Felipe Monteiro 893ea9f4bb Standardize Pegleg directory structure
This patch set standardizes the Pegleg directory
structure because of the following reasons:

1) src/bin/pegleg is not necessary and only makes
building (e.g. documentation building) and running
of tox targets unnecessarily difficult.
2) src/bin/pegleg is a Java-like standard that
bears no relevance to Python.

Change-Id: I37d39d3d6186b92f8fbfe234221c9e44da48cf10
2018-09-23 10:33:40 -04:00

312 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import atexit
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import click
from pegleg import config
from pegleg.engine import exceptions
from pegleg.engine import util
__all__ = ('process_repositories', 'process_site_repository')
_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG = ("The repository %s must be in the form of "
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _clean_temp_folders():
for r in __REPO_FOLDERS.values():
shutil.rmtree(r, ignore_errors=True)
def process_repositories(site_name):
"""Process and setup all repositories including ensuring we are at the
right revision based on the site's own site-definition.yaml file.
:param site_name: Site name for which to clone relevant repos.
# Only tracks extra repositories - not the site (primary) repository.
extra_repos = []
site_repo = process_site_repository()
# Retrieve extra repo data from site-definition.yaml files.
site_data = util.definition.load_as_params(
site_name, primary_repo_base=site_repo)
site_def_repos = _get_and_validate_site_repositories(site_name, site_data)
# Dict mapping repository names to associated URL/revision info for clone.
repo_overrides = _process_repository_overrides(site_def_repos)
if not site_def_repos:'No repositories found in site-definition.yaml for site: %s. '
'Defaulting to specified repository overrides.', site_name)
site_def_repos = repo_overrides
# Extract user/key that we will use for all repositories.
repo_key = config.get_repo_key()
repo_user = config.get_repo_username()
for repo_alias in site_def_repos.keys():
if repo_alias == "site":
LOG.warning("The primary site repository path must be specified "
"via the -r flag. Ignoring the provided "
"site-definition entry: %s",
# Extract URL and revision, prioritizing overrides over the defaults in
# the site-definition.yaml.
if repo_alias in repo_overrides:
repo_path_or_url = repo_overrides[repo_alias]['url']
repo_revision = repo_overrides[repo_alias]['revision']
repo_path_or_url = site_def_repos[repo_alias]['url']
repo_revision = site_def_repos[repo_alias]['revision']
# If a repo user is provided, do the necessary replacements.
if repo_user:
if "REPO_USERNAME" not in repo_path_or_url:
"A repository username was specified but no REPO_USERNAME "
"string found in repository url %s", repo_path_or_url)
repo_path_or_url = repo_path_or_url.replace(
'REPO_USERNAME', repo_user)"Processing repository %s with url=%s, repo_key=%s, "
"repo_username=%s, revision=%s", repo_alias, repo_path_or_url,
repo_key, repo_user, repo_revision)
temp_extra_repo = _copy_to_temp_folder(repo_path_or_url, repo_alias)
temp_extra_repo = _handle_repository(
temp_extra_repo, ref=repo_revision, auth_key=repo_key)
# Overwrite the site repo and extra repos in the config because further
# processing will fail if they contain revision info in their paths.
LOG.debug("Updating site_repo=%s extra_repo_list=%s in config", site_repo,
def process_site_repository(update_config=False):
"""Process and setup site repository including ensuring we are at the right
revision based on the site's own site-definition.yaml file.
:param bool update_config: Whether to update Pegleg config with computed
site repo path.
# Retrieve the main site repository and validate it.
site_repo_or_path = config.get_site_repo()
if not site_repo_or_path:
raise ValueError("Site repository directory (%s) must be specified" %
repo_path_or_url, repo_revision = _extract_repo_url_and_revision(
temp_site_repo = _copy_to_temp_folder(repo_path_or_url, "site")
_process_site_repository(temp_site_repo, repo_revision)
if update_config:
# Overwrite the site repo in the config because further processing will
# fail if they contain revision info in their paths.
LOG.debug("Updating site_repo=%s in config", temp_site_repo)
return temp_site_repo
def _process_site_repository(repo_url_or_path, repo_revision):
"""Process the primary or site repository located at ``repo_url_or_path``.
Also validate that the provided ``repo_url_or_path`` is a valid Git
repository. If ``repo_url_or_path`` doesn't already exist, clone it.
If it does, extra the appropriate revision and check it out.
:param repo_url_or_path: Repo URL and associated auth information. E.g.:
