Rick Bartra e3d37db45e Allow the repository clone path to be specified in the CLI
As it currently stands, Pegleg clones site repositories into the /tmp
directory. Even if the site repository already exists in the /tmp
directory it is still cloned there which results in wasted disk space.

This commit allows users to pass in a `clone_path` (-p) option to Pegleg
CLI commands that specify where to clone a site repository. If the clone
path matches the path of an existing repository, then a error message is
logged stating so. If the repository already exists in the clone path, the
user can either specify to use that local repo by passing it as the site
repository or they proceed by passing in a different clone path.

This commit also updates the logic that deletes the copy of the repo that
is created in the temporary folder to also delete the parent folder that
contains the copied repo. This scenario happens when using a local
repository as the site repository.

Addionally, this commit adds a cleanup fixture that removes files and
directories created in the temporary folder by the unit tests.

Change-Id: I1b2943493b8f201f337ea60006c009973dd941b3
2018-10-20 15:21:07 -04:00

324 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import atexit
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import click
from pegleg import config
from pegleg.engine import exceptions
from pegleg.engine import util
__all__ = ('process_repositories', 'process_site_repository')
_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG = ("The repository %s must be in the form of "
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _clean_temp_folders():
for r in __REPO_FOLDERS.values():
shutil.rmtree(r, ignore_errors=True)
def process_repositories(site_name):
"""Process and setup all repositories including ensuring we are at the
right revision based on the site's own site-definition.yaml file.
:param site_name: Site name for which to clone relevant repos.
# Only tracks extra repositories - not the site (primary) repository.
extra_repos = []
site_repo = process_site_repository()
# Retrieve extra repo data from site-definition.yaml files.
site_data = util.definition.load_as_params(
site_name, primary_repo_base=site_repo)
site_def_repos = _get_and_validate_site_repositories(site_name, site_data)
# Dict mapping repository names to associated URL/revision info for clone.
repo_overrides = _process_repository_overrides(site_def_repos)
if not site_def_repos:'No repositories found in site-definition.yaml for site: %s. '
'Defaulting to specified repository overrides.', site_name)
site_def_repos = repo_overrides
# Extract user/key that we will use for all repositories.
repo_key = config.get_repo_key()
repo_user = config.get_repo_username()
for repo_alias in site_def_repos.keys():
if repo_alias == "site":
LOG.warning("The primary site repository path must be specified "
"via the -r flag. Ignoring the provided "
"site-definition entry: %s",
# Extract URL and revision, prioritizing overrides over the defaults in
# the site-definition.yaml.
if repo_alias in repo_overrides:
repo_url_or_path = repo_overrides[repo_alias]['url']
repo_revision = repo_overrides[repo_alias]['revision']
repo_url_or_path = site_def_repos[repo_alias]['url']
repo_revision = site_def_repos[repo_alias]['revision']
# If a repo user is provided, do the necessary replacements.
if repo_user:
if "REPO_USERNAME" not in repo_url_or_path:
"A repository username was specified but no REPO_USERNAME "
"string found in repository url %s", repo_url_or_path)
repo_url_or_path = repo_url_or_path.replace(
'REPO_USERNAME', repo_user)"Processing repository %s with url=%s, repo_key=%s, "
"repo_username=%s, revision=%s", repo_alias, repo_url_or_path,
repo_key, repo_user, repo_revision)
temp_extra_repo = _process_repository(repo_url_or_path, repo_revision)
# Overwrite the site repo and extra repos in the config because further
# processing will fail if they contain revision info in their paths.
LOG.debug("Updating site_repo=%s extra_repo_list=%s in config", site_repo,
def process_site_repository(update_config=False):
"""Process and setup site repository including ensuring we are at the right
revision based on the site's own site-definition.yaml file.
:param bool update_config: Whether to update Pegleg config with computed
site repo path.
# Retrieve the main site repository and validate it.
site_repo_or_path = config.get_site_repo()
if not site_repo_or_path:
raise ValueError("Site repository directory (%s) must be specified" %
repo_url_or_path, repo_revision = _extract_repo_url_and_revision(
new_repo_path = _process_repository(repo_url_or_path, repo_revision)
if update_config:
# Overwrite the site repo in the config because further processing will
# fail if they contain revision info in their paths.
LOG.debug("Updating site_repo=%s in config", new_repo_path)
return new_repo_path
def _process_repository(repo_url_or_path, repo_revision):
"""Process a repository located at ``repo_url_or_path``.
:param str repo_url_or_path: Path to local repo or URL of remote URL.
:param str repo_revision: branch, commit or ref in the repo to checkout.
if os.path.exists(repo_url_or_path):
repo_name = util.git.repo_name(repo_url_or_path)
parent_temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
__REPO_FOLDERS.setdefault(repo_name, parent_temp_path)
new_temp_path = os.path.join(parent_temp_path, repo_name)
norm_path, sub_path = util.git.normalize_repo_path(repo_url_or_path)
