--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: auxiliary-etcd namespace: kube-system labels: application: kubernetes component: auxiliary-etcd promenade: genesis spec: hostNetwork: true containers: {%- with etcd_name = 'auxiliary-0', client_port = 12379, peer_port = 12380 %} {% include "genesis-etcd/server-container.yaml" with context %} {%- endwith %} {%- with etcd_name = 'auxiliary-1', client_port = 22379, peer_port = 22380 %} {% include "genesis-etcd/server-container.yaml" with context %} {%- endwith %} - name: monitor image: {{ config['Genesis:images.kubernetes.etcdctl'] }} command: - /bin/sh - -c - |- set -x external_member_count () { etcdctl member list \ | grep '\bstarted\b' \ | grep -Ev "\\b(auxiliary-0|auxiliary-1)\\b" \ | wc -l } remove_if_possible () { MEMBER_NAME=$1 MEMBER_ID=$(etcdctl member list | grep "${MEMBER_NAME}" | awk -F ', ' '{ print $1 }') if [ -n "${MEMBER_ID}" ]; then etcdctl member remove $MEMBER_ID sleep 10 fi } auxiliary_threshold="{{ config.get_first('Genesis:etcd.auxiliary_threshold', default=3) }}" # NOTE(sh8121att): If there are enough (a fully resilient contigent) non-auxiliary members, # then we are ready to remove the auxiliary members. Otherwise, wait. while [ ! "$(external_member_count)" -ge "$auxiliary_threshold" ]; do sleep 30 done # NOTE(mark-burnett): Failures beyond this point are unexpected, but # should be recovered by restarting this container. set -e sleep 600 # make a switch to permanent etcd cluster ENDPOINTS=$(etcdctl member list | awk -F ',' '$3 ~! /auxiliary/ { if (output != "") output=output","$5; else output=$5} END {gsub(/ /, "", output); print output}' | sed 's/\//\\\//g') sed -i "/- name: ETCD_ENDPOINTS/{n;s/value: .*/value: \"$ENDPOINTS\"/}" /manifests/kubernetes-apiserver.yaml remove_if_possible auxiliary-0 remove_if_possible auxiliary-1 rm -rf \ /var/lib/etcd/auxiliary-0 \ /var/lib/etcd/auxiliary-1 \ /manifests/auxiliary-kubernetes-etcd.yaml sleep 10000 env: - name: ETCDCTL_API value: '3' - name: ETCDCTL_DIAL_TIMEOUT value: 3s - name: ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS value: - name: ETCDCTL_CACERT value: /etc/etcd/pki/client-ca.pem - name: ETCDCTL_CERT value: /etc/etcd/pki/etcd-client.pem - name: ETCDCTL_KEY value: /etc/etcd/pki/etcd-client-key.pem volumeMounts: - name: all-etcd-data mountPath: /var/lib/etcd - name: pki-auxiliary-0 mountPath: /etc/etcd/pki - name: manifest mountPath: /manifests volumes: {%- with etcd_name = 'auxiliary-0', client_port = 12379, peer_port = 12380, volume_name = 'auxiliary-0' %} {% include "genesis-etcd/common-volumes.yaml" with context %} {%- endwith %} {%- with etcd_name = 'auxiliary-1', client_port = 22379, peer_port = 22380, volume_name = 'auxiliary-1' %} {% include "genesis-etcd/common-volumes.yaml" with context %} {%- endwith %} - name: manifest hostPath: path: /etc/kubernetes/manifests - name: all-etcd-data hostPath: path: /var/lib/etcd ...