Alexander Hughes c8c419bf90 Uplift Promenade version in Pegleg requirements
Gates are currently failing due to some python requirement conflicts
in Deckhand and Promenade.  Promenade was updated in [0] to address
these.  Uplifting Pegleg's version of Promenade to resolve gate

Additional minor fixes:
- Some formatting addressed in Pipfile to remove duplicated entries
  ex: oslo.utils and oslo-utils
- Update the commits of Deckhand Promenade and Shipyard used in
  building the Docker image


Change-Id: I370e89f9bdd23eaf2ecddec25ace5cc82f2046d7
Signed-off-by: Alexander Hughes <>
2020-06-10 12:46:22 +00:00

39 lines
1018 B

name = "pypi"
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
pytest = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"
testfixtures = "*"
pytest-xdist = "*"
requests = ">=2.20.0"
urllib3 = ">=1.24.3"
chardet = ">=3.0.4"
flake8 = "*"
yapf = "~=0.28.0"
hacking = ">=1.1.0"
flake8-import-order = ">=0.18.1"
bandit = ">=1.6.0"
click = ">=6.7"
jsonschema = "~=2.6.0"
cryptography = "~=2.3.1"
python-dateutil = "~=2.7.3"
GitPython = "~=2.1.11"
docker = ">=3.7.2"
PyYAML = "~=5.1"
deckhand = {git = "",ref = "e7ba6828a0a1ca27fae596f6e0ee5a857f28001d"}
shipyard-client = {git = "",ref = "70410cc478e6aec4abad88c84d68684edfedb376",subdirectory = "src/bin/shipyard_client"}
promenade = {git = "",ref = "b1f00852e3630612cd9279a1ff84fe9b4edda830"}
"oslo.i18n" = "~=3.24.0"
"oslo.utils" = "~=3.40.2"
six = "~=1.11.0"
debtcollector = "~=1.22.0"
zipp = "~=1.2.0"
python_version = "3.6"