shutil.copytree(src=norm_path, dst=new_temp_path, symlinks=True)
__REPO_FOLDERS.setdefault(repo_name, new_temp_path)
git_repo_path = _process_site_repository(new_temp_path, repo_revision)
return os.path.join(git_repo_path, sub_path)
repo_url, sub_path = util.git.normalize_repo_path(repo_url_or_path)
git_repo_path = _process_site_repository(repo_url, repo_revision)
return os.path.join(git_repo_path, sub_path)
def _process_site_repository(repo_url_or_path, repo_revision):
"""Process the primary or site repository located at ``repo_url_or_path``.
Also validate that the provided ``repo_url_or_path`` is a valid Git
repository. If ``repo_url_or_path`` doesn't already exist, clone it.
If it does, extract the appropriate revision and check it out.
:param repo_url_or_path: Repo path or URL and associated auth information.
If URL, examples include:
* ssh://REPO_USERNAME@<GERRIT_URL>:29418/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* https://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* http://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* same values as above without @<ref>
:param str repo_revision: branch, commit or ref in the repo to checkout.
repo_alias = 'site' # We are processing the site repo necessarily.
repo_key = config.get_repo_key()
repo_user = config.get_repo_username()"Processing repository %s with url=%s, repo_key=%s, "
"repo_username=%s, revision=%s", repo_alias, repo_url_or_path,
repo_key, repo_user, repo_revision)
return _handle_repository(
repo_url_or_path, ref=repo_revision, auth_key=repo_key)
def _get_and_validate_site_repositories(site_name, site_data):
"""Validate that repositories entry exists in ``site_data``."""
if 'repositories' not in site_data:"The repository for site_name: %s does not contain a "
"site-definition.yaml with a 'repositories' key. Ensure "
"your repository is self-contained and doesn't require "
"extra repositories for correct rendering." % site_name)
return site_data.get('repositories', {})
def _process_repository_overrides(site_def_repos):
"""Process specified repository overrides via the CLI ``-e`` flag.
This will resolve ``-e`` site CLI arguments and override the corresponding
values in the relevant :file:`site-definition.yaml`, if applicable.
For example, given CLI override of::
-e global=/opt/global@foo
And site-definition.yaml ``repositories`` value of::
revision: bar
url: /opt/global
Then the resulting dictionary that is returned will be::
{"global": {"url": "/opt/global", "revision": "foo"}}
:param site_def_repos: Dictionary of ``repositories`` field included
in relevant :file:`site-definition.yaml`.
:returns: Dictionary with above format.
# Extra repositories to process.
provided_repo_overrides = config.get_extra_repo_store()
# Map repository names to the associated URL/revision for cloning.
repo_overrides = {}
for repo_override in provided_repo_overrides:
# break apart global=repoUrl
repo_alias, repo_url_or_path = repo_override.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG % repo_override)
if repo_alias == "site":
LOG.warning("The primary site repository path must be specified "
"via the -r flag. Ignoring the provided override: %s",
if repo_alias not in site_def_repos:
# If we are overriding a value that doesn't exist in the
# site-definition.yaml make a note of it in case the override
# is something bogus, but we won't make this a hard requirement,
# so just log the discrepancy.
LOG.debug("Repo override: %s not found under `repositories` for "
"site-definition.yaml. Site def repositories: %s",
repo_override, ", ".join(site_def_repos.keys()))
repo_url, revision = _extract_repo_url_and_revision(repo_url_or_path)
# store what we've learned
repo_overrides.setdefault(repo_alias, {})
repo_overrides[repo_alias]['url'] = repo_url
repo_overrides[repo_alias]['revision'] = revision
return repo_overrides
def _extract_repo_url_and_revision(repo_url_or_path):
"""Break up repository path/url into the repo URL and revision.
:param repo_url_or_path: Repo URL and associated auth information. E.g.:
* ssh://REPO_USERNAME@<GERRIT_URL>:29418/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* https://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* http://<GERRIT_URL>/aic-clcp-manifests.git@<ref>
* same values as above without @<ref>
# they've forced a revision using @revision - careful not to confuse
# this with auth
revision = None
if '@' in repo_url_or_path:
# extract revision from repo URL or path
repo_url_or_path, revision = repo_url_or_path.rsplit('@', 1)
revision = revision[:-1] if revision.endswith('/') else revision
if revision.endswith(".git"):
revision = revision[:-4]
repo_url_or_path = repo_url_or_path
except Exception:
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(_INVALID_FORMAT_MSG % repo_url_or_path)
return repo_url_or_path, revision
def _handle_repository(repo_url_or_path, *args, **kwargs):
"""Clone remote remote (if ``repo_url_or_path`` is a remote URL) and
checkout specified reference .
# Retrieve the clone path where the repo will be cloned
clone_path = config.get_clone_path()
return util.git.git_handler(repo_url_or_path, clone_path=clone_path,
*args, **kwargs)
except exceptions.GitException as e:
raise click.ClickException(e)
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception('Unknown exception was raised during git clone/checkout:'
' %s', e)
# TODO(felipemonteiro): Use internal exceptions for this.
raise click.ClickException(e)