* ssh://REPO_USERNAME@<GERRIT_URL>:29418/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* https://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* http://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* same values as above without @<ref>
repo_alias = 'site' # We are processing the site repo necessarily.
repo_key = config.get_repo_key()
repo_user = config.get_repo_username()"Processing repository %s with url=%s, repo_key=%s, "
"repo_username=%s, revision=%s", repo_alias, repo_url_or_path,
repo_key, repo_user, repo_revision)
_handle_repository(repo_url_or_path, ref=repo_revision, auth_key=repo_key)
def _get_and_validate_site_repositories(site_name, site_data):
"""Validate that repositories entry exists in ``site_data``."""
if 'repositories' not in site_data:"The repository for site_name: %s does not contain a "
"site-definition.yaml with a 'repositories' key. Ensure "
"your repository is self-contained and doesn't require "
"extra repositories for correct rendering." % site_name)
return site_data.get('repositories', {})
def _copy_to_temp_folder(repo_path_or_url, repo_alias):
"""Helper to ensure that local repos remain untouched by Pegleg processing.
This is accomplished by copying local repos into temp folders.
if os.path.exists(repo_path_or_url):
repo_name = util.git.repo_name(repo_path_or_url)
new_temp_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), repo_name)
norm_path, sub_path = util.git.normalize_repo_path(repo_path_or_url)
shutil.copytree(src=norm_path, dst=new_temp_path, symlinks=True)
__REPO_FOLDERS.setdefault(repo_name, new_temp_path)
return os.path.join(new_temp_path, sub_path)
return repo_path_or_url
def _process_repository_overrides(site_def_repos):
"""Process specified repository overrides via the CLI ``-e`` flag.
This will resolve ``-e`` site CLI arguments and override the corresponding
values in the relevant :file:`site-definition.yaml`, if applicable.
For example, given CLI override of::
-e global=/opt/global@foo
And site-definition.yaml ``repositories`` value of::
revision: bar
url: /opt/global
Then the resulting dictionary that is returned will be::
{"global": {"url": "/opt/global", "revision": "foo"}}
:param site_def_repos: Dictionary of ``repositories`` field included
in relevant :file:`site-definition.yaml`.
:returns: Dictionary with above format.
# Extra repositories to process.
provided_repo_overrides = config.get_extra_repo_store()
# Map repository names to the associated URL/revision for cloning.
repo_overrides = {}
for repo_override in provided_repo_overrides:
# break apart global=repoUrl
repo_alias, repo_url_or_path = repo_override.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG % repo_override)
if repo_alias == "site":
LOG.warning("The primary site repository path must be specified "
"via the -r flag. Ignoring the provided override: %s",
if repo_alias not in site_def_repos:
# If we are overriding a value that doesn't exist in the
# site-definition.yaml make a note of it in case the override
# is something bogus, but we won't make this a hard requirement,
# so just log the discrepancy.
LOG.debug("Repo override: %s not found under `repositories` for "
"site-definition.yaml. Site def repositories: %s",
repo_override, ", ".join(site_def_repos.keys()))
repo_url, revision = _extract_repo_url_and_revision(repo_url_or_path)
# store what we've learned
repo_overrides.setdefault(repo_alias, {})
repo_overrides[repo_alias]['url'] = repo_url
repo_overrides[repo_alias]['revision'] = revision
return repo_overrides
def _extract_repo_url_and_revision(repo_path_or_url):
"""Break up repository path/url into the repo URL and revision.
:param repo_path_or_url: Repo URL and associated auth information. E.g.:
* ssh://REPO_USERNAME@<GERRIT_URL>:29418/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* https://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* http://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* same values as above without @<ref>
# they've forced a revision using @revision - careful not to confuse
# this with auth
revision = None
if '@' in repo_path_or_url:
# extract revision from repo URL or path
repo_url_or_path, revision = repo_path_or_url.rsplit('@', 1)
revision = revision[:-1] if revision.endswith('/') else revision
repo_url_or_path = repo_path_or_url
except Exception:
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG % repo_path_or_url)
return repo_url_or_path, revision
def _handle_repository(repo_url_or_path, *args, **kwargs):
"""Clone remote remote (if ``repo_url_or_path`` is a remote URL) and
checkout specified reference .
return util.git.git_handler(repo_url_or_path, *args, **kwargs)
except exceptions.GitException as e:
raise click.ClickException(e)
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('Unknown exception was raised during git clone/checkout:'
' %s', e)
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(e)