Jerome Brette 5232d17a2a Update Dockerfile to allow override of FROM variable
l is to let user customize the base image of the component
by passing FROM=myimage during the build process. This would let any
project leveraging Airship ensure that the base image is matching the
security requirements for that project and still use the same Dockerfile.
This will also ease the control of the /etc/apt/source.list
and thereby the result of apt-get update/upgrade procedure.
2. The above goal is achievable by using docker-ce feature such as:
ARG FROM="defaultbaseimage:xx"
For this reason, the installation of in the Zuul gating is beeing
replaced by docker-ce.
3. Third Goal is to bring consistency with the other compoenents leveraging
Helm such as the openstack-helm and potentially use bindep the same way
the LOCI images are to ensure
4. The new syntax in the Dockerfile is still commented out until the associated
image builder have been updated to use docker-ce as they have been for the LOCI

Change-Id: Ie5ae836221dc3cb9bdafc6e5e6670f914d3d1bb4
2018-07-24 21:11:35 +00:00

100 lines
2.8 KiB

- hosts: all
- include_vars: vars.yaml
- name: Install Docker (Debian)
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- file:
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
- /etc/docker/
- /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
- /var/lib/docker/
- mount:
path: /var/lib/docker/
src: tmpfs
fstype: tmpfs
opts: size=25g
state: mounted
- copy: "{{ item }}"
- content: "{{ docker_daemon | to_json }}"
dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json
- src: files/docker-systemd.conf
dest: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
- apt_key:
- apt_repository:
repo: deb http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/deb-docker xenial stable
- apt:
name: "{{ item }}"
allow_unauthenticated: True
- docker-ce
- python-pip
- pip:
name: docker
version: 2.7.0
# NOTE(SamYaple): Allow all connections from containers to host so the
# containers can access the http server for git and wheels
- iptables:
action: insert
chain: INPUT
in_interface: docker0
jump: ACCEPT
become: True
- name: Debug tag generation inputs
- debug:
var: publish
- debug:
var: tags
- debug:
var: zuul
- debug:
msg: "{{ tags | to_json }}"
- name: Determine tags
shell: echo '{{ tags | to_json }}' | python {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/tools/
BRANCH: "{{ zuul.branch }}"
CHANGE: "{{ zuul.change }}"
COMMIT: "{{ zuul.newrev }}"
PATCHSET: "{{ zuul.patchset }}"
register: image_tags
- name: Debug computed tags
var: image_tags
- name: Docker login
password: "{{ airship_promenade_quay_creds.password }}"
username: "{{ airship_promenade_quay_creds.username }}"
registry_url: ""
become: True
when: publish
- name: Build (and push) images
- docker_image:
name: ""
dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
path: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}"
pull: false
push: "{{ publish }}"
tag: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ image_tags.stdout_lines }}"
- shell: "docker images"
register: docker_images
- debug:
var: docker_images
become: True