.. Copyright 2019 SUSE LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Multiple Distro Support ======================= This project builds images for Shipyard and Airflow components. Currently, it supports building images for ubuntu and opensuse ( leap 15.1 as base image). By default, Ubuntu images are built and are published to public registry server. Recently support for publishing opensuse image has also been added. If you need to build opensuse images locally, the following parameters can be passed to the *make* command in shipyard repository's root directory with *images* as target:: DISTRO: opensuse_15 DISTRO_BASE_IMAGE: "opensuse/leap:15.1" DOCKER_REGISTRY: { your_docker_registry } IMAGE_TAG: latest IMAGE_NAME: airflow PUSH_IMAGE: false Following is an example in command format to build and publish images locally. Command is run in shipyard repository's root directory. DISTRO=opensuse_15 DOCKER_REGISTRY={ your_docker_registry } \ IMAGE_NAME=airflow IMAGE_TAG=latest PUSH_IMAGE=true make images Following parameters need to be passed as environment/shell variable to make command: DISTRO parameter to identify distro specific Dockerfile, ubuntu_bionic (Default) DISTRO_BASE_IMAGE parameter to use different base image other than what's used in DISTRO specific Dockerfile (optional) DOCKER_REGISTRY parameter to specify local/internal docker registry if need to publish image (optional), quay.io (Default) IMAGE_TAG tag to be used for image built, untagged (Default) PUSH_IMAGE flag to indicate if images needs to be pushed to a docker registry, false (Default) This work is done as per approved spec `multi_distro_support`_. Currently only image building logic is enhanced to support multiple distro. Adding New Distro Support -------------------------- To add support for building images for a new distro, following steps can be followed. #. Shipyard uses images for shipyard and airflow. So to build images for those components, two Dockerfiles are required, one for each component. #. Add distro specific Dockerfile for each component which will have steps to include necessary packages and run environment configuration. Use existing Dockerfile as sample to identify needed packages and environment information. #. New dockerfile can be named as Dockefile.{DISTRO} where DISTRO is expected to be distro identifier which is passed to makefile. #. Respective dockerfile should be placed in {shipyard_root}/images/airflow and {shipyard_root}/images/shipyard #. Add check, gate, and post jobs for building, testing and publishing images. These entries need to be added in {shipyard_root}/.zuul.yaml file. Please refer to existing zuul file for better existing opensuse support. #. Add any relevant information to this document. .. _multi_distro_support: https://airship-specs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/specs/approved/airship_multi_linux_distros.html