConfigStatus' in cr_obj['status'].keys(): status = cr_obj['status']['hostConfigStatus'] for key, value in status.items(): if key not in self.host_config_status and key != "localhost": self.host_config_status[key] = value cr_obj['status']['hostConfigStatus'] = self.host_config_status cr_status['reconcileStatus'] = reconcile_status cr_obj['status'].update(cr_status) self._display.display("Updating CR Status with below object!!") self._display.display(str(cr_status)) resp = self.custom_api_instance.\ replace_namespaced_custom_object_status( group="", version="v1alpha1", plural="hostconfigs", name=self.hostConfigName, namespace=self.namespace, body=cr_obj) self._display.display("Response from KubeAPI server after "+\ "sending status update request") self._display.display(str(resp)) return # Returns the HostConfig CR object # based on the CR object name and namespace def get_host_config_cr(self): return self.custom_api_instance.\ get_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1alpha1", namespace=self.namespace, plural="hostconfigs", name=self.hostConfigName)