Arbitrary labels could be added as `make` parameter `LABEL=`, which is used in att-comdev/cicd Jenkins pipelines. Sample parameter: 'LABEL=org.label-schema.vcs-url=${GERRIT_CHANGE_URL} \ --label org.label-schema.base-image=${base_sha256}' Sample usage: See Jenkinsfile files under images/ directory in att-comdev/cicd repo. In addition to that, if `COMMIT` variable is undefined when invoking `make`, we use result of `git rev-parse HEAD` command, which should output latest git commit ID. [0] https://github.com/att-comdev/cicd Change-Id: I97fd1c44c31a8a815cc6873c5fd9de8e772ea226
Pegleg is a document aggregator that provides early linting and validations via Deckhand, a document management micro-service within Airship.
Pegleg supports local and remote Git repositories. Remote repositories can be cloned using a variety of protocols -- HTTP(S) or SSH. Afterward, specific revisions within those repositories can be checked out, their documents aggregated, linted, and passed to the rest of Airship for orchestration, allowing document authors to manage their site definitions using version control.
Find more documentation for Pegleg on Read the Docs.
Core Responsibilities
- aggregation - Aggregates all documents required for site deployment across multiple Git repositories, each of which can be used to maintain separate document sets in isolation
- linting - Configurable linting checks documents for common syntactical and semantical mistakes
Getting Started
For more detailed installation and setup information, please refer to the Getting Started guide.
Integration Points
Pegleg has the following integration points:
Further Reading