{{- $drydock_url := tuple "physicalprovisioner" "public" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup" }} {{- if not (empty .Values.conf.drydock.bootaction_url) }} {{- $drydock_url = .Values.conf.drydock.bootaction_url }} {{- end }} #cloud-config debconf_selections: maas: | {{ "{{" }}for line in str(curtin_preseed).splitlines(){{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}line{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}endfor{{ "}}" }} early_commands: {{ "{{" }}if third_party_drivers and driver{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}py: key_string = ''.join(['\\x%x' % x for x in driver['key_binary']]){{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['key_binary'] and driver['repository'] and driver['package']{{ "}}" }} driver_00_get_key: /bin/echo -en '{{ "{{" }}key_string{{ "}}" }}' > /tmp/maas-{{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}.gpg driver_01_add_key: ["apt-key", "add", "/tmp/maas-{{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}.gpg"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['repository']{{ "}}" }} driver_02_add: ["add-apt-repository", "-y", "deb {{ "{{" }}driver['repository']{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}node.get_distro_series(){{ "}}" }} main"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['package']{{ "}}" }} driver_03_update_install: ["sh", "-c", "apt-get update --quiet && apt-get --assume-yes install {{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['module']{{ "}}" }} driver_04_load: ["sh", "-c", "depmod && modprobe {{ "{{" }}driver['module']{{ "}}" }} || echo 'Warning: Failed to load module: {{ "{{" }}driver['module']{{ "}}" }}'"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}else{{ "}}" }} driver_00: ["sh", "-c", "echo third party drivers not installed or necessary."] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} late_commands: {{ "{{" }}py: def find_ba_key(n): tag_prefix = "%s__baid" % n.hostname for t in n.tag_names(): if t.startswith(tag_prefix): prefix, ba_key = t.split('__baid__') return ba_key return False {{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}py: ba_key = find_ba_key(node){{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}py: ba_units_url = ''.join([{{ quote $drydock_url }},'/bootactions/nodes/',node.hostname,'/units']){{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}py: ba_files_url = ''.join([{{ quote $drydock_url }},'/bootactions/nodes/',node.hostname,'/files']){{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if ba_key{{ "}}" }} drydock_00: ["sh", "-c", "echo Installing Drydock Boot Actions."] drydock_01: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "wget", "--no-proxy", "--no-check-certificate", "--header=X-Bootaction-Key: {{ "{{" }}ba_key{{ "}}" }}", "{{ "{{" }}ba_units_url{{ "}}" }}", "-O", "/tmp/bootaction-units.tar.gz"] drydock_02: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "wget", "--no-proxy", "--no-check-certificate", "--header=X-Bootaction-Key: {{ "{{" }}ba_key{{ "}}" }}", "{{ "{{" }}ba_files_url{{ "}}" }}", "-O", "/tmp/bootaction-files.tar.gz"] drydock_03: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "tar --owner=root -xPzvf /tmp/bootaction-units.tar.gz > /tmp/bootaction-unit-names.txt"] drydock_04: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "tar --owner=root -xPzvf /tmp/bootaction-files.tar.gz > /tmp/bootaction-file-names.txt"] drydock_05: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "xargs -a /tmp/bootaction-unit-names.txt -n 1 basename > /tmp/bootaction-unit-basenames.txt || echo 'Did not run basenames on units'"] drydock_06: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "xargs -a /tmp/bootaction-unit-basenames.txt -n 1 systemctl enable || echo 'Did not enable SystemD units'"] drydock_07: ["sh", "-c", "echo Following SystemD units installed and enabled:"] drydock_08: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "cat", "/tmp/bootaction-unit-basenames.txt"] drydock_09: ["sh", "-c", "echo Following files installed on deployed node:"] drydock_10: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "cat", "/tmp/bootaction-file-names.txt"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} maas: [wget, '--no-proxy', {{ "{{" }}node_disable_pxe_url|escape.json{{ "}}" }}, '--post-data', {{ "{{" }}node_disable_pxe_data|escape.json{{ "}}" }}, '-O', '/dev/null'] {{ "{{" }}if third_party_drivers and driver{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['key_binary'] and driver['repository'] and driver['package']{{ "}}" }} driver_00_key_get: curtin in-target -- sh -c "/bin/echo -en '{{ "{{" }}key_string{{ "}}" }}' > /tmp/maas-{{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}.gpg" driver_02_key_add: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "apt-key", "add", "/tmp/maas-{{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}.gpg"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}if driver['repository']{{ "}}" }} driver_03_add: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "add-apt-repository", "-y", "deb {{ "{{" }}driver['repository']{{ "}}" }} {{ "{{" }}node.get_distro_series(){{ "}}" }} main"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} driver_04_update_install: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "apt-get", "update", "--quiet"] {{ "{{" }}if driver['package']{{ "}}" }} driver_05_install: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "apt-get", "-y", "install", "{{ "{{" }}driver['package']{{ "}}" }}"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} driver_06_depmod: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "depmod"] driver_07_update_initramfs: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "update-initramfs", "-u"] {{ "{{" }}endif{{ "}}" }} {{- range $k, $v := .Values.conf.curtin.late_commands }} {{ dict $k $v | toYaml | trim | indent 2 }} {{- end }} showtrace: true swap: size: 0 verbosity: 2 {{- if not (empty .Values.conf.maas.system_user) }} {{- if not (empty .Values.conf.maas.system_passwd) }} write_files: # Create cloud-init config that configures the 'root' user as the # default user instead of 'centos'. # Additionally, enables password authentication for this user. userconfig: path: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/00-user.cfg content: | ssh_pwauth: yes disable_root: false system_info: default_user: name: {{ .Values.conf.maas.system_user | squote }} lock_passwd: false plain_text_passwd: {{ .Values.conf.maas.system_passwd | squote }} {{- end }} {{- end }}