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Ceph-utility Container

The Ceph utility container enables Operations to check the state/stats of Ceph resources in the Kubernetes cluster. This utility container enables Operations to perform restricted administrative activities without exposing the credentials or keyring.

Generic Docker Makefile

This is a generic make and dockerfile for the Ceph utility container. This can be used to create docker images using different Ceph releases and Ubuntu releases


   make CEPH_RELEASE=<release_name> UBUNTU_RELEASE=<release_name>


  1. Create a docker image for the Ceph Luminous release on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04).
       make CEPH_RELEASE=luminous UBUNTU_RELEASE=xenial
  1. Create a docker image for the Ceph Mimic release on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04).
       make CEPH_RELEASE=mimic UBUNTU_RELEASE=xenial
  1. Create a docker image for the Ceph Luminous release on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04).
       make CEPH_RELEASE=luminous UBUNTU_RELEASE=bionic
  1. Create a docker image for the Ceph Mimic release on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04).
       make CEPH_RELEASE=mimic UBUNTU_RELEASE=bionic
  1. Get into the utility pod using kubectl exec. Perform an operation on the Ceph cluster as in the following example.


   utilscli ceph osd tree
   utilscli rbd ls
   utilscli rados lspools